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"WAIT-WAIT," I shouted. My voice echoing on the other end. I heard shuffling and a door slamming on the other line. "Wow, that totally did not hurt my ear drums," Killua said sarcastically. My mother looked at me as if I were crazy. "Just because of traffic?" I said calmly. There was mumbled arguing as I looked at my mom with a displeased look. "What's wrong?" She finally asked. "They might arrive late," I answered sadly. "And, what's wrong with that," she said confused. Now fixing her dress as we look outside the car window. "I just feel uncomfortable with it," I said quietly. She leaned forward and looked at the driver. "Is there any traffic?" The driver shook her head and continued driving. "I suppose over there it's jammed," she explained. Now placing her hand on mine as Gon finally speaks. "Sorry about that, we'll see if we can take another route," he said sweetly. "It's alright, you can take your time," I said softly. Now ending the call as I let out a sigh. "I just feel so nervous, nauseous, probably both," I joked. My awkward laughter making my mom smile. "It's alright, you've never been to one," she explained. I laid my head on her shoulder and smiled. "At least I have you," my tone more light. "I'll always be there," she said warmly. "Trust me, soon this will be like attending school," she explained. "You'll get tired after attending these things," she joked. The car soon stopped and the sound of people shouting had caused an empty pit in my stomach. The door was opened and my mother had exited out. Her movements were like a swan as she gracefully walked to the side. I held my hand out and exited the car. Quickly following after her. A smile plastered onto my face as I stared straight ahead. The flashing cameras and people calling us were quite annoying. My mother grabbed my hand and lead me towards the stairs. I let out a sigh and posed with her. "Let's continue," she said under her breath. The door being held open as we say thank you to the man. "Stay close," she whispered. "Ms. Florence!" Someone shouted. A group of people came over and flashed us a smiled. "Ms. Florence would you be interested in-,"

"Oh, pardon me, right now we're looking for our table, let's talk about this later," my mother said kindly. Now leading me inside the main room. The sound of the orchestra playing sweet notes and people talking. My eyes traveled to the main floor. Couples were twirling and swaying with the music as I stayed entranced. "Y/n, dear," my mother called. I blinked and smiled. She sat me down at our table and continued to hold my hand. "I'm surprised people actually wore masks," she pointed out. My eyes scanning the room as I spotted them. "It was an option, so I'm happy some people wore them," I whispered. A lady came up to our table and poured our drinks into the small glasses. My nose scrunching up after smelling the familiar scent of alcohol. Never again. I quickly flash a smile and looked around. Making sure no one noticed my displeased look. "May I have a water," I asked. "Why of course," she said sweetly. Now grabbing the pitcher and pouring it. She bowed and walked away. "How is it my dear," she asked. I looked around and leaned towards her. "It's pretty exciting," I answered. She grabbed her glass and took a small sip. I grabbed mine and took a tiny sip of water. Just like a lady should. I looked at my mother and saw her holding in laughter. "What's wrong?" I said confused. "It's amusing to see you act like this," she giggled. My face growing red in embarrassment as I shield myself. "No its not," I whisper shouted. The music had ended and we both clapped. "Don't we have to do a speech?" I asked. She waved her hand and shook her head. Pointing at my chest as she leaned in. "You have to do a speech," she said emphasizing the 'you'. Oh no. I quickly stood up and felt everyone's eyes staring into my soul. My pace of breathing was slowly increasing as I walked gracefully. I walked up the small podium and smiled. Everyone clapping as I stood up tall. I stared at the many unfamiliar faces and waited for the clapping to end. I took in a deep breath and stared ahead at the wall. "Good evening ladies and gentlemen, whether it be coworkers or attendees I am grateful for your time. Here we have a night planned for the celebration of hardworking people and my mother, Serena Florence. The past holder of Marie's Garden, so please enjoy this magical night, thank you." They clapped as I waved and curtsied. Now walking back to my table as the music began. I heard my name and turned around. Cherie and Lilith were standing there. "You both look divine," I said kindly. Cherie giggled and waved her hands. "You don't have to be so formal Mrs. Kurta," she said sweetly. I smiled and looked at Lilith. She was on the phone and had a grumpy look. "She's on a call, with someone 'important'," she snickered. Her fingers doing air quotes with a an unamused expression. She stood beside me as we stared at her. "Fine, let's continue this later," Lilith said coldly. Now ending the call and looking at us. "I apologize, I was talking to a client," she explained. "Hey, no more business matters, tonight is a night of relaxation," I explained. Lilith shrugged her shoulders and grabbed Cheries hand. "You look beautiful Mrs. Kurta," Lilith said kindly. Cherie did a devilish laugh and curtsied. "You look very 'charming' Lilith," she snickered. Lilith's expression now cold and looked to be displeased. "I don't know why I've been viewed as a male!" She grumbled. Cherie pointed at her outfit. She sarcastically said, "Oh I don't know, probably the dress suit." Lilith was about to grab Cherie but the sight of dancers had caught her attention. "Oh, let's dance!" Cherie shouted. Her excitement making the both of us smile. "Did you forget, it's pairs of two," Lilith said blankly. Cherie rolled her eyes and grabbed both of our hands. "Nonsense, we'll show them three people can do a waltz," she said boldly. By now the couples on the the main floor were staring at us. Some of them smiling at the sight of younger women."Now you go in between, Lilith," Cherie instructed. "I don't wanna be squished in between," she grumbled. "Then Y/n goes in between," Cherie said sweetly. Lilith and I switched spots. Some couples passing by us and making sure to avoid the three of us. "Let's hurry, I'll lead then," Lilith whispered. Cherie giggled and held both of her hands. I placed both of mine on Lilith's arms.

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