Chapter 9 Victories and disappointments, part 46

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In the morning, we decided to go to Starbucks. R5 and 1D went home about half an hour ago. The house wasn’t a mess because of the party, just needed a little clean up. So, before we got started, 5SOS, Abby, Shann and I all went to get some coffees.

Just when we were about to go in, the door opened and two people walked out, accidentally hitting Abby in the face “ow” she moaned “sorr-Abby?” we all looked at the guy who opened the door and gasped. It was James! And stood next to him, not daring to face us, was… Brad. “Are you actually kidding me?” I grumbled “yeah, it’s me. Why are you so surprised?” Abby snapped “um… I don’t know… We haven’t seen each other in a while… hi everyone” James stuttered, then he turned and walked away, but Brad didn’t follow. By this time, Shann had told 5SOS to go inside, and when they finally agreed, she started to yell at the top of her voice “YOU ARE A LITTLE SHIT BRADLEY! WE WERE YOUR FRIENDS AND YOU HAVE BEEN TREATING US LIKE CRAP! JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN’T FUCKING GET OVER YOURSELF” Brad just stood there, and then turned to face her with a blank expression “Abby already had a go at me so why the hell are you wasting your breath?” he hissed sourly. Shannon marched over to him, even though he is MUCH taller than her, she held her ground and hissed back saying “because I can mess you up within seconds if you piss me off any more than you already have” Brad stood there for a second then shrugged “you act all tough, Hough, but when will you actually live up to anything but the little ginger with a big attitude” Shannon stared at him for a second, totally plain expression, giving us nothing. Then, her face showed pure rage, Abby and I both knew what she was about to do “Shann don’t!” we both yelled, but it was too late. Shann put up her hand and slapped Brad across the face as hard as she could. “How’s that bitch?” she sniggered, then turned and walked into Starbucks. “The fuck Shann!” Brad yelled after her. He opened the door and grabbed her arm and pulled her back outside. Abby and I both just watched, completely shocked. “Get off me” Shann yelled, trying to pull away “hey! Brad, let go of her” Ashton yelled, running out of Starbucks and trying to push him off her. “No! Why the hell did you slap me?” Brad yelled at Shannon, she was still trying to pull away as Ashton was trying to push Brad off, but he was too angry “you know why” Shann growled “let go Brad!” Abby yelled, running and trying to get Brad to let go, I joined them, but Brad only tightened his grip and Shann let out a scream of pain “stop it you’re hurting me!” she cried, Brad instantly let go with shock and regret written all over his face “I-I’m sorry” he stuttered. He then turned and ran away, faster than necessary. “You okay?” Ashton asked Shann “yeah… I’m fine” she muttered, she looked at the ground and tried to walk past him to get in Starbucks, but he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into a hug “liar” he mumbled into her hair. “Aww” Abby whispered to me and we both giggled. Considering what just happened, form what we could see, Shann looked really happy while hugging Ash. Then, I decided to do the ‘right’ thing “*cough* Tristan *cough*” I pretended to cough and Shann instantly pulled away “can we please all just go get some Starbucks?” she quickly asked, then turned and walked away before we could say anything, leaving Ashton a bit… puzzled. “I suggest you back off until Trishann are over” Abby said to him, then followed Shann inside. I shrugged at him, not knowing what to say, and finally walked in with him close behind.

I didn’t want to over think what just happened, but it still kept popping into my head. Did you see his face? Maybe he still cares… “Kate?” I zoned back into reality to see Luke looking at me a bit confused and worried “Mmm” I answered “are you thinking about Brad by any chance?” he guessed, I raised my eyebrows in shock “um… how did you know?” I asked, he shrugged and looked away “it’s not hard to guess” he muttered. I looked at him in disbelief. Was it really becoming that obvious that it was getting to me?

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