Ch. 30

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After we arrived Gon and Killua decided to spend the night. Of course without Pikas permission. "It's still early in the morning, what should we do!" Gon asked. And got into a jumping stance. I huddled beside him and looked at Killua.

"I'm too lazy," Killua whined. "I didn't as if you were lazy," I snarled. He shrugged his shoulders and walked towards the kitchen. "Stop being a fat ass and come back!" I shouted. Her did a quick 180 and stood there. He placed his hand on his hip and brought his other hand up.

"Hold up," he laughed. "Who gave you the right to insult, me," he said intimidating. Now slowly walking towards me. Like a lion sneaking up on their prey. "Pika, duh," I replied.  He stood there dumbfounded as I walk pass him. Gon happily walking over as I pull out a bag.

"Oooo, what's this," he asked. He crouched down and rested his head on his palm. "Jenga," I said quickly. I stood up and threw the wood blocks on the ground. The loud sound of wood making contact with the floor. Almost piercing my eardrums from the sudden loudness.

Their eyes widened as I stood there smirking. "Except the blocks are huge!" I exclaimed. There was pause as silence engulfed the house. Before I could continue I heard yelling upstairs. "Shut up, I'm trying to sleep!"

Time skip

"Wait, maybe this one," Gon said nervously. He kept poking the wood, checking for any loose ones. Killua sat on the couch and waited for his turn. He stared at us bored and slowly drifted to sleep. I stood beside Gon and kept on encouraging him. "Maybe this one?" Gon mumbled. Killua yawned and sat up straight.

"Gon hurry up, it's been 5 minutes!" He yelled. Gon gave him a apologetic smile and quickly pulled one out. The tower now wobbling as I stayed frozen in place. Killua stood up and walked towards it slowly. We all stayed still and waited. After deciding it was stable we continued.

"Finally, my turn," I whispered. Killua heard me and nodded his head. I felt around the tower and realized how tight the blocks were. There's no way I'm winning this round. I lightly pulled one out and saw the tower fall down.

A loud crash echoed throughout the house. I shook in fear as the two boys stood still. Killua grabbed Gon and pulled him inside the pantry. I heard stomping and looked around the living room. Well I don't it'll be called the living room after this. I scurried over towards the closet under the stairs.

"Y/NN!" His voice booming. I covered my mouth and kept my eyes open. Feeling too scared to close them. You really messed up this time, Y/n. "Come out," he demanded. I shook my head and tried to mold myself to the corner of the closet. Trying to go through the corner as an escape.

I heard the door creak open. His dead eyes making me nervous as I wave my hand. "H-Hey, dude," I stuttered. He points outside and get up from the ground. I sigh and crawl out the closet. "Y/n, why must you disobey me?" He asked. I stayed silent and looked down at my shoes.

"Or do you like being scolded, does it excite you, hmm," he continued. I shook my head and finally looked up at him. His harsh look that still held softness in his eyes. Making me feel like a spark had ignited within me. Not knowing how answer I stuttered.

"I-," I was cut off and heard the pantry door slam open. "Man, I was so uncomfortable in there, weren't you Gon?" Killua asked. Making his words stretch as he walked towards us. "I actually thought it was pretty com-," Killua placed his hand over Gons mouth. Now silencing him.

"What should we do?" Killua asked. We both made eye contact and he did a small wink. Thank goodness! "Well it's starting to get darker," Kurapika pointed out. Gon yawned and leaned against the counter. "I was going to suggest playing smash bros, but you guys suck at it," he explained.

I gasped and looked at Gon. He shrugged his shoulders and rested his head. "I only speak the truth, sorry," he answered. I look at Killua who was rummaging inside the pantry. Snacks in his arms as he continued to look for more. "Hey fat ass, what did you do to Gon!" I shouted.

Killua jumped in fear and dropped some snacks. "I didn't do anything, he just said the truth, damn every one always saying 'Killua this' 'Killua that'," he answered. I ignored him and sat on the table. Hmm I tapped my fingers on the surface as I thought about activities.

I quickly stood up and startling the men. Killua accidentally dropped his Twinkie and looked down at it. He stared at it briefly before giving me a sour look. "Let's watch a movie!" I suggested. Now clasping my hands together as I walk over towards the couch.

"Sounds good," Gon chirped. Kurapika nodded his head and sat beside me. "Did you guys not care about my Twinkie, it fell," he said glumly. Everyone continued to get ready for movie night. Ignoring him while doing so. "Y/n, how do you pop it?" Gon asked.

I turned around and looked at him. He pointed at the microwave. "I usually do it on the stove, but you can do the microwave," he gave me a thumbs up. "So what are watching?" Killua asked and plopped down beside me. I  placed my finger to my chin.

It has to be a good one. "How about Howl's Moving Castle?" I suggested. The two males thought about it and gave me a questionable look. "What's that?" Kurapika said blankly. "Oh I know that!" Gon yells from the kitchen. I looked back at the other two and smile.

"Then it's settled, we're watching it!"

"So romantic!" Gon and I yelled. We both hugged each other as we watched the last scene. "How was it?" Gon asked. The two boys stayed silent and looked at us. "I felt like I was in the movi-,"

"Sad," Killua said solemnly. "How was it sad?," Gon asked. Killua let out a sigh and stretched his arms. "Sad that it ended," he finished. I nodded my head and felt an empty feeling in my chest. "Yeah, I guess it is," I mumbled.

Gon noticed the solemn mood and quickly stood up. "Hey Kurapika, you should be Howl for Halloween!" He pointed out. I clapped my hands together and jumped up and down. "Yes, he should!" I exclaimed. We both rambled on about the similarities.

"Okay, time for bed," Killua yawned. Noooo. "But then I have to do work!" I moaned. Gon patted my head and smiled, "Hey, it'll be fun with us around." I yawned and walked over towards the stairs. "Goodnight then," I said tiredly.

I walked upstairs inside my bedroom. The smell of lavender making my heart beat. As the fluttering sensation took over. I guess he really does make me feel in love. I changed into a simple nightgown and brushed my teeth. The bathroom door opened.

"Hello my love," he said lovingly. I stayed still and felt him nuzzle his face. His warm breath hitting my neck as my cheeks felt hot. "Hello," I whispered. Its embarrassing. He gave me a small peck on my neck and trailed up to my cheek.

"Oops, I missed," he quickly held my cheeks and planted his soft lips against mine. The quick peck making me melt. "Minty," he said softly. He removed his hands and turned on the faucet. "Did I miss something?" I asked.

He shook his head and began to brush his teeth. "I'll be in bed," I walked away and closed the bathroom door. I noticed a blinking light and raised my brow. A smashed piece of technology was beside the bed. The blinking light slowly faded.

"Oh, you noticed the camera," he asked. I nod my head and get into bed. "I destroyed them," he said calmly. That's nice to hear. "Also, don't forget to pass by my office," he yawned. I wonder why, what's so important that it has to be at his office. I brushed off that thought and closed my eyes.

Kurapika turned on his reading light and began to flip through pages. "I'll be doing some light reading, if that's fine with you," he whispered. I turned around and looked up at him. "It's calming, when I hear you flip through the pages," I responded. He gave me a slight smile.

"Sweet dreams," he said softly. I closed my eyes and heard the slight ticking of the clock. The occasional page turning and the sound of the bed rustling. The once cold bed now warm and calming. "Goodnight."

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