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I closed the door and looked at the couch. Gon smiled and laid his head on the arm rest. "Killua, you still like Y/n~" he sang. He did a kissing gesture as I roll my eyes. "No!" I shouted. He shrugged his shoulders and stretched his arms. "She's only going with friends," he pointed out.

The feeling of hope igniting my seemingly broken heart. "Yeah, I know that," I mumbled. Now walking inside the kitchen and pulling out a box of Chocolate robots. "Hey, no stress eating!" Gon shouted. Now standing up and grabbing the box.

"We have to get ready," he explained. I averted my eyes and walked towards the stairs. "How did you know I still liked her?" I asked. He tapped his chin and laughed. "You out of everyone," I whispered. "Killua, I've matured a lot over the past couple of years," he explained.

"We've changed, especially after experiencing certain things," he continued. I nod along and walk up stairs. I guess he somewhat matured. The words he said now swirling around as I enter my bedroom. I flipped the lights on and throw myself on the bed. My eyes staring inside the closet. The suit looking new as I let out a huff.

"Even if I don't get the girl, I can still find happiness."

The empty dinner table making me glum as I stared at my own reflection. Another day just like the last has gone by. The house starting to look decent and a bit cleaner. After Y/n came over I've cleaned up the place and quit drinking. Well, I'll still have a glass of wine every now and then.

But I've done better. I held my head in my hands and ran my fingers through my shorter hair. The feeling of a headache beginning to form as I stay emotionless. The sound of knocking had caused me to groan. Slumping my shoulders as I look towards the door.

I haven't heard knocking in weeks. I quickly fixed my hair and posture. Smoothing out my clothes as I scoot out of the table. My bare feet feeling the cold floor as I open the door with a smile. "Is this Mr. Kurtas address?" The man asked. "Yes it is," I answered. He handed me a box and a paper to sign.

It's probably the suit. "Thank you," I said kindly. The man giving me a nod and continued his way towards the elevator. My smile quickly turning into a frown as I close the door. Letting out an exhausted sigh as I walk upstairs. The bedroom looking dark as I flick on the light.

The room looking new as I sit down on the bed. My hands feeling the cardboard as I felt the engraved lettering. Now grabbing the sides of the lid as I wiggle the top off. The tissue paper crinkling as I unfold it. It looks nice. My lack of sleep making my eye bags burn as I rubbed them.

"It looks suitable." I reached towards my hair and felt nothing. My brows knitting as I felt embarrassed. Oh yeah, It's shorter. Even my thoughts are melancholic.

My phone later began to ring, my eyes scanning the caller as I squint my eyes. It's probably a scam. I turned it off and walked inside the bathroom. My phone going off again as I turn it back off. My hands twisting the shower on as I hear the phone ringing again.

I ignore it and feel the water. My ringtone blasting again as I stomp out of the bathroom. I forcefully answered it and shouted, "Can you please stop calling me!" The sound of laughter making me angrier as I took in a deep breath. "Look outside~" They sang.

I walked towards the window and stared at the city. "Are you stupid, I'm on the top floor," my deadpan voice resonating on the other line. "Oh yeah, I forgot," they said jokingly. "Anyways, I'll see you at the party~" they finished. I rolled my eyes and froze.

Party, is this someone I know? "Wait, do I know yo-," the call ended. I tightened my grip on the phone and forcefully threw it on the bed. It bounced towards the edge. I held in my breath and ran towards it. I need to calm down. I enter the bathroom and feel the warm water.

"Mother, can you help my with something?" my voice quiet as I nervously played with my shirt. She finished applying lipstick and looked at me. "With what," she asked. Now inspecting her dress as she hangs it back up. "with my makeup," my voice almost inaudible. She clapped her hands together and grabbed my head. Now pinching my cheeks as she talks with a baby voice "my little baby need help with her makeup." I nodded my head and was pulled towards the chair. She sat me down and brought her bag of makeup. "Just sit and relax," she explained. "What color is your dress again?"

"DONT blink," she warned. My eyes beginning to water as she applies mascara. Pain. I accidentally blinked and felt my heart stopped. My eyes twitching as I repeatedly blinked by accident. She freaked out and told me to keep my eyes open.

I widened my eyes and stared at the mirror. She inspected my lid and let out a sigh of relief. "It dried up," she explained. "You look beautiful," i said sweetly. Now looking at my mother as she laughs. "If I'm beautiful then you're gorgeous," she replied.

I shook my head and stood up from the chair. My foot numb as I stood up weirdly. "Foot. Asleep. Help," I said panicking. I limped towards the stairs and felt like weird stuff was crawling around my foot. My nerves going crazy as I walk up. "I'll be changing then!" she yelled.

My bedroom smelling like emptiness as I pull out my dress from the closet. The wrinkles now smoothed out as I smile. It does look gorgeous. Not enough to catch other's attention but gorgeous for me. I undid the corset lacing as I slid it on. The material feeling comfortable as I felt excitement. I'll be a princess for the night.

My pulse quickening as I grab my new pair of shoes. "It's embarrassing," my eyes scanning the matching color flats as I slid them on. It's sort of childish, but it's comfortable. I walk outside and carefully walk downstairs. Princesses make it so much easier in movies. My mother clasping her hands together as she stared at me.

"Gorgeous!" She shouted. I walk towards the table and face my back to her. "Can you lace it for me," I laughed nervously and heard her chuckle. "Why of course princess, Y/n."

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