The Worst Roommate | Roman-centric

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summary: roman's roommates think he's the absolute worst; he moves out, and only then do they realize his value.

word count: 2348

i have so many fics where i feel like i'm making excuses for toxic people skhfjdk. in this one, roman has unhealthy traits that he should work on but, moral of the story, he's trying lol (and everyone has some flaws, but that's what makes us human, as long as we try to work past them :)). also, this one could have a part 2 but i honestly have no ideas rn skfhldk so thank you again for 10k reads, i think i'll post like one last long fic and then i'll probably go back to normal from there :))

tw/cw// sad roman, no one likes roman, mention of w33d (and someone under the influence), crying, slight cussing, sadness, sorry for spoilers, someone goes missing, idk if that needs a warning but just being cautious


Roman was officially given the title of the worst and most annoying roommate. With four people under one roof, there were bound to be issues now and then. But the problems the others had with Roman seemed to pile up against him. From singing loudly during his long showers every day and never closing any doors (refrigerator, cabinet, bedroom, etc.) to name-calling and picking fights with his roommates for seemingly no other reason than to make them feel stupid. 

It all became too much for his roommates to handle, especially the two introverts that were Logan and Virgil. So when Roman announced he'd be moving back home in Texas, they all took an internal sigh of relief.

The night Roman would be leaving, he scanned every inch of the apartment, making sure he didn't leave anything behind. Virgil quickly became annoyed, as annoyed as he could be after taking his anxiety medication and getting a little stoned, since Roman had searched the couch twice now, practically throwing Virgil off each time. "Why can't you calm down? You aren't leaving until tomorrow." 

Roman scoffed and searched through the cabinets for any snacks he'd bought for himself. "How are you the one telling me to calm down right now? You can't even sleep unless we lock all of the doors and windows." Roman knew he was too stressed about leaving his best friends to care about what insults he spouted at them. Truthfully, he lied to his roommates about his flight date because he hated goodbyes. He had been dreading the day he'd leave them when he saw The Office and felt inspired by the 22nd episode in the seventh season, deciding on his plan of action from there.

"Okay, one, how could you be comfortable knowing an intruder, possibly murderer, could come into your apartment any minute? And two, you don't have to complain much longer because you're finally moving out soon." "Finally?" Roman echoed, letting out a small chuckle. "What do you mean but that?" Virgil didn't turn to face Roman, idly watching TV with a relaxed face. "You can't tell me you didn't notice by now. You're kinda cool, Ro, and I'm sure you don't realize it, but you are a lot to handle most of the time."

Roman frowned and left the kitchen to stand by the couch in the living room. "I am?" "Yeah. Like you can be way too loud, you invade people's personal space a lot, you're inconsiderate most of the time, and you spend way too much time obnoxiously going on about how much better you are than everyone else." Roman gulped. "I thought everyone could tell I was joking. I'm sorry. I didn't realize people saw me like that." Roman knew Virgil was a bit blunter tonight because he was, well, high. But that just made this all the more concerning since Virgil was telling the truth without a filter right now.

Virgil glanced at Roman carelessly then did a double-take as he saw the sad look on his face, his eyes widening as he realized what he'd said. "Crap, I wasn't supposed to tell you that. We all agreed. Crap, I wasn't supposed to say that either." Virgil hesitantly stood from the couch. "Uh, forget everything I said; I'm not thinking right now. I'm so sorry, Ro. I swear that's not what we think of you. It's just Patton made me swear not to-" "Patton?" Roman whimpered out. 

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