Chapter 53

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Hajime's POV:

"That wasn't too bad! Right?" I smiled at Nagito trying to cheer him up.
"Yeah..." he sighed.
Now I insist of coming to all doctors appointments. I work harder to help Nagito. Making him dinner, keeping his temperature normal. Making sure he takes his meds. He's become.. a little annoyed with it.. but I'm just worried.
We got into the car. And Nagito reached over grabbing my hand to hold. I smiled at him. Even though he's annoyed with me, he loves me.
We made our way home and Nagito had to go to work soon. We only had a bit time to relax together.
"Cuddles?" I smiled at him.
"I'd love that..."
He pulled me to the bed and laid down pulling me into him. He began softly playing with my hair.
"Life is tough..." he sighed.
"I know. But I don't hate it. I love this life with you, even if it's hard!" I smiled.
"Optimistic as usual~" he teased.
"Mhm.." I smiled.
I heard hopes collar jingle and then she jumped onto the bed immediately attacking us both with kisses.
"Pff- hope! N-no!" I laughed as she began to okay around.
"Hope not on the bed!" Nagito laughed as he grabbed her and gave her some good belly pats.
"Trying to ruin the mood huh?" He laughed at hope.
Hope just tilted her head and barked.
"You cant have Hajime! He's mine, stinky!" Nagito fake argued with hope.
"Aww... no it's okay! Hope can have me!" I teased and began to pet her head.
Hopes tail was wagging like crazy. I remember that Christmas morning. It was hectic and scary, and hope almost died from that blizzard.
"No! You're mine!" He grabbed me and pinned me to the bed.
"Hope get him! Help me hope!" I called out and I couldn't help but laugh.
Hope began today bark as Nagito lifted my shirt and blew raspberries into my stomach.
"HAHAH! NAGITO! STOP!" I lied being ticklish.
Hope began to bark and jumped on him, her tail wagging as she tried to push him off me.
He ticked my sides and I failed to push him off me. He had the most bright smile I've ever seen as he laughed and giggled. I love him..
After a bit he let go of me. We all calmed down and I finally caught my breath.
"I gotta get going..." he looked at the time.
"A-already?" I whined.
"Yeah.. I'm sorry honey..." he kissed me.
"O-okay..." I sighed.
When I come home we'll eat together and we can even watch a movie or something!" He smiled.
"Really?" I smiled.
"Okay... I'll wait then... I love you." I placed a kiss on his lips.
"I love you too Hajime..."
Since I had so much time on my hands tonight I decided to make chicken feticinie Alfredo. I thought it would be cool to make it at home. I even made a salad to go along with it.
"Are you hungry to girl?" I asked hope.
She wagged her tail and I got her food feeding her.
I waited by the front door. He should be here any minute! Should have I put something nicer on? I guess just my sweater and jeans are fine.. the cute frilly apron makes me look cute..
But a few minutes turned into 30.. and then it was an hour. I opened the wine bottle and poured myself a glass.
"Thanks for the food..." I said before taking a bite.
It's actually really good. But I'm not in the mood anymore..
I cleaned up and put his plate in the fridge. Writing a note on the counter to heat it up in the microwave. I got undressed and into the shower.
Maybe I should call him? No no... he's at the hospital.. if anything happens theyd know how to care for him. A text that's he's gonna be late would be nice.
I cleaned off and got out wrapping myself in a towel. I looked in their mirror. Remember what you said earlier... Life is hard.. but with him it's worth it...
That's such bullshit! It doesn't matter if he isn't here! I feel to the floor crying. Dammit Nagito...
I heard the door open and looked over with tears in my eyes.
"Hajime! Oh my god.. baby I'm so sorry..." he scooped me up in his arms.
I didn't say anything I just cried into him.
"I'm so sorry! There was an accident and I couldn't get around it. It was at a stand still for an hour... and on top of that rush hour..." he apologized.
"Y-you could have texted me!" I cried.
"My phone was dead..." he said.
He picked me up with my towel and brought me to the bedroom.
"Hajime I'm so sorry... I swear I wanted to be here! I'm so sorry.. I wish I never had to leave you alone... Hajime you worked so hard to make dinner... didn't you?.." he asked.
"Mhm.." I sniffled.
"My beautiful husband, I'm so sorry! You do so much for me. I love you..." he held me close and my wet hair left a wet spot against his chest.
I began to calm down from my crying. Im an emotional mess. Why am I like this? I feel so dumb. I shouldn't be crying over this..
"Hajime.. it's okay to be upset.." he smiled.
I looked at him surprised how did he know?!
"You're such a loving person.. Every time you get upset you'll be mad at me for a little while then blame yourself.. it's okay. You can be upset at me. I hurt you again..."
"I don't want to be upset at you.." I sniffled.
"What did I do to deserve someone as amazing as you..." he leaned down and kissed me.
He held the kiss and I moved my hands to his chest as he depended the kiss. Little tears fell from my eyes as I cried into the kiss.
Nagito Komaeda... you have me wrapped around your finger...

Ayo! I had fun with chapter! Also doing much better! Sometimes all you need is friends and time!

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