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It was a really lovely Thursday evening of November.

The weather, though really cold, but still quite enjoyable.

It was raining heavily and the snow from last snow fall had changed the roads into ice skating rinks.

So almost everyone was inside wrapped in blankets sitting across heaters, other than the few poor souls that had to leave their safe and warm havens for some emergency.

But overall, it was all quiet and calm, if you ignore the heavy sound of rain.

The whole crystal pack was swallowed by a really serene atmosphere, minus the Kim household.

It was anything but calm inside the house of pack's head alpha.

You wanna know why?

Well. Jungkook was in heat. And Taehyung was nowhere to be found.

Seokjin, with his heavily pregnant baby bump, was pacing in the lounge. Well at least he was trying to. But you can't complain. He's just about to give birth in a couple days.

He was trying his best to not stress because stress can induce labor pain and that's the last thing he wants right now as he has no one to help him with Jungkook in heat, Taehyung being lost and Namjoon searching for him.

In the last two weeks since Taehyung started going out without telling anyone about his whereabouts, Seokjin never complained about this routine of his brother once, not even about him powering off his cellphone during this evening stroll, before today.

He was really angry. First, Taehyung didn't remember his mate's heat schedule. Second, even if he didn't remember, he was with Jungkook in school today, so he must have noticed the omega being in preheat, but he still left in evening. Third, he knows that Jungkook's heat starts early compared to other omegas but he still didn't come home yet.

It was still a mystery to everyone that why Jungkook's preheat and post heat was so short making his heat that should be of 2 nights and 1 day, extend to almost 2 days and 2 nights.

It was his 3rd heat and like always, it started at afternoon and is expected to go till the afternoon of 3rd day.

But it was not Seokjin's biggest worry right now.

Right now, he was stressing over the thought of Taehyung coming back at dinner like his usual routine and how is Jungkook going to hang on till then.

He's also an omega, and he knows how much a heat hurts without his alpha by his side. Especially when it's a heat after mating once.

He was just a brink away from losing his mind but thankfully, the front door opened and in came the most wanted criminal, I mean alpha, Taehyung, running straight up to Jungkook's room.

When Seokjin saw him, he was about to stop him but then stopped himself from doing so because right now the alpha was needed up there the most. Besides, he can always have his interrogatory session later.

After almost 5 minutes, when he became sure that Taehyung came back by himself and Namjoon is still out there searching for him, Seokjin sat down on the sofa before picking his cell phone from the coffee table in front of him and dialing Namjoon's number.

"Hello Jin. Everything alright why did you call?" Namjoon sounded a little panicked, probably thought that something bad has happened.

"Yes everything is alright. I called to inform you that the brat came back and is with kook now." Seokjin replied while rolling his eyes at his out of sight brother.

"Thank goodness. OK get ready till I come back so we can leave sooner. Bye." Namjoon told his mate while entering the car and start the ignition.

"OK. Bye." He ended the call before getting up and going to his room to change.

The elder couple had almost half of their closet at Namjoon's apartment by now, because, now since Jungkook was living with them as Jin is pregnant, he would always start his heat in this house and they can't make him go out of the house is that condition to go to his own apartment or at Taehyung's house with the said alpha.

Besides, they don't mind leaving this house to the younger couple because it's the official house of head alpha that, by rules is Taehyung and Namjoon is just a care taker until he takes charge. Secondly, Namjoon's apartment is almost the same size as this house and really comfy comparing to Jungkook's apartment where it will be really hard for a mating couple to be comfortable.

By the time Namjoon arrived, Seokjin was ready and waiting for him outside the main door with the keys to their apartment in his hand and the alpha didn't question him standing out in this freezing temperature rather than sitting inside in front of a heater since he knew the answer.

The omega opened the door as soon as the car stopped before slipping inside muttering 'brat' under his breath and the alpha chuckled, knowing for whom it was before driving to their apartment.

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