Ch.7 Cookie

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I heard the car slowly come to a stop as I shielded my eyes from the lights. We were at a gas station and decided to take a small break from driving as we fill up the tank.

"What time is it?" My words coming out mumbled as I rubbed my tired eyes. I yawned and felt myself getting lightheaded from my nap. "It's 3 in the morning...go back to bed"

my mother kissed my temple as she exited the truck. The loud slam making me jump in fright as I quickly grabbed my duck plush. I rubbed my nape as I felt how uncomfortable the seat was, since my neck felt stiff and sore.

I looked out the window and noticed how tired drivers were also taking this break as an advantage to get more rest. The door opened and my mother had turned on the engine as I made myself comfortable on the seat.

"We're almost there" I nodded my head and closed my eyes. The soft rumbling of the car driving on the road making me feel satisfied.

"Y/N....wake up~" I felt my mother lightly pushing my shoulder as I cracked open an eye. It was bright outside, the sound of cars honking and people chatting making me quickly sat up.

The apartment complex making me feel intimidated from its size. I looked around the truck and noticed that most of the stuff was gone. Except for a few boxes here and there. "Where's the stuff?"

I pulled the blanket off of me and exited the truck. I grabbed two boxes and my mother grabbed the other two. "What floor are we on?" I followed her as we entered the lobby.

My mother checked in and was handed the keys of our apartment. "Stop with the'll see when we get there" I entered the elevator and my mother pushed the 10th floor. Why is there so many floors?

I heard the ding and the doors had opened, we both had exited and I rushed after my mother who was already ahead. "W-wait!" I tried to follow her and found her stopping in front of a room. I heavily breathed as she unlocked the apartment door.

We entered and I widened my eyes when I saw the size of the floor. Our furniture was already inside and looked as if it had been in there. I placed the two boxes down on the table and looked out the huge window overlooking the city.

"It's nice!" I yelled as I felt a smile on my face. My mother giggled and shook her head as she took me up the stairs. She opened one of the doors and I opened my mouth in surprise. "Is this my room?"

She shook her head and sat me down on the bed. I felt my hands getting sweatier as I looked away from her eyes. "This is your guest room when you come over here"

I looked at her eyes and titled my head in confusion as I saw her happy face. "Tomorrow your going to live with your husband!"

I stood up and waved my arms around as I laughed like I was a mad woman. "HUSBAND....SINCE WHEN!" She looked down and I lowered my voice to a slightly quieter one.

"Since you were born" I put my hands onto my head and slightly rugged my strands of hair. How do I not know about this...first we move so I can take over the company....and now I found out I've been married since birth.

She came up to me and wrapped her arms around my waist as I placed my head down onto her shoulder. "Why?" My voice shaking as I realized that I had no choice but to accept my life.

"Because...It had to happen...for the company Y/N...." I sighed and nodded my head as I exited the bedroom and went downstairs to the kitchen. I saw the older woman looking out the window as I grabbed myself a chocolate robot.

I stood beside her and split the treat into two halves. I handed her the other as she took a nibble of the chocolate sweet. "When do I meet my husband" I looked at the cars passing by like ants as I anxiously waited for her response.

"Tomorrow morning~" She clapped her hands together as I nodded my head towards her. I guess I have to make myself look presentable for tomorrow.

I heard the refrigerator door opens and I turned around to face my mother grabbing ingredients from inside. "Why are you making?" She smirked and I sat down at the stool in front of the kitchen counter.

Seeing a full view of her cooking space. "I'm making some a sorry present for you" I laughed and placed my head onto my palm. I laughed when she accidentally poured too much milk inside the mixing bowl.

"SHIT!" She cursed and I shushed her, "Hey, it's bad too say bad words~" she rolled her eyes and poured the chocolate chips inside the bowl. She mixed the contents and I laughed when she spilled some of the mixture onto the floor.

And I thought I sucked at baking... "your doing great" I put a thumbs up as she rolled the small pieces of the dough and placed it onto the pan. I got up from my spot and heated up the over and set the bake time.

"Hey, I know how to do it" I just ignored her and walked back to my seat. Even though she isn't the best at baking...her cookies always turn out divine.

"Okay, I'm going to take a shower while it's baking" She turned on the sink and took off the extra dough between her fingers. "Okay sweetie, take as long as you want" I went upstairs to my guest bedroom and opened the bathroom door.

Is this a bathroom...or a sauna? I took off my clothes and was hit by my body odor. "Well fuck, lets take a long bath" I turned on the water and heard the rumbling sound of water hitting the tub.

It was somehow soothing and I sat there in a daze. After a couple of minutes I turned off the water and found a control button on the side of the tub. Bath warmer? I pushed the button and entered into the tub.

I felt the water heat up and I closed my eyes in bliss, wishing I could just stay in here forever. I scrubbed my body and massages mint scented shampoo into my hair.

I rinsed it off and lightly scrubbed my face with the facial cleanser that smelled like fresh strawberries. I drained the water and exited the tub, feeling the cold air conditioned room give me goosebumps.

"I guess it really does keep the water warm, nice" I wrapped myself with the bath robe and exited the bathroom. I opened the closet and noticed that there was more clothes then what I had originally packed.

I found a white dress shirt with a ruffled collar and a salmon pink pencil skirt. "This looks fine.." I grabbed the outfit and hanged it out of the closet. I pulled out a baggy shirt and some shorts and threw them into my figure as I rushed downstairs.

"You took an hour....but that's fine" My mother was sitting in the couch while eating some cookies. I took the seat next to her and reached out and grabbed the biggest one on the warm pan. I heard her giggle as she looked at the T.V.

"I saved that one for you" I took a bite and hummed in delight, the warm chocolate filled sweet making my heart feel warm. I guess these really are "I'm sorry cookies"

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