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The sound of my alarm waking me up as I stayed still. I stared up at the ceiling and rubbed my tired eyes. Another day of work. I looked beside me and stared at the empty spot. "I'm guessing he slept downstairs," I mumbled lowly.

I sluggishly got up and walked inside the bathroom. I did the usual, brushing my hair and teeth. "Oh look, a monster," I said blankly. Feeling unmotivated as I opened the closet. I grabbed a light blue blouse and a black pencil skirt.

I swear, these pencil skirts are going to be the death of me. I grabbed stockings and a black vest. I slid on the stockings and put my arms through the blouses arm holes. I then pulled up the skirt and tucked in the blouse. "Why do I feel so tired?" I asked myself.

(Did a quick sketch of the clothes

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(Did a quick sketch of the clothes.)

I grabbed my purse and left the bedroom. The house empty as I grabbed the spare key. I dialed our diver and called him up. After waiting on couch for a couple of minutes my phone rang.

"Mrs. Kurta, I'm waiting outside," He said sweetly. I thanked him and hung up. Such a nice old man. I made my way down as I listened to the elevator music. They seriously need to change it. The doors opened and I exited the building.

"Another day of work," he said lightly. I gave him and nod and entered the limousine. "Did Mr. Kurta leave already?" I asked. I buckled my seat belt and crossed my legs. "Yes, madam," He answered. I looked out the window as I heard the light sounds of rain.

"Did you bring an umbrella?" He said calmly. I widened my eyes and froze. He chuckled and pointed at me, "There is an extra one inside that compartment," he explained. I looked underneath the seat and found a small space.

I pulled out a long black umbrella and smiled. "Thank you," I said genuinely happy. He smiled which made his eyes squinted as I saw his small wrinkles. I've never seen my grandparents. I don't even know if I have a family. It's just always been my mother and I.

"Mrs. Kurta, may I tell you something," he hesitated. I arched my brow and fixed my hair into a formal look. "You may, Hurston," I said  intrigued. He stayed focused on the road and would occasionally look at the mirror.

"Earlier in the morning, Mr. Kurta seemed different than last night," he started. I nodded my head and waited for him to continue. "He seemed so happy, but..," he stayed silent and gave me a frown. "Please continue," I whispered.

He took in a deep breath and continued. "Mr. Kurta wasn't alone," he explained. My eyes then shot open as I began to feel myself shake. A deep sunken feeling inside me began to form. It was probably Gon and Killua. "It was a woman, one I haven't seen before," he finished.

I look back up and hide my feelings with a smile. "Oh, Hurston, it was probably his personal assistant!" I said gleefully. He began to chuckle and nodded his head. "Oh, goodness me, you're probably right," he said warmly. The familiar building came into view as I dreaded my fate.

"See you soon, Hurston," I said joyfully. He waved and I opened the umbrella. Now exiting the car I enter the building. I wonder how she is. I looked at the front desk and give everyone a warm smile. "Good morning, Mrs. Kurta," they all chimed.

I placed the umbrella on the rack and smoothed out my skirt. "Good morning," I said sweetly. I walked towards the elevator and waved as I kept my smile. Once the doors closed I let out a sigh. I rubbed my temples and slapped my cheeks.

You can do this, just go inside your office. If introduced then act cordial. The doors opened and the sound of clicking and ringing telephones had made their way to my ears. I walked sophisticated towards my office with my head up high.

"Good morning, Mrs. Kurta," she said nicely. "I finished the last pages," she stated. I gave her a thumbs up and entered the dark room. Finally, some peace and quiet. I turned on the light and saw the two boys sitting at my desk. "Good morning, Mrs. Kurta," Killua said in a mimicked tone. "I swear, if I hear that one more time I'll-,"

"Good morning Mrs. Kurta," the voice of an older women catching my attention. I turned around and saw the familiar face of the personal assistant. I shake her hand and look closely at her features. Big doe eyes, small thin nose, plump lips, and a sharp jaw.

I felt overwhelmed and masked my nervous feeling with a smile. She's way more attractive than I'll ever be. "I'm Layla Quince," she answered. I nodded my head and smiled. "It was nice meeting you, Miss, Quince," I choked out. Why does she feel so, powerful? Like if she's superior.

I turned around and walked up to my desk. I pushed Killua off and sat down. Could this be jealousy? Gon hopped off my desk and sat in front of me. "Who was that?" He asked. "That is Kurapika's personal assistant," I explained. Killua leaned on my chair and sighed.

"Why does he need one anyway, he already has Gon and I," he grumbled. Right then a certain thought had stuck with me. Why did he get one? I pondered on this idea and kept getting stumped. It's pretty suspicious now that I think about it.

"Yeah, earlier I felt weird when I was inside his office," Gon started. "I know right!" Killua added on. "It's like they already knew each other, I felt uncomfortable," he explained. I patted both of their heads and frowned. "I'm sorry to hear that, I'll talk to him later," I said solemnly.

"Like, do you ever hug or mess around with a personal assistant?" Gon explained. I slumped deep in my chair and felt this overwhelming feeling beginning the overflow. I rubbed my skirt between my fingers and stood up. "I'll be right back," I shouted out.

"Where are you going?" Killua asked. He sat back in my chair and twirled. "Bathroom." I exited the room and made way towards his office. I don't care if my composure isn't formal at this point. I quicken my pace and see Cherie. "Hello, Mrs. Kurta," she said sweetly. But was visibly upset.

"Would you like me to inform Mr-,"
"That won't be necessary, thank you," I replied. I then quickly opened the door and stood at the doorway.

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