Ch.10 What

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"Hey....Hey...hey~" I poked the sleeping blondes cheek as I took in his sleeping state. I got off the male on the couch and entered the kitchen. The morning cold making me shiver as I placed my cup of tea in the microwave.

I know these rays are slowly killing me...but I don't care...this world is already fucked up. I leaned against the counter as I rubbed my crusty eyelids.

And let out a big yawn, the beeping noise signaled the tea was done. I grabbed the warm cup and entered the living room, only to see an empty couch. "Kurapika?" I looked around the room and sat down onto the spot he was laying on.

He's probably in the bathroom. I felt something press against my cheek as I looked up. My hair falling down as I gave the blonde a wide smile. "Good morning Y/N" he whispered into my ear as I giggled when his nose lightly brushed against my neck.

"Good morning" He stood up and sat down next to me, and leaned his head on my shoulder. "You should've slept in the room" I felt his head move as he shook it. "No, I still regret what I did to you"

I pushed his head off my shoulder and placed the cup down onto the small table. "You can have the rest...It's Jasmine by the way" I walked up the steps and entered the bathroom. Gonna get squeaky clean~

"I'm all squeaky clean...cause I'm a clean  bug since I'm a little~" I saw the blonde in his business suit and I looked him up and down. He knows how to make himself look even more handsome than how he already is.

"Y/N, I see that you are also ready" I nodded my head as I linked my arm into his. He chuckled as we exited the room and entered the elevator. "What are we doing today!" I clicked the lobby floor as the elevator door closed shut.

The atmosphere then turned into one of sadness as Kurapika looked down at the ground. I lifted his head up and gave him a small smile. "What is it Pika?" He looked away and unlinked our arms as he leaned his back on the wall.

"I need to ask you something" I straighten myself and gave him a nod as he nervously smiled at me. "Even though were married...I won't force you to like me" I nodded my head as I looked at the door.

He sighed and stood beside me, I felt him holding my hand as I relaxed into his touch. "Thank you...I'm not sure how I feel about us" I looked at him and poked his soft cheeks.

"But I do know I'm happy that your my husband and not some...stranger" he grabbed my hand and smiled at me. The mood now lighter and fresh than the gloomy one that was clouding the room. We exited the elevator and entered the limousine,

"Were going to work...I'm not going to see you until break" I pouted as I looked out the window. But its going to be boring not having to spend time with him.

"I have to take care of my mothers company anyways...and now we'll see each other more since we're now one company" I giggled as I thought about the bright side about going to work.

It's certainly better than being cities apart from each other.
"What kind of work are you doing today?" I traced small shapes onto the leather seat. Work isn't so bad, but I mousy admit that it's hard.

"I'm just looking at this new offer we've been given" I placed my hands on my lap as I stared back at him. He did a small wave as the car hap stopped in front of the building. He exited and left the door open as I carefully exited the car.

"I'll have to leave you once we go inside, if that is fine with you" I nodded my head as he walked me inside the building. He released my hand as I no longer felt the warmth that he had radiated to my cold body.

"Mrs. Kurta" I turned around and smiled when I saw a young man who looked to be around my age. Its great to see young people inside this work environment. "Yes, that's me"

He pointed at the door and Looked back at me. His face getting nervous as he avoided contact with me. "We've prepared your office" my office is on the first floor, that's quite interesting. "May I ask why I'm on the first floor..."

I looked at the mans name tag and finished my sentence. "Pit!" We both walked over to the labels door and I entered after he held it open.
"Mr. Kurta would like to keep you safe, so he requested us that incase of an emergency, you can exit the building quickly"

I sat down knit my chair as I dismissed Pit. He closed the door and I was left alone inside the room. Is this the business's kind of boring. My desk phone rang as I picked it up, the other line sounding muffled. "How are you?"

I smiled when I recognized the blondes voice. "I'm doing good...Thank you for the office" He stayed silent as I heard the faint sounds of other people around him. "Are you busy right now?" Clothes rubbing against the other line made me giggle as I heard his voice.

"Yeah, But I would rather check up on you" While holding the phone I grabbed a sticky note and doodled with my other hand. "I'll hang up, focus on your work" before he could interject I placed the phone back down and ended the call.

Work is far more important than our relationship right now...are we even in a relationship? Someone he entered the room and I quickly flipped the doodled drawing onto the desk.

"Hello Mrs. Kurta, your papers have been filed and are ready to be reviewed" a young girl around my age smiled as she stood up straight near the door. "Thank you, Can you place them here on my desk?"

I pointed at the corner and looked at the girl. She eagerly nodded her head and exited the room, making it silent like before. "Guess I'll just have to get used to the silence" I stood up from my chair and walked over to the trash can.

I picked it up from the floor and placed it in front of my desk. The young girl had opened the door and walked over to my desk. She didn't even question what I was doing with the trash can and left. Work really is important...I don't know how I'll be able to do work.

A huff had escaped my lips as I sat back down onto my chair forcefully. While flipping through the stack of pages I noticed a few details of future plans for the company. Why are these dates so close to the week, it's not like we're doing new things in the business....are we? 

I scanned over the next pages of the documents and widened my eyes. "We are doing something new" My grip on the papers tightened as I scraped the chair against the floor. My body had rushed up as I exited the office.

Everyone else stared at me with fear evident on their faces. I clicked my tongue as I pushed the elevator button, the doors opened and I quickly pushed the top floor. He probably doesn't even know about theses changes.

I pulled the papers up to my level as I scanned over the information. I exited the elevator and stormed over to the office door. "Excuse me miss, Mr. Kurta is in a meeting-" I sent her a glare as I slammed open the doors.

Everyone had jumped up in their seats as I confidently walked up the the table. I slammed the papers down onto the hard surface as I looked up at the blonde. "What the hell is this?"

ADOLESCENCE |Reader x Kurapika| DISCONTINUED?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz