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The morning sun peering inside the room as I stared at the ceiling. Feeling lazy I tried to go back to sleep. My body already fully awake as I groaned. "Y/n, darling," she called from downstairs. I grumble and finally stood up from the bed.

Stretching my arms and back as I did. "Yes, mother?" I yelled from upstairs. The sound of her heels clicking as she walked upstairs inside my bedroom. Her attire looking formal and her makeup looking natural. "Get dressed dear," she ordered.

I look inside my closet and rummage through the many options. "How should I dress?" I asked. She took a seat on my bed and looked at me. "Dress formal," she answered. I nod my head and pull out my dress pants and shirt. I combed my hair and slipped on my outfit.

"Where are we going?" I asked. The lingering feeling making me already know our destination. "We're going to the company," she explained. I stood there and nod my head. "Yes, mother," I said emotionless. "I would like to say a few things to Mr. Kurta," she growled.

My eyes widening as I stared in shock. This is out of character. Mother's always been a lady. So why now. I smile and grabbed her hand. Both of us exiting the building and calling over my personal driver. "Good morning, Hurston," I said warmly.

He tipped his hat and opened the door. "How was your Valentine's?" My mother asked. The car now moving as we buckled our seatbelts. "Oh, I don't have any one Miss," he explained. "I can understand that," she said sweetly.

Now looking down as I looked out the window. My father. I never met him. He left when my mother had announced her pregnancy. It's not like I care. I never met the guy. I don't feel like I'm missing a part of me either. I'm content with my mother and I.

She never showed her feelings towards me and always had a smile. She explained how she immediately looked for work. Soon deciding to open a flower shop. Those days as a child. Looking at the many buds of flowers. It must of been hard.

Flash back:

Ms Florence
The bathroom now being my only shelter as I stared down at my lap. The test coming out positive as I quickly wiped away my tears. Mixture of both joy and grief. He'll understand. I hid the test and decided to take another one. The new one having the same result.

"I'm a mother," I whispered softly. Now rubbing my belly as I began to laugh. "Serena, what's taking so long?" He said annoyed. I quickly hid the new test and flush the toilet. "I was fixing my makeup!" I shouted. Now unlocking the door as he stood there.

"You don't have makeup on," he pointed out. I laughed and looked away from him. "I took it off, since fixing it is such a waste," I said jokingly. Making the mood comfortable again. He grabbed both of my hands.

Now staring into my eyes. "Serena, you can tell me anything," he said sweetly. "You'll never leave me?" I asked. He shook his head and held me in his arms. "Never," he answered. The simple gesture making me smile as I look up at him. "I'm pregnant."


"What's this!?" I yelled. The packed up boxes making me feel anger. He quickly placed them inside the car and looked at me. "You were just going to leave, without letting me know," my tone now soft. "Serena, I'm not ready to be a father," he answered.

This making me feel conflicted as I look down at my belly. "I wasn't ready to be a mother," I whispered. Now rubbing it as I felt tears prick at the corner of my eyes. "We can live free, if we get rid of the child, Serena," he said quietly.

"Is that what you want?" I asked. He smiled and nodded as his answer. "Yes it is!" He said full of joy. I smile and walk towards him. His arms open for a hug as I embrace him. "Well..," I whispered. Now taking a step back as he stared confused.

"That's not what I want!" I shouted. Now kicking him in the groin as he falls down onto his knees. "Serena-," he began. I threw his left over boxes at him and walked up to the apartment entrance.

"I don't need you anyways, my child doesn't need you," I hissed. He looked at me with fear in his eyes. "They wouldn't want a coward as a father." Before he could speak I slammed the door closed. The night of pain and sorrow.


I stared at the front door. My face emotionless as I grabbed the piece of paper. Eviction Notice. Scanning my eyes down as I read over the reason of said notice. "Keeping residents awake, causing a disturbance," I said out loud. I laughed and crumbled the piece of paper.

Throwing it inside the trash can as I look at the other apartments. It's not like I was fond of the place. I began to pack and grabbed all of my clothes. Stuffing them inside garbage bags and putting them in a corner. My child deserves better. I chuckled and swept up the bathroom.

The dirty apartment now clean, except for the already made stains. Never noticed how much of a dump this place was. I walked towards the phone and dialed a number. The other side was picked up and I smile. "Mother, it's me," I whispered. The woman laughing loudly.

"You're crawling back?" She said annoyed. "Honey, Serena is on the phone," she yelled. Muffled laughs making me feel weak as I played with my shirts hem. "We knew you were gonna come back," he said calmly. "I'll be staying there, until I find a home."

"You better find one." They hung up as I placed the phone back. I'll have to deal with it.


"You haven't found a job, and we're stuck with the payment!" My father yelled. I stared down at my feet and shook my head. "I said I was going to pay for it," I said weakly. Soon crying was heard and I looked up quickly. "The rat's awake again," my mother said full of disgust.

I ignored them and entered my small room. The makeshift crib being a clothes basket. I grabbed the small infant and swayed. "Hush, little one," I whispered. The cries making me feel sadness. "Y/n," I whispered. The baby becoming more quiet as I rocked her.

"Shh," I said softly. "Mother is here, no need to cry," I sang. I placed her back inside the basket and exited the bedroom. "Serena," my father called. "We both decided, your time is up," they both ended. I laughed and felt pain. Tears covering my vision.

"Where would I go!" I shouted. They shrugged their shoulders. "Anywhere but here," they said boldly. "We also sold your personal items," they explained. I balled my fist and stared into their eyes. "Why!?" I screamed.

"We used the money for our new pool," they said calmly.

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