Ch. 35

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The elevator doors opened and I walked up to the front door. I grabbed my spare key and unlocked it. Now taking off my flats I enter. "Mother," I called. The house looking clean and had the faint smell of vanilla. After a couple of seconds, the woman had made her way down.

"Oh Y/n, dear," she said sweetly. She grabbed my head and placed it on her chest. "You haven't talked to me," she whined. I wrapped my arms around her and let out a sigh. "I'm sorry, mother," I replied tiredly. She held my hand and walked me towards the couch.

"Your hands are freezing!" She exclaimed. Now rubbing her warm ones against mine. "I'll reheat the tea." She gives me a smile and walks inside the kitchen. I grab the blanket beside me and wrapped myself up. Like a caterpillar. "What brings you here?" She asked.

I contemplated with my answer. The silence becoming awkward as she waited. "I'll be staying here until further notice," I explained. She grabbed the reheated tea and placed it on the coffee table. "How demanding," she joked.

Once she saw my saddened mood, she quickly sat down beside me."What happened?" I look down at my cup and stared at my reflection. I'll have to tell her. I placed the cup down and took in a deep breath. Now feeling as if an outer shell had broke, I threw my arms around her.

Crying like a child. "Oh mother, my marriage life hasn't been the best," I mumbled. "I don't even know if I have one anymore," I said solemnly. She stroked my hair and began to hum. "My sweet child, life hasn't been treating you the best," she added on.

I agree with her and felt her rubbing my back soothingly. "Let it all out," she repeated.  "I've messed up," I cried. My tears now soaking into my mother's dress. But she sat there unfazed. I explained the earlier events in the morning and calmed down. It feels nice venting to someone.

The sound of my deep breaths and sniffling as I felt my tears dry. I laid my head on her lap as I played with the blankets hemming. "Seems like you're both at fault," she explained. I nodded my head and looked up at her. Feeling as if I had been transported to the past.

"Y/n, I'm not very good at this," she said weakly. Her face looking the same except for some lines sprinkled randomly. It's fine, now you're here. The memories of mother being away from home. They lonely days and nights. Somehow I felt pity. Knowing how much she's accomplished.

But also also how much she's put her child aside. "You're doing well," I whispered. She gave me a light kiss on my head and sat me up. "You should rest, all this crying must be tiring," she explained. I crack a smile and stand up from the couch. "I'll be down for dinner," I said softly.

Feeling drained from today's events. I just run away, it's my way of coping. I walk upstairs and open my bedroom door. The bed looking untouched as well as the many objects inside the room. I slid my finger on the dresser and inspected it. It looks like she dusts it.

My seemingly broken heart feeling warm. She's still my mother, though she may irk me at times. I'll always love her. Now opening the dresser I look inside. The comfortable sleepwear lined up on the bottom. All of them appropriate for my age. I grab the soft button up and matching pants.

The rest of my day, feeling like bliss. After my bath I took a nap. My dreams making me feel light as a feather. My broken heart slowly healing. This place feels like a sanctuary. I rubbed my eyes and felt the sudden drowsiness of napping. "Mother, is dinner ready?!" I yelled.

After hearing no answer, I got up to inspect. I creak open the bedroom door and sneak towards the stairs. The room looking dim as I grabbed the emergency bat from the closet. I tip toe down the steps and into the living room. I lowered my bat upon seeing her resting on the couch.

I looked towards the kitchen and see one light left on. I overslept. Now walking towards the counter I look at the plate of (f/d).
(Favorite dinner)

I smiled and grabbed the plate. The food still warm as I place it on the table. Now eating it my mouth felt pure joy. As if nothing before existed. "Thank you," I whispered. The sleeping woman lightly snoring as I chuckle.

"Shit," I curse out loud. I run towards the office door and look outside. The crowd of workers blocking my way as I'm bombarded with questions. Are you single!? Being the the most asked. I looked down and stared at my shoes.

The loud office becoming distracting. "Shut up!" I heard someone yell. All the muttering had stopped. I hear people cry in pain and annoyance. Killua pushed through the crowd and blocked me. Shielding me from their view. "Everyone go back to work," he said calmly.

"Or else you won't have a job to work for," he growled. They turned around and walked away. The noises of the phone ringing and typing continued. I gave Killua a nod and fix my tie. Now combing my hair with fingers. I walk confidently towards my office and slam the door closed.

Hearing the walls shake as I did. "Oh, Pika," she said distressed. The woman now closer to my age wrapping her arms around me. "Did she hurt you?" She said in a babying tone. I shook my head and walk towards my chair. "No she didn't, sweetie," I said annoyed.

"Come on, why are you in a glum mood," she whined. She stood behind me and rested her head on top of mine. "I know this is what we both wanted Layla, but," I trailed at the end. She began to massage my shoulder and whispered into my ear, "But what?"

The sensational shivers not happening as I sat there unfazed. "I feel bad, how all of this was an act, I just feel guilt instead of joy," I explained. I did fall in love with Y/n. I grabbed my head and slammed it on the table. Layla letting out a gasp as I felt liquid roll down.

I just feel, numb. "Kurapika, are you crazy?!" She shouted. I laid there lifeless as I shrugged my shoulders. "Layla, I feel conflicted," I mumbled. She held up my head and stared into my eyes. "Kurapika, I'm your first love," she stated. I nodded my head and felt my heart sink down.

"You played the 'loving husband act' for awhile and then got the business," she explained. I nodded my head and looked down. "What more do you want?" She asked. The room becoming silent as I felt the bandage getting placed on my wound. "I'm not sure," I answered.

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