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Namjoon, who was putting his youngest son in his crib, looked up at the young alpha calling him.

After two weeks of spending day and night awake, Seokjin had collapsed today.

He had been really tired and couldn't even drink coffee like other three as his doctor had prohibited him from any caffeine intake for the whole of his lactating period, or at least until the pups are not completely shifted on formula milk. (Sorry if you guys don't like the idea but I'm not gonna skip chest feeding because we want healthy pups).

So after pushing himself for a long time of two whole weeks, today his body finally said that no, no more torture, and he had passed out 15 minutes ago while feeding his youngest son, the last one to feed this time.

And so once the baby was done feeding, Namjoon had picked him up to lay in his crib when Taehyung called him from the doorway of their room.

"Yeah Tae?" Namjoon answered the boy, straightening up from his position after tucking the baby in his blanket.

"Is hyung OK?" The youger questioned about his elder brother who had big dark circles and tiredness etched on his face. Not to mention, his laying position no way near the position he lays in while sleeping. So he definitely wasn't asleep.

"I hope. He just passed out feeding this little dangel here." Namjoon replied looking as much tired as his mate.

After spending two weeks with these pups, they had collectively came to a conclusion that these babies definitely are not angels, but they couldn't get themselves to call them devils.

Yeah, they maybe giving them a really hard time but they are just pure and innocent babies.

So they had all decided to call them dangels, Devil + Angel, until they announce their names.

It's a tradition of their pack, when the head alpha, or soon to be head alpha, becomes a father, whether be first time or second, they hold a pack meeting where they announce the names of the pups and only after the announcement they start calling them by their names.

Even the family members even when alone with the pups, don't use their names before announcing them for the whole pack to know.

OK let's get back the current scene.

"Oh. Um hyung. I need to talk to you about something." Taehyung hesitantly said.

He didn't want to tell Namjoon about this as the alpha was already very stressed. But he had got this opportunity after two whole weeks and he didn't want to lose it.

"Yeah? About what?" Namjoon asked sitting on the sofa chair in their room.

Taehyung first looked at his brother thinking whether they should talk here or not. But then walked towards Namjoon seeing then his hyung was passed out and won't be getting up soon enough to hear them.

He sat on the other sofa chair across the elder alpha before sighing and starting explaining everything to him.

Namjoon's facial expressions changed throughout the explanation the younger was giving him. But one thing was surely there all the time.


Worry that how is he going to save his pack from the storm.

Worry that how are they going to survive.

Worry that if they will have enough time to get prepared for the upcoming event.

And the answer to all these questions worrying the young head alpha was unknown.


Hey guys. Sorry for the long wait, got caught up in my studies.

Anyways. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Have a nice day/night everyone.

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