No Air | Platonic Intrulogince

92 6 3

summary: logan grows up with roman and remus, but people change, and logan is left behind

word count: 631

okay so trans logan, he/him, uhhh roman and remus are kinda jerks in this one, i don't like them but ya know dsjfkdj also, sorry if this one isn't thoughtout well enough, i had a lot of stuff to do over this break, it didn't even feel like a break, just a glorified weekend kdsfhkfj

tw/cw// crying, betrayal, misgendering, unsympathetic roman/remus, asthma attack mixed with a panic attack


Roman and Remus Sanders, Logan's childhood best friends. The three would spend all of their free time together, sleepovers, play dates, anything to be with each other. As they got older, around nine years old, the twins even competed for Logan's attention, both having widely obvious crushes on him. They'd say that, without him, there would be no air.

In middle school, Roman and Remus found different friend groups but they always came back together, spending time with Logan. They both accepted Logan when he came out as trans and bisexual, both admitting they were also apart of the community, just unsure of their labels. That night felt like a breath of fresh air for Logan.

'Nothing will change in freshman year. It's nothing new anyways.' Logan naively thought.

As he stood in front of Roman now, he desperately hoped all those years of friendship meant something. "Roman, we asked a question. Do you know her or not?" Roman held watery eye-contact with Logan before looking down, blinking away his tears. "No, she's just one of those GSA girls." A pang of hurt went through Logan's chest, watching the group walk away.

He kept his tears at bay, knowing he couldn't cry just yet. He ran around the school building, scanning the various friend groups for his friend. 'Remus, I need to find Remus. Where is he?' He panted softly, finally spotting Remus before rushing over to him. "Remus, I-I need to talk to you."

"Re, are you in or out?" A boy in a black jacket asked impatiently. Remus sighed and held a finger up to the boy, turning to Logan. "What is it?" "It's about Roman-" "Re, we really don't have time for this. We have to go now." Remus rolled his eyes and whispered back to Logan. "This is gonna have to wait, okay? I'm kind of busy right now."

Logan scoffed quietly in disbelief. "What could possibly be so important right before school starts?" "I could ask you the same thing." Remus whispered exasperatedly. The boy in the black jacket approached them. "Re, is she really more important than you-know-what? We have to get going, you can have a lover's quarrel later." "No, she's not important, let's just go now, please."

"Seriously?" Logan asked as the air practically escaped his lungs, tears threatening to spill at the constant misgendering. Remus looked slightly guilty but he just sighed and made his way to a car with the boy in the black jacket, mumbling an insincere apology on the way.

Logan's fists clenched as he glared at the moving car. Instead of worrying about the late bell, he ran. He wasn't sure where he was going, but he knew he needed to get there fast. He gasped for air after a while, his heart ponding as his feet ached. He slowed down, reaching for his inhaler, freezing once he felt his empty pocket.

He dropped to his knees, frantically searching his pockets as he wheezed helplessly. He tried to remember what his doctor said to do if he ever lost his inhaler during an asthma attack. 'Stay calm, breathe in a deep pattern-' Roman and Remus had been there the first time he experienced an asthma attack. 'In for four, hold for seven-' They called for their parents and carried Logan inside. 'Don't lay down-' They were always his life line. They were always there when he was struggling, always willing to pull him back up. 'Sit up-' He fell onto his back, choking on the air that couldn't reach his lungs, tears flowing from his eyes. 'Don't...' Roman. 'Freak...' Remus. 'Out...' They abandoned him.

As Logan's vision faded, he reached out his hand, hoping there'd be someone there. All he gripped onto was the air. 'You're all alone.'


okayokayokay so the projects i have to do this week are mighty stressful, admittedly, i probably could have done them earlier but ya know, procrastination station over here sjhdfkjd so i hope i can get those done bc there's just two more weeks and then we're on winter break!! hope you all enjoyed, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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