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I heard knocking and groaned loudly. Now looking at the clock beside me. 9:30. "You may enter!" I shouted. The door creaked open. The figure now standing in the door way. "Mrs. Kurta, it's past work hours," Lilith said quietly.

"Oh, Lilith!" I said surprised. She jumped from the sudden loudness. "You are dismissed, I'm just dealing with paperwork," I explained. She nodded her head. "Goodnight Mrs. Kurta," she said whispered. The door closing shut as I let out a sigh.

Now I have to deal with the extra paperwork. Should of made him finish it. I scanned the documents and rubbed my temples. Never mind, it involves the head of the office. I pushed my pen down and signed my name. The papers that weren't important were simply disposed of.

The sound of paper getting turned and scattered around. With the occasional clicking and writing of the pen. My signature now coded into my hand. As if I were a machine. It felt like hours had gone by. The feeling of something pushing down onto my shoulder.

Made me freeze. Without thinking I brought my hand up and punch the target. My knuckles feeling sore automatically as I quickly rubbed it. Soothing the pain. A thud signaling my brain. Snapping me out of my state. "Oh no," I muttered. Now staring at the blonde on the floor.

I covered my mouth and widened my eyes. Did I kill him?! Without a second thought. I grabbed his legs and started to drag him towards the door. The sound of fabric rubbing and the small thudding of my heels. The carpet floor making it harder. As his suit kept rubbing against it.

"Y-Y/n," He mumbled. I stopped and let go of his legs. They fell and landed harshly on the floor. "Thank goodness," I said breathlessly. He sat up from the ground and quickly looked around the room. "How long were you inside my office?" I said suspicious. He rubbed his jaw and hissed in pain.

"A couple minutes after Lilith left," he said slowly. The pain making it hard to talk. "How long were you with Layla," I whispered. He looked down and finally stood up. Dusting himself off as he took a step back. Making the distance professional.

"3 years. Probably more, it doesn't matter anyways," he explained. It does matter. "Y/n, do you really think I resent you?" He asked. The only sound was the clock ticking. The seconds being recorded as I stood there in confusion. "It doesn't matter," I said calmly.

"I won't fall for your tricks, making me feel guilt," I explained. Kurapika looked down and nodded his head. "Making me say sorry, all the time," I said sourly. "I'm sorry, for everything," he said quickly. As if I had imagined it.

"I'm sorry for making your life harder," "I'm sorry for manipulating you," he said sincerely. His voice becoming more quiet. As I heard his shaking voice. "I don't resent you, I don't, In fact...," he said softly. Now looking up into my eyes. His dark ones looking warm as I felt relief.

Or was it something else. "I'm quite fond of your presence," he finished. "Then why all this, you could have ended it?" I pointed out. I took in a deep breath and walked towards the water dispenser. Grabbing a cup and filling it up.

"I was confused, mainly because of the relationship I had," he continued. I brought the cup up to my lips and took a satisfying gulp. The cool water making my dehydrated self feel alive. "Had?" I repeated. He nodded and let out a sigh.

"I ended it, I realized I wasn't happy, like I was before," he explained. "If I resented you, I would have let Chrollo attack you," he said quietly. "It would of given me the company automatically," he finished. The room silent as I stared blankly. What's this feeling.

It seems familiar. Almost warm. I furrowed my brows. And took another satisfying gulp of the cool water. "It seems like you're powerless now, Mr. Kurta," I explained.

Mr. Kurta POV
"I am," I agreed. The atmosphere different as I look at her. Not like before. This time I analyzed her features. She had grown a bit taller and looked different. The girl standing before me wasn't a child. But a young adult. In the stages of metamorphism.

Molding into a strong adult. "Y/n," I hushed. My voice feeling weak. Her presence intimating as I bowed. "Thank you for giving me time to speak," I said overjoyed. She stared in shock and smiled slightly. "I wasn't given time to prepare Mr. Kurta," she joked.

"And our marriage," she said quickly. As I walked towards the door. "I agreed with the idea of separating," she said firmly. I nod my head and give her a bold look. "I agree with it too," I answered.

"Have a good night, Mrs. Kurta," I whispered. Now closing the door as I looked at the dimly lit office.

I smiled and began to exit out of the computer. The shutting off screen now showing as I stretched. Glad that's settled. I grabbed my papers and piled them neatly. My fingers quickly swiping across as I inspected them. Paper cut.

I shrugged my shoulders and dusted off my desk. The room looking clean as I walk towards the door. I flicked off the lights and closed it. Locking it as I do so. The dimly lit office and cubicles making me feel comfortable. The only time it's quiet.

After saying my goodbyes and exiting the building. I took a whiff of the air. The smell of wet dirt and mostly earthy fragrance. It must have rained while I was working. I pulled out my phone and looked at the clock. 11:30. The sounds of cars and people passing by as the city looked lively.

My feet feeling sore from the heels. I dialed a number and waited. "Can you pick me up, I'm sorry for the late request," I answered. The call abruptly ended as I walked towards a planter. The flowers closed as they slept. Waiting for the morning sun to shine upon them.

15 minutes had passed as the car pulled up. The window rolled down as I stood up. "Yo," they called over. "Hey bro," I answered. Killua now opening the door and returning back to his seat. I jumped inside and slammed the door closed.

The cars heater already on as it slowly warmed me up. "I was sleeping, finally after days," Leorio said tiredly. He looked at his mirror and pouted. Killua rolled his eyes and looked outside the window. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to spend the night," I said calmly.

Trying to keep the calm atmosphere of the car. "It's alright, I was actually sleeping the whole day," he admitted. I silently laughed and looked at the male beside me. I poked his shoulder lightly. He turned his head and opened his eyes.

Now revealing his sapphire blue eyes that sparkled. I held in my breath as I admired them. Have they always been this beautiful. I blink a couple of times and took in a deep breath. "Wheres Gon," I whispered. He reached over and buckled my seat belt.

"He's sleeping," he replied. I forgot to buckle my seatbelt. Now feeling embarrassed as I thanked him. He grabbed a neck pillow and offered it. "Thanks," I said quietly. Holding my head as he places it around me. He grabbed his and placed around his neck.

"We're matching," he said lightly. His tone more childish. I looked at his and then at mine. "You're right," I laughed.

"Both you go to sleep, it's late!"

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