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"You know, sometimes it can get boring around here," I motioned my arms around as he unlocks the door. "Ha, that was very funny," he said sarcastically. He soon smiled and opened the door. The familiar house making me cozy as I walk up to the table.

"Wow, it still looks the same," I said in awe. "Why would I change it?" He asked now hooking up his keys. "I thought you would've been like those girls in break up movies, with the smashing and throwing stuff out," I answered. He smiled and let out a laugh.

I made my way up stairs and took in a deep breath. Ah yes, still smells like Lavender. "Hey, Kurapika," I called from upstairs. He looked up from the couch as a yes. "I didn't see you at the ball, how come?" I said confused.

"I was there, probably we crossed paths and you didn't notice," he explained. Hm, maybe we did. I hopped downstairs and sat on the couch across. "I swear Pika, people can get annoying," I groaned out. He rested his head on his hand. "How so?" He asked.

"Well, I always notice how it seems like I'm the center of attention or... ᵃᵗᵗʳᵃᶜᵗᶦ ᵖᵉᶜᵘˡᶦᵃʳ ᵖᵉᵒᵖˡᵉ," I said whispering the last part. "What was that?" He asked. "I just said I was hungry, let's make something," I said cheerfully.

Now grabbing his arm and leading him inside the kitchen. He flicked on the light and grabbed simple ingredients. I stared at him and looked back down at his hands. "What ever happened to your 'girlfriend'," My tone held some jealousy that made me feel ashamed.

He continued to stare down at the counter. "I broke up with her." A frown now adorned my face. He looked up and his smile turned into a frown as well. "You're mad," he said softly and cleaned his hands. I shook my head and looked back down at the counter.

"I'm not as mad like I was before, in fact I just feel pity," I answered. He brought out two plates and glasses. "Like why would you go through all that trouble and end up separating," I explained. He shrugged his shoulders and walked around the counter.

"People's feelings change, I was in love with her and after that I realized I wasn't," He said calmly. I pulled out a chair from the table and took a seat. "When you're older you'll understand," he said warmly. I shook my head and looked at his confused expression.

"Kurapika I've matured, it might not seem like it but I have," I answered. He sat in front of me and took a sip. "When I came here, I was just a young girl in the city, fresh out of high school," I said slowly as I recalled my fond memories.

He smiled and took a bite. Now that I think about it, I was just a teen. "Kurapika how were you as a teen?" I asked. He choked and took a big sip. "Me, as a teen?" He repeated. I nod and he looks blankly at nothing.

"Well, I was a cautious, polite, sassy, smart, vengeful teen," he explained nervously. "Didn't you left with the 'boys' for awhile," I said disappointed. He suddenly looked up at the ceiling and closed his eyes.

His smile small but held a certain warmth. "Yes, I did," he said calmly. "When you four left, I was bored!" I whined.


"Y/n!" Gon yelled. I looked at mother for any sign of permission. She looked down and nods her head. I jumped in delight as I ran towards him. The smell of salt and the sound of the water and seagulls making their way towards my ears.

"Gon, are you nervous!" I asked. He shook his head and pointed at Killua. Now cupping his hands around my ear. "I think Killua is, he's not even 12 yet," he giggled. I looked at the younger boy and laughed. "He's the baby," I whispered.

"What are you two talking about?" The other boy now behind us as we froze in fear. I turned around and nervously smiled. "Nothing Killu~" I sang. "Don't call me that!" He said embarrassed. "What's wrong with Killu!" I yelled. He frowned and poked my forehead.

"It sounds stupid!"

"It's perfect because you're stupid!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"


Gon smiled nervously and looked at the people around us. "Guy's let's work this out," he whispered. "Nope, he's just a stupid head" I growled. "Watch it sister," Killua snarled. I felt someone's hands holding me back as the three of us looks up.

"Oh hey Pika!" I shouted. He smiled and it turned into a frown. "Honestly you two are both old enough to understand this by now," he said disappointed. "Not Killua because he's only eleve-," my mouth now covered as I look up to see my mother.

I widened my eyes and quickly bowed. "I'm sorry Killua," my voice nonchalant. I soon felt something warm touch the top of my head. "Hey Killua, you need to apologize too." I looked up to see Leorio. He was much shorter but still looked older then his age.

"LEORIO!" I shouted and gave him a hug. "Don't tell me you're leaving too!" I shouted. He laughed and looked at the other three. "Why of course I'm leaving," he replied. "What's so special about a hunter exam anyways," I mumbled lowly.

"You get money, and I think that's it, who doesn't want money?" Killua said greedily. "Shut up," I said calmly. My mother nudged me lightly. "Language, Y/n," she hushed. "Leorio, you're not doing it for the money are you," I asked.

He looked around and avoided my question. Looking for a good answer. "Why of course no-," "He is," Kurapika finished. The sound of a whistle blowing had rang throughout the harbor. "Please hurry!" I shouted.

The four boys now running inside the boat as I look at the ship. "Why couldn't I join, Mother?" I asked. She waved goodbye and looked down at me. "Why I wouldn't want you to be exposed my dear," she answered. "Exposed to what?" I said confused.

"Exposed to the outside world," she explained. "Oh," was all I said. I waved at the four and felt excited. Though I wasn't on I felt excited for them. "YOU BETTER COME BACK HOME KILLUA, YOU BABY!" I screamed loudly.

I turned around and walked away. Soon after I heard a reply. "I RATHER DIE THAN SEE YOU AGAIN, STUPID!" I laughed and continued walking. They'll be fine.

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