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I stared at the office door. My eyes feeling dead and surely looked life less. "Mrs. Kurta." I looked up at Lilith. I blinked and stared blankly at the computer screen. "Yes, Lilith," I answered. "A meeting is scheduled for today," she explained.

I began to type in the computer as I continued where he had left off. A nice speech so far. "What is the meeting about," I said blankly. Lilith grabbed the vase of Lilacs beside me. The flowers now dried and withered. The scent of lavender no longer here. "The ball later this week," she answered.

I nod my head and dismissed her. She bowed and walked away. The door closing as I stared at the empty spot that once had the vase of lavender.

I checked my hair and smoothed out my spare uniform. Dress appropriately. Something mother always repeated. I opened the door and bowed. The table full of men and  women. All of them staring at me. My expression blank as I walked around the corner and took a seat "Now that Mrs. Kurta's here, let's begin."

There was endless chatter as I sat there in silence. Why am I here anyways? "Does that sound right Mrs. Kurta?" I blinked and stared at the many people. They waited eagerly as I sat still. What do I say. "Yes, that sounds appropriate," I answered. They stayed silent as I felt my hands become sweaty.

Did I answer wrong. I wasn't even paying attention. "Brilliant choice, we'll let others join the ball. Not just business partners. Just think about the compliments we'll get by having it as a public event, extraordinary Mrs. Kurta." I calmed down and continued to doze off.

Soon after, everyone stood up and began to leave the room. No wonder Kurapika gets tired of meetings. I walked towards my office. The office that once held the blonde was empty. Except for the desk and chair. Cherie typed away as I looked down at her. As if my presence was unnoticeable.

Lilith smiled as I opened the office door. Is this how it feels. I feel like I've changed. The memories seeming so distant as I let out a sigh. I wonder. What is he doing. I sat down at my desk and finished typing the speech. The hours going by slowly as I frequently looked at the clock.

"I don't have an outfit," i said outloud. My eyes widening as I froze. Is tomorrow a free day. I hope so. I pressed my button and waited for her to answer. "Yes, Mrs. Kurta." "Is tomorrow a free day, Lilith?" I asked. She quickly typed in her computer. The sound of the keys rapidly moving up and down.

"Yes there is," she finished. "Thank you, also I'll see you in a few seconds," I removed my finger and looked at the clock. I smiled and logged off the computer. Making sure to exit out of my user. I stretched and let out a yawn.

Now picking up Killuas clothes from the desk and fixing messed up paperwork. I exited the office and looked the door. Lilith already packing away her things and grabbing her purse. "See you at the ball," she said excited. I nod and wave as she walks inside the elevator.

The crowd of tired workers now covering my view as I join the crowd. I squeezed inside the elevator and waited. The sound of tired groans mixed with the scent of worn out perfume and cologne. The doors opened and I quickly waved goodbye to the workers at front desk.

Such sweet people. I exited the building and stood beside the planter. Now calling my driver as he drove up quickly. I guess he waits nearby. I entered and closed the door, buckling my seat belt as I looked out the window. "Drop me off at my mothers," I ordered blankly. He nodded his head and drove away.

I closed my tired eyes and waited for my arrival. The sound of the car driving along with the accessions bumps on the road waking me up. I peeked an eye open and noticed the familiar building. I smiled at the receptionist and entered the elevator. The familiar tune making me crazy.

Elevator music can either be annoying or calming. There's no in between. The doors opened and I entered the house. "Y/n, dear," my mother called. "Yes," I answered. Her heels clicking as she grabs both of my hands. Guiding me towards the couch. "It's a pleasure to see you Mrs. Kurta," he said professionally.

"The pleasures all mine, Mr. Kurta," I replied. She sat me down and went upstairs. "I'll give you some privacy!" she shouted. The sound of her door closing as he looked back at me. "What are you doing here?" I said confused. "It's about the divorce," he answered.

"Let's not speak about this, not right now," I said tiredly. He nodded his head and stared at the ground. "True, it's a day before 'you know what'," he said jokingly. There was a long pause of silence. The atmosphere feeling awkward. "Are you going," I finally asked.

He fixed his posture and made a face. "I don't know, I'll probably go, just for my image," he explained. His hair looking different as I smiled. He actually listened. "I like the new haircut," I whispered. My voice almost inaudible. He scratched the back of his head and played with his hair.

"Yeah, it's a lot shorter," he said nervously. He stopped abruptly and quickly acted professional. "I'm sorry," he said blankly. I smiled and fidgeted with my dress sleeves. "Your stuff is at my place," he said softly. As if trying to not make this conversation seem even more awkward.

"Are you leaving already?" I asked. He stood up and dusted off his suit. "Yes I am," he replied. I followed after him and looked at the stairs. "Can I come along," I whispered. He froze in place and turned towards me. "Are you sure, how about another time," he said nervously.

"Nonsense, I'd rather get my stuff and get it over with,"


"Nothings changed, except the few glasses littered here and there," I said jokingly. He quickly ran around trying to pick up the glasses. "Yeah, I've been um, busy," he explained. I left it at that and walked upstairs. "I'll be in the room!" I shouted. I ran upstairs and flung open the door.

My eyes widening as I stared at the messy bedroom. Glass shattered and books scattered everywhere. The smell of alcohol burning my nostrils. I placed my hand over my mouth and gagged. "oh no," he said lowly. He walked past me and chuckled nervously.

"It's fine, I'll just get my stuff," I said reassuringly. He sat down at the bed and stared at me. My hands going through my section of the closet. An alcoholic perhaps. I hummed as I folded the clothes. "Y/n," he whispered. I tilted my head to the side. "Yes." He stayed silent.

"Can you stay?"

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