Chapter 13

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Hajime's POV:
"Why don't we watch a movie?" Chiaki suggested.
"I'm fine with that." Izuru said.
"Me too, how about you Nagito?" I asked.
"Yeah I'm in!" He smiled.
Chiaki and I went through Netflix looking for something to watch. Izuru and Nagito went to the kitchen to make snacks.
"Hey Hajime?" She asked.
"Yes?" I looked over at her.
"I-is Izuru seeing anyone?" Chiaki asked?
"Hmm? Wait do you like him?" I whispered quietly but excited.
"Y-yes.." she said very shyly.
"Well luckily for you he isn't seeing anyone. He spends so much time with you I'm pretty sure he likes you too!" I continued to whisper so the guys wouldn't hear us.
"I'm glad to hear that.." she smiled softly.
"I have an idea. Let's put on a horror movie! When it gets scary grab onto him!" I knew it was cliche but it could work.
"W-will that work?" She asked.
"Yeah!" I said.
We looked for a scary movie, The Conjuring.
"What movie are we watching?" Izuru asked walking our with snacks with Nagito.
"The Conjuring!" I said.
"Isn't that a horror movie?" Nagito asked.
Chiaki nodded in a yes motion.
"Hajime aren't you scared of horror movies?" Izuru said revealing one of my many embarrassing secrets, I can't watch horror movies.
"N-no! I out grew that!" I said embarrassed.
Nagito laughed a little.
"Okay then let's watch it." Izuru said trying to call my bluff.
It's okay.. I'm doing this for Chiaki.
Nagito and I sat down on one of the couches and Chiaki and Izuru sat in the other one. Just as planned.
The movie started, I tried to tune it out or cover my ears. Chiaki didn't seem to be enjoy the movie much either. She looked scared. Izuru and Nagito seemed to be watching it like it was any other movie. Suddenly a jump scared happened.
"Ahhh!!" Chiaki and I screamed.
Chiaki hiding her face in Izuru's arm. I however hide myself into Nagito.
"I thought you weren't scared?" Nagito whispered teasingly into my ear.
I knew he did it to make me try to be tough. But I hate horror movies so much. Nagito put arm around and pulled me in close. I held onto him hiding from the scary movie.
"The parts over." He whispered telling me it's okay to look back at the tv.
He petted me and held me close to him.
Izuru held Chiaki close to him as well. Even though I'm not enjoying this movie, I'm glad Chiaki and Izuru are getting closer.
After another 30 minutes I felt Nagito's head on mine, he had fallen asleep. I thought back on the day.
Nagito could die in 6 months.. I don't want to think about it. He can't, he won't. I swear he won't. He's gonna marry me, we are gonna have a family and great jobs.. He isn't gonna die.. I could feel tears fall down my face. No one could see them. But I couldn't help it. Just thinking about it hurts..
I just gripped onto him harder and never wanted to let go. Bad t he movie ended and I lovingly woke him up by shaking him.
"S-sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep.." he apologized.
We laughed.
Nagito and I went to my room real quick to grab our phones.
"Hey Hajime.. I think I want to tell Chiaki and Izuru as well about my cancer.." He said.
"Alrighty then. I'm right here for you." I said bringing him into a tight embrace.
"Hey guys.. We need to talk about something real quick." I said.
We all sat down on the couches.
"I have been diagnosed with cancer... lymphoma to be exact." Nagito broke the silence.
"W-what-" Chiaki didn't know how to reply just like me.
"I was diagnosed earlier today. That's why Hajime and I meet up." He explained.
"I only found out today." I said.
"And I think I wants to keep this private for now.." Nagito said.
We were all quiet with the exception of Chiaki's soft crying.
"They said I have anywhere from a month to a year.." Nagito continued.
Izuru looked rather shocked and upset as well.
"I don't want to be sad about. But I want to spend the rest of my short time with you guys being happy!" He smiled.
The damn smile. My heart shattered to pieces. He just accepted his death. With that smile.. I broke down crying again.
"No! Your not going to die! You won't! I'll figure this out!" I cried upset at what Nagito had said.
"H-Hajime please calm down- We just need to move on.." Nagito said pulling me into his arms.
"N-no.. I won't accept it.." I cried.
That night won't ever be erased from my memory. The sounds of crying filled the apartment. Izuru walked Chiaki home and comforted her. Izuru said Nagito could stay the night giving what had just happened.
I washed my face and got ready for bed. Leaving only Nagito's hoodie and my boxers on. I laid down in the bed. Cold air surrounding my body and making my hairs stand on end.
My head hurt and I waited for Nagito to join me in the bed. He turned off the light as he came in and laid down next to me.
"Nagito, I truly don't accept your death sentence. We will make it through this together.." I whispered as he pulled me close into his chest. We where facing each other on our sides.
"I don't want to leave you either Hajime.." he said softly.
This is the beginning to a long, tragic, and hard story. It has only just began. What lies ahead is scary to think about. But I know one thing, Nagito Komaeda is my boyfriend. He is holding me tight on this cold winter night. He is mine. I am his. And I love him more then words could express...

Yay! Finally the real book will begin. I know their is a lot of smut in her but other then that I made a whole story line/plot for this. It originally was just gonna be a smut book. But I'm really inspired! So I'm excited for the upcoming chapters! I choose Lymphoma as his cancer since that's what Nagito was diagnosed with before entering hopes peak. Well anyway.. there still will be smut! But the plot will become more important! Chapters will be out anywhere from one to three days apart from each other! 💖💖💖

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