Chapter 29

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Does anyone know of any Komahina stories with Hajime as bottom or as you know Nagito with the pants in relationship? I really want to read some Komahina fics but I don't like Nagito as the bottom-
Also people still won't stop pointing out typos so from now on updates will be much slower then usual because I will now be editing them. Or finding someone to edit them for me. Because I don't really have the time but I'm sick of the comments.
So this will be the last character for a bit while I edit the whole book.

Hajime's POV:

We went back to our room. Nagito helping me walk after my hips were hurting from his hard pounding. He sat me down in the bed and I positioned myself against the head board of the big bed. Nagito turned off all the lights except the two lamps in the bedroom. He brought me water just incase. Even though he shows no mercy pounding me, not that I mind, but he is super weird about after care. It's super sweet.. He always thinks of everything, making sure I'm okay.
"You really like doing it in public, huh?" I laughed as he got into the bed sitting next to me.
"Well I think it's cute seeing you all flustered and worried trying to hold everything in~" He teased me.
"You're sadistic..." I glared at him embarrassed.
"And you're a masochist~" he kissed my cheek.
I blushed but he was right. Nagito turned off the two lamps and got under the blankets. I tried my best to get under as well but I was still in pain from earlier so Nagito helped me.
He pulled me in close to him I curled myself into him as he held me in his arms.
I took a deep breath, relaxing myself. It felt so nice to be in the stress free environment. I love being held by Nagito the most... Occasionally he will leave small kisses on my head.
"Hey Nagito?" I broke the peaceful silence.
"Yes?" He answered as he began to play with my hair.
"Y-you told me you wanted to have a family with me right?" I asked.
"Yeah of course!" He said.
"Do you think we would make good parents? I know we are young now... but I wonder if I'll be a good parents.. I don't want to turn out like my parents.." I said.
"Hajime.. You'll make a great parent.. You've got this good nurturing trait! Remember when I was sick? We were told I had months to live and there was nothing we could do. Despite that you always made sure I wasn't depressed about that and telling me not to give up. You've always been like that. That's why everyone in our highschool class told you everything. Your trustable and you just got this nurturing vibe to you.." Nagito answered.
It made me smile to hear him say that. I didn't want whatever future child or children to go through what I did as a child.
"Thank you Nagito..." I smiled.
He held onto me and I curled in close. His familiar scent filled my nose. I loved it... It was relaxing. Nagito put his hand in my hair playing with it. I've never been happier then this moment. I want to be with Nagito forever. Be just like this forever. Sleep and forget the world while Nagito holds me in his arms.
"Well did you enjoy the trip?" Nagito asked as we finally arrived back at the apartment.
"I did! I wish we could have spent more time there.. But Christmas break is coming up soon!" I smiled.
"What are your Christmas plans?" He asked.
"Not sure... Izuru doesn't celebrate Christmas really at all.. Dad definitely doesn't want me coming back for Christmas." I answered.
"Great! Then we don't have to spend Christmas apart.. You can spend it with me!" He hugged me.
"R-really? Is that okay? I don't want to like ruin your family gathering..." I said nervously.
"Your apart of my family too now... We may not be married but we are dating... and if it wasn't for age, we have been through so much together, that we should be married..." Nagito made a pouty face, almost offended that I insinuated I wasn't apart of his family.
"You're right..." I smiled.
"The holidays at my place can be a bit crazy and there is a lot of people... But I promise they will all love you! They are very nice people!" Nagito said.
"I hope so..." I laughed.
He smiled at me and then started to put his clothing from the trip in our laundry basket. We have a few more hours until we have to make dinner and get ready for bed.
"H-hey Nagito... Do you have anything you need to do right now?" I asked.
"I don't think so... Why?" He asked.
"Could we maybe.. c-cuddle or watch a movie or something..." I said looking away a little embarrassed. How is it easier to ask for sex then it is for regular affection.
"Of course!" He walked over to me giving me a kiss as if he was proud I had asked myself. I guess for the most part we fill our time with sex. Both of us love sharing our feelings that way. But there have been many times that we just chill. But lately it hasn't happened enough. I'm not in the mood for sex... I just want his love.
"Would you like to watch a movie?" He asked.
"Yeah!" I smiled.
Nagito set up the tv while I grabbed a few blankets from the bedroom. And brought over two soda for us.
Lately I've been worried about my weight. Especially since I haven't worked out or anything. During highschool, gym was every other day and helped me keep in shape and I didn't eat much normally since I didn't think about food much during first and all of second year due to Nagito being gone.
But I haven't thought much about it lately and suddenly I'm all worried again. I always want to look my best for Nagito. I use to have abs.. not much anymore...
I suddenly had a feeling of nausea and anxiety. Nagito just saw my body again the other night.. What did he think of it? Did he not like it? I mean we did one of his favorite kinks and he only did me once... So did he not enjoy my body?
"Earth to Hajime?" I hear Nagito's voice.
"S-sorry! What?" I answered.
"I asked what movie you wanted to watch?" He asked.
"Oh! Hmm.. How about something scary!" I said.
"Hajime don't you hate horror movies?" He asked.
"No! I don't hate them... I only get scared at the jump scares... Which is normal since you don't expect it! But they don't scare me or anything!" I said.
"Yeah... Sure..." He said not believing me.
He looked for the scariest movie he could find. Probably to prove a point.
"Why don't we make a bet!" Nagito suddenly looked over to me with a mischievous smirk.
"A bet?" I asked.
"If you get scared during the movie, you have to do anything I say. But if you don't get scared once during the movie, then I'll do whatever you say!" He smiled.
Damn that bastard. He knows I won't back down.. Plus if I don't accept I'm basically proving him right.. But I do get scared during scary movie, and then he will win... Nagito held out his hand for me to accept the challenge.
"Fine! You're gonna regret this!" I said trying to be over confident.
Nagito turned on the movie and we both got onto the couch. Maybe if I cuddle with him I'll feel less scared. Nagito probably knew that because he welcomed me into a cuddle on the couch. He laid down, his back kinda up against the end of couch so he could comfortably watch the movie and I got ontop of him. He wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled in. Happy to be in his arms again.
He played the movie. Okay I got this. They always build suspense to jump scares. So I got prepare myself.
As the movie went on I could tell a jump scare was coming. I close my eyes just slightly. When I heard the sudden change in music I closed my eyes, not seeing the jump scare didn't scare me at all. That's it! Nagito is watching the movie and it's dark in here he won't be able to tell!
I'll win for sure!
As the movie went on I was definitely freaked out. The gore, the scary clown, trying to figure out when to close my eyes. But I could tell the end of the movie was coming.
Suddenly Nagito adjusted himself I was so focused on his body moving I didn't notice the jump scare coming.
"Ahhhh!" A scream from the tv yelled loudly and I looked over seeing the clown suddenly flash on screen.
I screamed hiding my face in Nagito's chest. My heart was racing. Nagito started to laugh.
"I knew it!" He laughed.
I looked up confused what he meant by that.
"You were cheating~ I thought if I moved you wouldn't have time to close your eyes!" He said.
"H-how did you know?!" I asked shocked.
"Your eyes were closed but your body was shaking~ You were obviously scared!" Nagito laughed.
At that moment the movie ended and the credits began to play.
"N-No way..." I said upset.
"I win!" He cheered.
"Damn.." I said upset.
"Now what should I make you do?~" he smirked.
I sighed. Normally I'm in control of our kinks and when we do it. But letting nagito pick worries me.
"Should I put you in a costume? Maybe I should just torture you all night since you have no classes tomorrow?~" He smirked.
He's right.. Nagito has classes but my classes for tomorrow are canceled.. But he wouldn't do that too me..
"Hmm.. Well I'll tell you tomorrow~" He smirked.
If he isn't going to do anything to me tonight.. I should be worried for tomorrow.. It's okay though... Nagito wouldn't try to torture me or anything.. He loves to much..
I tried to convince myself.
He picked me up and turned the tv off.
"Let's start dinner!" He said as he picked me up bring me to the kitchen.
He sat me down on the counter. And placed a soft kiss against my lips. I felt nervous... A good kinda nervous.

Hehehe cliff hanger. Anyway like I said updates will be much slower from now on.

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