Ch.1 Outside

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"BUT MOTHER I DON'T WANNA GO OUTSIDE!" I gripped onto my mothers arms as she desperately tried to pry off my frail arms. "What if I see a stranger and they kidnap me?"

I looked outside the window and stared at the other kids playing outside. My mother had noticed my gaze and let out a giggle as she walked away from me.

I no longer felt her warmth as I was stuck in a daze. The single couch near the front window was my favorite spot. And I had grown accustomed to always sit down on that chair after breakfast and stare.

Not even knowing what I was staring at exactly I let out a sigh as I stood from my seat. "Mother...Do you not love me?" I walked around the corner and grabbed a piece of apple she was slicing.

The thud of the knife getting placed onto the cutting board caused me to let out a gasp. My mother's hands were holding onto my shoulders as she gave me a stern face

"Y/N....Don't ever say that again...okay" I nodded my head and she gave me another slice of apple. "You always stare out the window and never go fact I haven't seen you leave the house since Christmas"

I shrugged my shoulders as I thought about the possible scenarios that could happen, though most of them were bad. "I'm just scared...What if no one likes me?" My mother handed me a plate of apple slices and gave me a gentle smile.

"What is there not to like...Y/N, you'll never know if you don't try" I placed the plate down and ran upstairs to my bedroom. The room lit up from the sun peering in through the window.

"I have to at least look presentable..." The sound of drawers opening was all that you could hear throughout the house. I finally decided on a simple yellow dress, the baby yellow making me look happier.

I placed on my white dress slippers and decided to leave my hair like normal. "Mother do I like alright?" I ran downstairs and she stood at the doorway of the kitchen. She looked tired from all the work she had done.

She nodded her head as she examined the simple dress. "Do you have your shorts on underneath?" I widened my eyes and was about to run upstairs to my bedroom. Today is my mom's last free day at home and I don't want to waste it.

But I was stopped by my mother who had a pair of small white bloomers in her hands. "Fresh out of the dryer" she handed them to me as I thanked her. I felt the warmth of the fabric and let out a sigh.

I pulled them up and noticed that the bloomers made my dress more bouncy. "Okay, I'm ready to go make some new friends!" I grabbed the plate from the counter and looked at my mother as I opened the front door.

She gave me a thumbs up as I firmly nodded my head. I can do this...It's not that difficult. I slowly closed the door and walked away from the porch.

The clicks from my slippers hitting the pavement as I made my way out of the front yard. The heat from the sun causing me to get a little tired as I yawned.

I walked towards the street and stood still as I looked at all the kids from all ages playing outside. "Oh look it's that girl!" a small girl with pigtails had pointed out to me as I shyly waved.

I heard murmurs and I looked down at my shoes. "Don't go near her...I think she has a sickness" I felt tears prick at the corners of my eyes and I walked away from the kids.

"Is that why she stays inside all day?" I found a small bench and sat down on it. The day no longer feeling as bright as I remembered. I wiped away my tears as I took in deep breaths.

ADOLESCENCE |Reader x Kurapika| DISCONTINUED?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon