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I hug myself and hear the sound of people running. I close my eyes and wait for them to pass by. After a couple of minutes I relax and stand up from the ground. The area looking damaged as I observe my surroundings.

Bullet holes covering most of the trees and small dents made on the trash can. I walk up to the bench I had sat on earlier and stared down.
I shouldn't have came. We should've ignored the note. I aggressively kick the bench and feel the pain on my toes.

Standing there unfazed I let the pain subside. I continue to stand there until I decided to continue forward. Its dumb to dwell on the past. I fix my now rolled socks and run through the forest of trees. I hear screaming and quickly lay on the ground.

I crawl up to a nearby tree and lay on my back. My fingers now feeling the rough bark. I tilt my head slightly and look at the scene before me. I squinted my eyes and realized my best friends were getting involved. I looked forward again and hear whispering.

I crouch and see a figure not to far from my spot. They move out of the shadows slightly and I'm relieved to see his blonde hair. I look around and dart towards him. He opens his arms and gives me a warm hug.

I dig my head into the crook of his neck and soon realized something. I look up at his hair and see a lighter shade hiding underneath. I try to hide my fear and stay there frozen in place. His hug soon tightens and is now uncomfortable.

"It's alright, I'm here," his voice sounding nothing like Kurapika. He drags us both towards the group and I'm now able to see his face. I feel horrible, no disgusted. I thought another man was my husband. Before they could see us I later fall down onto the ground harshly.

Soft hands later touched my cheek as they tried to wake me up. "Y/N," he says worried. I open my eyes and quickly rush back to my hiding spot. Kurapika follows after me while dragging the unconscious man. He quickly checks for any wounds and holds me in his arms.

"Did they touch you," he continues asking. I shook my head and looked at the two boys. "We have to help them," I whispered. My bold statement making him widen his eyes. "I'll go help them, you stay here," he pulls out his gun and try's to move forward.

I hold him back and give him a glare. "And do what?... get kidnapped, stand and stare, faint from trauma." Now raising my voice, I grab Kurapikas pistol and point at the group. I don't know how to use a gun...but I have to at least hit of them if I miss.

I aim for the device in one of their hands and pull the trigger. The loud crack making a white noise as I furrow my brows. As if everything was in slow motion I could see everything playing out. Kurapika reaching towards me. Killua slamming his shoulder into someone.

Gon dodging a punch getting thrown at him. And the bullet traveling towards the device. Everything returned to its original pace and the person let out a cry as the bullet broke the remote. My entranced state was interrupted and I was held close to his chest.

"Okay, make sure to stay safe," he whispered and gave me a smile. I nod and we both run into the madness. "Y/N, KURAPIKA?!" The two yelled and ran up to us. Still staying alert as we stayed in a group. "Do you guys know these people?" Killua asked.

I shook my head and looked at Kurapika who stayed silent. "I know them, but I don't  particularly 'know' them," he explained. "They woke us up," Killua groaned, his tone sounding annoyed. I gave him a confused stare before looking back at the group whispering to each other.

Are they just going to stand there?? Where's the police? Is this a normal occurrence? The man from earlier had walked towards us. I look in the corner and see one of them dragging their unconscious friend. I guess they found him.

The man had looked at the blonde beside me and gave him an unfazed stare. "Kurapika, it's nice to see you again," I could feel him tense up as he tried to regain his composure. "What do you want, Chrollo," he spat out.

His voice sounding hateful as I stopped my
breathing. The atmosphere feels so tense! Nothing I've experienced before. Gon grabs my hand and reassures me I'm safe. I start breathing normally and glare at the man I now know as Chrollo.

"I just wanted to make a small deal, it'll satisfy one of us probably both of us." he adds on. Kurapika tells him to continue as the three of them huddle around me. "I'll leave you alone...if you return my 'stolen' property," he explains.

I raise a brow as Kurapika looks down at me. Before I could ask him about the 'stolen' property he answers. "I'll return it, as long as you promise to keep your end of the bargain and leave my close ones out of it," he states boldly.

I look at his eyes and notice their change in pigment. It wasn't much of a change but still un ordinary. "I'll call you when we return to our sanctum," he ends. The two node their heads and the group begins to leave. I look at the three and gave them a hug.

"I'm glad you're safe!" I cried. Gon rubbed his cheek against mine as Killua patted my head. Kurapika held me close as we stayed in silence. I looked at my friends and begin to walk towards the exit. I examine our state and notice how dirty we looked.

I had smudges of dirt all over my hands. I was crawling all over the dirty floor. I noticed everyone had a few spots of dirt here and there. I looked at the two walking ahead of me. "Are you guys going back to Leorio's?" I asked. They nodded their heads and quickly cleaned themselves up.

I grabbed a tissue pack from my pocket and handed it to them. They need it more than I do. I walk up to the parks water fountain and let a little bit soak the tissue. They thank me and wipe the dirt off their faces. Their was some minor scratches on them but I'm sure Leorio can put a bandaid.

Gon handed me the spare tissue pack but I put it back inside his pocket. "Keep it," I look back at Kurapika and suddenly I come up with an idea. "Hey pika," I began to ask him. He looked at me and waited for me to continue.

"Let's go visit, Leorio."

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