Alternate ending

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Since some of you tried to cheat by saying "good ending" here you get the bad ending 😡
I'm not actually and you played me well but still cheating so here is your punishment.

Hajime's POV:

"Okay! Well let's plan for another date!" I smiled.
"Yeah.." Nagito said clearly hiding something.
He doesn't look too good today.
I held his hand and scooted in closed. I hope he is lying to me for a good reason..
Suddenly Nagito began coughing uncontrollably.
"N-Nagito are you okay?!" I asked worried.
I grabbed my water bottle and handed it to him.
"Let's go inside.. the cold might be making you feel worst.." I said as he began to catch his breath.

Time skip to the next day~

I walked into class like usual with Izuru. It's the day before Valentines and Nagito can't hang out tomorrow so I was hoping we could hang out for a little today.
I waited for him to come in but eventually the bell rang and he wasn't there.
Role call happened and no Nagito.. I texted him asking if he was okay, but no response.
"Where's Nagito?" Sonia asked turning around in her seat.
"I don't know.." I answered.
I felt so anxious. My stomach is turning into knots. I feel like I'm going to throw up. Please let him be okay.
I'm sure he is! I'm just over thinking! Nagito is fine! It's only been 2 months! I'm sure he's fine! Maybe he just has a doctors appointment! Yeah that's probably it! No need to worry.
I tried my best not to think about, but it's all I could think about. It was the last class of the day when I revived a text from an unknown number.
?- You should come quick. Nagito isn't going to make it much longer
?- *sent an address*
?- Room 160
I quickly got out of seat only taking my phone and running out the door. Forgetting to even tell the teacher where I was going. I ran as fast I could. I didn't even bring my jacket.
This isn't happening. Please let this be a prank. Please...
I arrived at the hospital and Nagito's parents saw me and we ran to the room. They let me go in alone.
"N-Nagito!" I shouted his name entering the room.
He was laying down on the hospital bed, he had IV's in him. His skin was so pale and covered in goose bumps.
"Hajime?" Nagito said confused.
I leaned down and hugged him, crying my eyes out already.
"Nagito... please.. be okay.." I cried.
"I'm sorry Hajime. I'm sorry I couldn't stay with you. I'm sorry I couldn't be your husband.. I don't want to leave you.." Hs cried into my shoulder.
"Nagito.. please!" I cried.
We held each other crying. I couldn't feel anything but pain. He kissed me and I didn't want it to stop. We both cried through it.
"I love you Nagito.."
"I love you too... C-can you bring in my parents?" He asked. I nodded and went out to get them. All three of us now I'm the room.
"Thanks mom and dad, I couldn't have asked for better parents. I remember the good times I had as a child.. When we went to the art museum and the car broke down.." He laughed slightly still crying and his mom and dad cried as he the held his hand.
"Hajime, promise me you'll move on. Don't remember me. Find someone good.. And tell Chiaki and Izuru I love them too.." He cried.
"I don't forget you. I won't ever." I cried as I held his other hand. He gave me look of sadness but also relief. I knew he told me to forget him for me and not for him. I know he doesn't want me to ever forget the times we had. I won't ever.
He smiled and we all say there crying until Nagito began to choke and cough again. His mom grabbed some water but he kept coughing up. My mind went blank. I was scared.
"I'll get a nurse!" I said running out of the room. I flagged down a nurse and she ran in. Trying to help the situation. Nagito reached for my hand still not being able to breath. I grabbed his hand.
And then he stopped.
His hand went limp.
The heart mounted made a consistent beeping noise.
I couldn't even process what was going on.
"I'm sorry.." The nurse said as she unplugged the monitor.
His parents broke down crying.
"No.." I cried sliding to the floor not letting go of his hand.
"Why?!" I cried.
Time skip by 10 years

I walked up to the grave and sat down like I had some many times before.
"Hey Nagito! Great news! Izuru and Chiaki's wedding is going to be this weekend! Haha I remember when Chiaki asked him out 2nd year of high school in front of the whole class. Izuru has no idea what to say!" I laughed.
"Works been crazy.. Your dad is getting hard to work with.. He is slowing down but he won't let himself just take breaks.." I sighed.
"The business is going really well!" I said as I took a sip of my coffee.
"I wonder what our wedding would have been like? You would look great in a dress.." I laughed.
"10 years ago today you left me all alone.. I wonder what it would be like if you were still here today..." I took a long pause thinking.
"Tomorrow is Valentine's Day! So I'll definitely come back tomorrow. I'll bring Aiko tomorrow! She is in pre school today! Can you believe she is already 4!" I laughed.
"She loves hearing about you.. She has been such a blessing to me. Single parents is kinda hard. But I don't regret adopting her." I said.
"Well I should get going! I need to pick her up soon!" I said as I got up.
I kissed the grave that had the name Nagito Komaeda.
"I love you.." I smiled.

:( this was sad to write. But um I'll explain in the next chapter (the good ending) why Nagito ended up dying in this ending. So yeah!

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