Chapter 49

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Hajime's POV:

"Come here Hope!" I patted the bed next to me.
She jumped onto the bed and curled into my lap.
"I regret getting you hope..." Nagito pouted.
"Why is that?" I laughed.
"Because now I don't get any attention..." he laughed.
"I give you a lot of attention.." I giggled as I placed a kiss on his cheek.
"Not enough for me~" he said as he reached over and placed his hand on my thigh.
"Be careful with that hand~" I laughed.
"If Hope wasn't here I wouldn't have to worry..." he pouted again.
"You have to behave yourself now~ Think of this as practice! When we have kids you won't be able to fuck me where ever you'd like~" I teased.
"But we don't have kids... so I should still be able too!" He continued his pouting party.
"You wouldn't want poor Hope to see anything indecent!" I laughed.
Hope let out a small bark.
"Shouldn't you put her in her cage for the night? It's dangerous for her to sleep with us at that size.." Nagito said.
"Yeah your right.. We should be heading to bed anyway but I doubt that's why you said that~" I winked before leaving the room with hope. I keep her in the living room because the vet told us we should keep her separate until she is older and not scared she cried the first night here but is fine now.
"Goodnight hope!" I kissed her cute face and placed her into the crate.
I walked back to our room and was immediately pulled down onto the bed by Nagito.
"Nagito~ its late~" I faked whined.
"Is it? You can sleep~ I'll just play with you a little~" he pulled me into his lap.
He snaked his hands up my shirt to my chest.
"Is school stressing you out? You've been so horny lately~" I teased.
"You're body is just great~ I love everything about it..." he said before kissing my neck.
"No marks... it's hard to hide them~" I said.
"Hmm~ fine but then let me play with you~" he smiled.
"You already are!" I giggled.
"Mhmm~" his sound was muffled by him kissing my neck.
He began to softly play with my chest.
"I f-feel like you enjoy this more then me..." I said trying to not let out any moans.
"Of course I do~ I love your chest~" he began to be a little rough with it.
"Come on Nagito~ It's late~ if you wanna fuck me do it already~" I purred.
"Can I? I'd love to fuck you into this mattress~" he smirked.
"Mhm~ go ahead~" I smiled back.
He quickly pulled my shirt off and pulled my boxers down, laying me down on my back. He pulled his boxers down enough to release his length and got between legs, spreading them apart.
"No preparation? You're so mean~" I whined.
"Do you want me to? I thought you wanted me to hurry up~" he teased.
"F-fine.. just put it in already~" I brought my legs up and to either side of my chest.
"No foreplay?~" he leaned down placing a kiss on my cheek.
"No~ Come on..." I caressed just length up against my entrance.
"Put it in~" I grinded up against him.
"Damn~ you're a slut for dick~" he teased.
"You say that a lot~ but you know I only am for yours~" I winked.
"And you say that a lot~" he said.
He adjusted himself once more and began to push into me.
"Shit~ ahh~ fuhh~ uck~ Keep going... put it all in~" I moaned as Nagito began to insert himself in before finally bottoming out.
"Your tight as usual~ god you've definitely gotten thicker~" Nagito squeezed my ass.
"H-hey..." I blushed offended.
"It's a good thing~ you're looking healthy again~ I love your thighs, your stomach, your chest~ everything~" he kissed me.
"You like my stomach?" I asked.
"Of course I do~ I love it no matter what~ do you see this?~" he asked as he pointed down at a roll my stomach made due to the position.
"Its beautiful, you're human... you're healthy~ and good does it make me go wild~" he slowly began to thrust.
"Ahh~ N-Nagito~" I moaned his name.
I was happy to hear that though. Has he noticed my diet? Of my web searches? The scale in the bathroom? Was he worried I'd start to lose weight again? It means a lot to me. I've always been worried that I'm too Chubby. But he loves it. He loves me...
"I love you~" I moaned.
Nagito smiled and leaned in to kiss me. His tongue slipped into my mouth as he began to thrust faster. I let out moan into his mouth. He wasn't thrusting hard into me, or specifically fast, but it felt amazing.
He just kept thrusting into me, our bodies dancing together, grinding up against each other. Our tongues tasting each other's. We were fully connected. All that could be heard was soft moaning and squishy skin slapping noises.
I held onto Nagito tightly. I could feel myself getting close. With every thrust up agianst my prostate made my dick twitch. I kept squeezing around Nagito. His dick was leaking precum inside me. I could tell he was close to.
We continued on for a few minutes longer until I felt myself getting too close. I squeezed tightly around Nagito making it almost impossible for him to move much while I came. He continued to thrust through my orgasm and soon he finished inside me. We pulled away from each other panting.
"That felt amazing Nagito~" I kissed him.
"I'm glad~ I felt good too..." he smiled
"Let's clean up in the morning... I'm so tired..." I yawned.
"Very well. Sweet dreams~" he kissed me.
I looked at myself in the mirror. I've definitely gained weight. But Nagito loves it? He loves it so it's okay...
Nagito stepped out of the shower wrapping a towel around his waist. He came up behind me and hugged me.
"You're beautiful~" he kissed my ear.
"You think so?" I asked.
"I know so..." he smiled.
See... he does. So it's okay to love my body too right? He kissed my cheek. It definitely okay.
"I love you Nagito..." I smiled.
"I love you too..." he said before stepping away to dry off his hair.
I finished getting dressed and made my way to the kitchen to start breakfast. Nagito came out after a bit.
"It smells good!" He smiled.
"Mhmm~ I'm making one of your favorites~" I hinted.
"Waffles?" He looked up at me excited.
"Yep!" I smiled.
I looked down to see Hope running around my feet. She is a bit bigger now.
"What is it girl?" I asked.
She just ran in a circle before sitting down.
"She's probably hungry!" Nagito laughed.
She immediately popped up and started wagging her tail quickly. Nagito was right. Her tail was wagging so fast it was practically wagging her.
"Come on girl! You hungry!" Nagito called her as he went to get her dish and fill it with food. In a minute or so I heard her eating the food and Nagito came back over to me. I had finished making the waffles.
I set everything up at the table and Nagito and I sat down.
"So today we meet with the wedding planner correct?" He asked.
"Yep! Got any ideas?" I asked.
"Not really.. I'm fine with anything you want!" He smiled.
"You're supposed to have an opinion..." I pouted.
"Of course I do! It's just whatever your is..." he laughed.
"Wow you sound so excited for our wedding..." I rolled my eyes.
"Hajime you know I am! Fine... I'd like to have a simple wedding.. not too many people..." he said.
"I'm fine with that! So are you gonna wear a dress~" I teased as I put a bite of waffles into my mouth.
"Hahah... very funny. If anyone would do it, it would be you. You are the bottom of the relationship~" he teased.
"I- well it's not like they decide on that factor it's normally whoever the girl is..." I blushed.
"Mhm~ but I proposed to you so you have to be the bride of the wedding~" Nagito continued.
"T-that's because you wouldn't let me propose to you.." I argued.
"And for good reason, I wouldn't want to be bride. Plus you look great in dress, most the time I pull them off you right away though~" Nagito winked.
My face flushed red. He was referring to the many costumes I had for sex.
"I-I'm not wearing a dress.." I blushed.
"Hmm~ that's fine~" he smirked.
"W-wipe that stupid smirk off your face.." I looked away.
"You're just fun to tease~ as usual~" he laughed.
"Yeah yeah..."
Time skip~

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