Chapter 38

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Hey guys! You guwys are very sweet and I thank you for reading my book and your support! However... pls don't look to deeply into this book. It's smut with plot. Like yes okay some of this book is sad.. But like I'm trying to add some pointless drama to lead to sex- that's what this book is 😂
Also. Please don't pretend to be me or Hajime or Nagito in my comments. I do not appreciate some people rping as them in my comments or reply as me. It really bugs me since I've written Hajime and Nagito how I see them. No one can capture that but me since it's my mind. So don't answer as then in the fic. For example someone could say "Sometimes I feel bad for Hajime- Nagito big"
And someone would reply
"Hehehe yeah sometimes it hurts"
^that wasn't a real comment but a lot of them were like this. So yeah pls just don't..
Thanks :)

Hajime's POV:

"Your back looks great! Let us know if your feeling any type of pain or have any concerns!" The doctor said as he finished looking at the X-rays.
"Okay! Thank you!" I smiled.
I left the hospital and drove home. Of course I knew my back would be fine! I mean I haven't had any pain in the last week. But I was still kinda nervous.
Nagito was at school but should have arrived home a few minutes ago. So he'll be home when I get home!
I opened the apartment door and heard Nagito's foot steps. He came to the front entrance.
"Hajime how did it go?" He asked.
I ran and jumped onto him, knocking him to the floor.
"H-Hajime?!" Nagito was pinned under me.
"I'm all better!" I hugged him tightly.
"I'm glad to hear that.." He smiled.
"Which means you can no longer baby me! And it's all in the past now so we can forget it happened! Okay?" I said as I kept him pinned down.
"Yeah okay..." He chuckled.
"I'm just glad it didn't have any long lasting affects..." he sighed as he sat up but keeping me in his lap.
I frowned. He still seemed kinda upset.
"Nagito.. Like I said before, it really wasn't your fault. I don't blame you so you shouldn't blame yourself..." I cupped his face.
"I always mess up.. I'm always hurting you. Why are you with a guy like me? I've left you for a year.. I've physically harmed you.. I'm always a burden.... I'm a terrible boyfriend..." he said looking to the side.
"What? No! Nagito! Neither of those things were your fault! And don't say it like that! You didn't physically harm me, it was just an accident! But you know what..." I stoped realizing my words weren't getting through to him.
His eyes were glazed over. He looked depressed. He wouldn't even look me in the eyes.
"You are a terrible boyfriend." I said to snap him back.
He looked at me sorta shock. Almost like he expected to hear that but wasn't ready.
"You'd make a much better husband~" I smiled.
His face went bright red. He covered his mouth with his right hand quickly out of shook. I sat there smiling at him.
"I love you Nagito..." I removed his hand from his mouth.
I leaned in to kiss him and he kissed me back. We sat there for a little as I held him. For once I was the one helping him. Nagito doesn't open up to me often. He won't speak of his problems. He won't admit it, because he feels like it will burden me, but he loves when I play with his hair, randomly hug him, hold his hand, and stuff like that.
We pulled away from the slight make our session. I smiled at him. He nuzzled into my chest and held me tightly.
"Is it me or did your chest get bigger?" He said bluntly as he pulled his head away and used his hand to investigate.
My face flushed bright red "Who's fault do you think that is... I told you if you played with them a lot they would get bigger..." I looked away embarrassed.
"Hmm.. but you enjoy it don't you?" He asked as he hugged me stuffing his face back into my chest.
"Y-yeah.. I do..." I admitted.
"Why don't we go out somewhere? Dinner? Shopping? Anything you'd like..." he smiled.
"Sure! Is there somewhere you have in mind? It's odd for you to want to leave the house~" I teased him.
"I just like showing off that your mine~ I do hate that you wear those turtle necks.. they hide all the marks I leave..." he frowned.
"Like I'd show those to the whole world... it's embarrassing..." I hugged.
He giggled.
"Okay.. Well we do need quite a few things from the grocery store.. Would you like to come with me?" I smiled at him.
"I'd love to~" He replied.
I held his hand as we arrived at the grocery store. It was fairly large one. It had everything I needed. I grabbed a cart knowing today's shopping trip would be slightly big. We were out of a lot of stuff. Nagito and I don't eat out much. I love cooking and sometimes even Nagito does. So I never mind making our dinners or lunches. We eat quick stuff such as toast or rice for breakfast.
I let go of his hand to push the cart but Nagito didn't mind he just continued to follow me.
"I wonder how Chiaki and Izuru are doing.. Haven't heard much from them lately." I said.
"Chiaki texted me about her check up and stuff. She is doing good. Her period had just stopped due to her sudden weight lose due to stress and school." He explained.
"Oh no... I hope she is doing okay. In high school Chiaki and would binge sometimes. Just pick a random day and play a game or watch a while show! And we would eat everything!" I laughed thinking back on old memories.
"You don't talk much about the things you did in highschool.." Nagito said.
"It was hard without you. For a while I thought I wasn't allowed to be happy. I didn't want to be happy with you not around. And I never was." I replied.
"I'm sorry Hajime we don't have to talk about this..." he said looking away.
"No it's okay. You're with me now. I've never been happier. I'm away from my father.. I live with you..." I smiled looking at him.
He gave me a soft smile. He seem genuinely happy as well.
We continued to shop and I gathered the things that were on my list. Nagito followed me and asked random questions about things. We had a lot of fun..
We walked home and I put away our groceries. That's when Nagito suggested we eat out for once. I didn't really feel like cooking and if nagito wanted to then I wanted to.
I followed him to a place he wanted to go. I held his hand for warmth. It was pretty cold outside. We finally arrived at a sushi place.
"I love sushi! I haven't had it in so long!" I looked at him excited.
"I'm glad your excited! We haven't had this in a while!" He smiled.
We walked and were seated by a kind waiter. It was more in the back hidden. I didn't mind though. It just meant I could show Nagito more affection without feeling embarrassed.
We sat down and both got a soda. We ordered our sushi as well since we both knew what we wanted.
"This is great! I miss going on dates with you!" I held his hand from across the table.
"I missed it as well.." He smiled.
"Well how have your studies been going?" I asked.
"They've been okay.. A lot to keep up with! I'm just lucky I made it into the program..." He smiled.
"You should have more confidence in yourself... You should be really proud of yourself! You're doing amazing and the program you're in is really hard!" I said gripping his hand tightly.
"Thank you Hajime... So how about you?" He asked.
"They are going good! We've had a few volunteer trips to help out at local preschools and young grades." I said.
"How were those?" He asked.
"They were great.. I love working with little kids..." I smiled.
"I'm sure your great.." He caressed my face.
After a few more minutes of talking our food finally came.
I used my chopsticks to eat one of my shushi. I made a humming noise indicating that I really liked it.
"This is great Nagito!" I smiled enjoying my food.
"You're beautiful you know that..." He leaned on right hand and tilted his head smiling softly at me.
My face flushed and I looked away.
"D-dont say things like that randomly... I wasn't ready.." I mumbled out.
He just chucked.
We had finally finished our meal and made our home. It was kinda late now. But the night was still young. We entered our bedroom.
"That sushi was the best I have ever had!" I said as I went to my dresser to get changed for the night.
Nagito got up right behind me, wrapping his arms around me.
"That's not the only raw meat you'll be having tonight~" He whispered seductively in my ear.
"N-Nagito..." My face flushed red.
He moved his hands onto my hips, moving them up under my shirt. I smiled softly. For once he was initiating it. He was touching my body so softly.
"B-be gentle today.. please..." I stuttered out.
"Of course.." he picked me up.
He softly laid me down in the bed and I began to undress myself. Throwing my pants and boxers to the ground. I pulled of my turtle neck as well to reveal old hickeys left on my body from Nagito. It was cold in the room. The only light coming from moon through the closed shades.
He pulled his pants off and I quickly pulled of his shirt. He finally joined me in bed. Pressing me softly down. He brought me into a deep kiss. It was so passionate but at the same time sloppy. We both were happy to be back in each other's arms. Skin to skin..
I let out soft moans as I felt Nagito put his knee between my legs and pressed it against my member. I wrapped my arms around his neck.
I grinded against his leg just slightly.
Nagito brushed a small lock of hair out of my face. His touch felt so loving..
"You're absolutely beautiful you know that..." He looked down on me.
My face got warm but I tried my best to not look away and get flustered. But I ended up just staring into his eyes as my face for red. I then gave in and turned my head to side embarrassed. He laughed softly.
"You're so stunning.. I love you so much.." he said as he leaned down to nibble softly on my neck.
I left our soft breathy moans. As he started to lick and bite me. He moved he hands down and brought my leg up his shoulder.. giving him better access to me.
He opened our night stand drawer pulling out lube. Something we normal don't use. He must really want to be gentle on me tonight...
He poured some onto his fingers. I held onto his arms as he positioned his fingers at my entrance.
He slide a finger into me. It didn't feel like much since I was to his length just ripping me apart. He then put another one in. I squirmed s little uncomfortably. It felt weird being treated lightly. Normally it's just pain and then pleasure. But pleasure and then pleasure?
He scissored his fingers gently in me.
"N-Nagito~ S-stop~" I moaned out.
He stopped looking at me.
"I-I don't like this.. if you treat me so gently I'm going to lose it..." I said.
Normally the pain and pleasure flip me out. But if he gives me all pleasure what am I supposed to do?...
"Does it feel too good?" He asked.
I nodded my head and brought my hands up to rest on my chest.
"Well that's good then~" he smiled before continuing to scissor and stretch me out properly.
"Fuhh~" I let out moans and let out small sequels of pleasure.
"S-stop already and enter me.." I said.
"I think your stretched out enough..." he said as he removed his fingers.
He put some lube on his length giving it a few sloppy strokes to cover it well. He moved himself so he his arms were on either side of me and our faces were on inches apart. He looked down and used his hand to guide his large length to my entrance. He began to press it in. I felt the tip enter me and I almost lost it.
It didn't hurt.. it felt amazing. I covered my mouth. He continued to press into me, slowly and being careful. My eyes filed with tears from pure pleasure.
I felt his crotch hit me.. he was finally all inside again. My eyes rolled back and I covered my mouth trying to not moan loudly. Drool covered my hands.
"Let me see your face Hajime~" Nagito smiled at me.
I uncovered my mouth and held onto him. Digging my nails in his back. His length felt bigger.. it felt so good.
"How does it feel baby?~" he used a sweet nickname, it sent tingles up my spin.
"It.. Feels really good N-Nagito.." I tried my best not to moan out.
He began to slowly move. His thrusts were deep.. I couldn't help but let moans fall from my mouth. Tears fell from my eyes.
"You're so perfect... You're eyes are sparkling... The moon light makes you're green eyes look like emeralds~" he kissed my tears away.
I had no energy to think of the embarrassing things he had just said to me. But I liked it. I liked being complimented.
"N-Nagito~ F-faster.." I moaned.
He did as I asked and began to move faster in me. My arms lost their strength and fell to the bed. I held onto the sheets as he began to pound my insides. Hitting my special spot.
"Right there~ it feels amazing~ Nagito~ Nagito~ God~ I love you~ Fuck~" random words and moans left my mouth.
I was losing my mind. I couldn't help it. I bite my lip trying to quiet myself down. Nagitos eyes stared deep into me. I couldn't look away from him. But at the same time it was so hard to focus.
"You feel amazing Hajime~ Your insides are pulling me~" He began to praise me.
"You're a good boy~ You're insides are so wet and sticky~" he continued.
I shivered and moaned at his words.
"Nagito I can't last much longer~" I moaned holding onto him as if my life depended on it.
"Me too.. I'm close Hajime~" he moaned my name.
"Just like that~ Don't stop~ Right there Nagito~" I moaned getting closer.
"You're such a good boy Hajime~ You're so amazing~" he praised me again, pushing me right over my edge.
I came onto my stomach and quickly moved my hands against the pillows. My tongue fell out of my mouth and I moaned.
I felt Nagito push one last time into me as he released as well.
We both panted as we came down our high, I occasionally let our small moans and squeaks.
"How did that feel Hajime?" He asked.
"It felt really good.. too good..." I panted.
"I love treating you with love..." he pulled me into a kiss. We stayed there having a small make our session.
"Let's get cleaned up.." he smiled as he began to pull out of me.
"No.. I wanna stay like this... just for a little longer..." I whined.
His face flushed red and I felt him get hard in me.
"D-did you just get hard?!" I said shocked.
"I-it's your fault for saying something like that!" He said back embarrassed.
"Then let's do it again.. I love this feeling Nagito... I love you.." I held onto him.
"Me too Hajime... I love you..." He kissed me.
Whoa new chapter! Sorry for slow updates! Currently working on some other new Komahina books and some random Komahina smut chapters!

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