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"By the way, Taetae. I wanted to ask you something. Why are there so many alphas in this school and little to no omegas? Even the betas are much less than alphas." This question was bothering Jungkook since he came here for admission a few days back. But at that time he thought maybe there was not much omegas around at the moment, since he had spent like just an hour here.

But today, since he entered the building, he had mostly noticed alphas scents and some of betas, there was a really small trace of omegas, so hard to notice that Jungkook got first whiff after spending three hours inside the building.

"Ah that. Actually it's because this school is far away from all the neighboring packs. You may have noticed that there is not even a border of any pack in eye sight range around this school. Since it's that far away from all packs, so mostly alphas and some betas come here for study. And a very few omegas that have some alpha or beta friends or have found their mates. You know because of the safety issues. Although the building is very secure, but the paths are not school's responsibility to secure. And since no pack holds these grounds, so they also don't protect them." Taehyung explained in detail.

"Yeah I know. It's hard enough to take care of the pack just. Then securing such a big piece of land, it's like impossible. But what safety issues you were talking about? Haven't all the packs in our country signed contract to not attack any member from any other pack and not break a war?" Taehyung gave him an answer, but this gave Jungkook another question.

"Yeah they did. But it's for packs. What about rogues? And I don't know if it's true but I have heard that there's a gang who's gathering up all the rogues from the world and they..." Taehyung took a pause, debating whether he should tell the little omega about this thing or not.

Then he decided to tell him, so that if he, unfortunately, ever happened to face someone, he could take some emergency steps.

Not like Taehyung was ever letting him go anywhere alone, that's the basic reason he got a car and was responsible to take Jungkook where ever he said.

But still, there can be many omega reasons that Jungkook have to leave Taehyung's side for.

"Actually, that gang is rumored for, not rumored, everyone is pretty sure about this and many have witnessed or found proves about it. But the thing is. These rogues take, basically kidnap alpha and beta females and omegas. But mostly they kidnap omegas. We can guess clearly without any doubt that why they do that." Taehyung stopped, as he didn't want to tell the already frightened omega in front of him this harsh reality. Trust me it was really hard.

"Is it what I think it is? They- they kidnap ladies and omegas, but mostly omegas because they can get higher num-number of p-ups when --- that--- with alphas. They, they..." Jungkook didn't know what to say, not like now he could say much as holding his voice from cracking was impossible now.

Seeing the omega break down like that made Taehyung regret his decision of telling him about this. But he pushed the regret aside as he felt a little bit at ease that now Jungkook knew this and he will stop being all friendly with everyone, that the omega does very much because of his nature.

"Kook calm down baby. Don't worry. All the packs, not just in our country but in the whole world are fighting against them. They kill all the rogues that are doubted to be a part of that gang without giving a chance to run away. And no pack is allowing any member to leave the pack permanently at any cost. That is reducing their number really fast. And you see, soon they will end that gang's existence." Taehyung assured the sniffling boy who was now curled up by his side.

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