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"Shh," he whispered. Now pressing a finger to his lips. The sound of gun shots cracking throughout the room and the sound of sirens hollering in the distance. I shifted to the side but was held still. I looked up to see his serious expression.

The mask still covering most of his features. I raised my hand up and hesitantly held the rim. This is rude. I brought my hand back down and faced my attention forward. The sound of the door opening as footsteps made their way towards the closet.

I closed my eyes shut and accepted my fate. Might as well not know when I'll die. A bright light shined down through my eye lids as I was pulled out. "Miss, are you alright?" They asked. I opened my eyes and was surrounded.

I let out a sigh of relief and looked at the masked man. "We're both fine," I replied. They held my hand and escorted us to the front doors. My eyes scanning the other room. My eyes widened upon seeing broken windows and glass scattered around.

I examined the unfortunate people who laid on the ground, as if they were in a deep sleep. My eyes were covered and I was brought back outside. There was cameras flashing and bright lights surrounding the area. My visit getting blurred as I tried to look at the people around me.

Where's the masked man? "Excuse me, wheres the masked man?" I asked. Trying to look around. I shook their gentle grip off and ran back inside. He was just here, where could he be? I ran to the side room that led to the garden.

The cool night air making contact with my skin as I stared at the many bushes of roses. I grabbed my skirt and ran through the cobble path. My flat slipped off as I continued to run. The feeling of the earth touching my bare foot as I frantically looked around.

I'm sure the officers are searching for me. I soon tripped over my dress and growled. The hemming getting stuck on a branch. Now throwing the article of clothing away. I grabbed the hooped skirt and quickly threw it.

Now running in the comfortable undergarments. "Masked Man!" I shouted. Why do I care, probably because were both stuck in this situation. I came to a stop and looked down at the floor.

The moss covered stone making my feet hurt from the cold. "Miss!" I looked behind and spotted the officers. Not even trying to leave again I stood still. The sound of bullets cracking through the air had caused them to freeze.

Soon as if it were in slow motion I was pushed onto the floor. The air getting knocked out of me as I wheezed. The police hid behind the bushes and aimed at the left hedge. I looked up to see the masked man. He had a gun in his hand and was pointing at the fence.

I covered my ears and heard the crackle of the bullet. My ears ringing as he pulls me up from the ground harshly. "Sorry," he said quickly and brought us somewhere safe. The police officers yelling at the two of us, "Go inside, it's safe!"

Without hesitation I got up and sprinted through the cobble stone path like I had done before. My slipper making my feet ache from the flat surface. I slipped it off and threw it towards the gate. Stupid fucks! I looked behind and could see the masked man running.

At least I know he's alright. Right now I need to focus on myself. My attention now on the sword hanging on the wall as a display. My hands grubbed the handle as I brought it down. I let out a huff and instantly dropped it.

Hell no, that's too heavy. I grabbed an umbrella and ran out the doors. By now the people were gone except for the police men. I crouched around the corner and slipped behind the front door hedging. Just look up, don't think about the spiders.

I held in my breath as I felt the leaves touching my skin some stuff crawling on me as I let out a strained wheeze. I looked around and ran out into the street. Now running for my life as I looked at the closed shops in the city.

For some reason it felt as if I had an endless amount of stamina. Probably because of the deadly situation. Now reaching for my pocket I pulled out my phone. Luckily I had it underneath my dress. I clicked on one of the many contacts I had.

At this point I don't care who answers. "PLEASE PICK ME UP!" I shouted. The horror evident in my voice. "I'll be right there," they answered and ended the call. Who's shooting anyways? My curiosity practically making me feel unsatisfied.

Whoever it is, I'll probably see them on the news tomorrow. The sound of car tires screeching made me panic. The car stopped in front of me and the door was opened. "Thank you!" I said gratefully.

Now entering the car and slamming the door shut. "Drive," I ordered. Now buckling my seat belt as the car speeds away. "I heard what happened," he said calmly. I looked out the window and took in a deep breath. "Is mother okay," my voice holding no emotion.

"Yes she's fine," he answered. "Killua and Gon?" He looked at the mirror above and looked back forward. "Yes they're both alright," he said reassuringly. By now I relaxed my shoulders and listened to the radio.

"Thanks Kurapika," I whispered. Though he was still looking at the road I could see his lips curl into a grin. I looked at the lights and closed my eyes by now they were slightly burning. Probably because it's late. I heard Kurapika hum as I cracked a smile.

"You know, it's not that bad," I said quietly. "What's not bad?" He said lightly, as if I were a fragile doll. "Both of us ta-," The sound of glass breaking had rang throughout my ears.

My vision beginning to blur as I felt tears prick at the corners of my eyes. Darkness soon consumed me as I drifted into sleep. The sound of people yelling and loud laughter. I opened my eyes and felt my head wobble to the sides.

A headache beginning to form as I groaned. I felt something warm touching my hands. What is going on. My vision now focused as I looked around the dark room. I turned my head around and found a sleeping Kurapika. "Kurapika," I whispered.

I brought my hands up and felt the burning of duct tape. How cliche. I scoffed and leaned back on his back. "Please wake up," I whispered again. To no avail I felt tears prick at the corners of my eyes. What am I going to do.

Whoever did this will probably come back. I looked at my restrained feet and growled. THOSE ASSHOLES! I tried to stand up and looked down at the duct tape. Almost loosing my balance as I stayed still. Now forcefully squatting to my knees as the tape rips.

I put my legs through my hands from underneath. Successfully changing my hands from behind to forward. I brought my arms up above me and brought them back down to my sides forcefully. The tape ripping halfway as I free my hands.

I looked at Kurapika and heard noises coming from the door. I sat back down and leaned against him, hiding the ripped tape. We'll be okay. "It's you!" I shouted. My hatred oozing from every word I hissed. "Why of course it's me~"

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