Chapter 39

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Whoa okay another big time skip!! Nagito and Hajime are now done with their first year of college! It's the beginning of summer!

Hajime's POV:

"We did it!" I walked into the apartment.
Nagito peeped around the corner to look at me.
"Welcome back dear.." he smiled.
"Year one is finally over!!" I smiled.
"3 more for you.. 9 more for me.." he sighed.
"Well what your studying for is really important and difficult! Not everyone can sit through that whole program!" I smiled.
"Well it's summer so let's take this chance to finally take a break!!" I said.
"We did have that one small day trip to the springs.. but we haven't gotten to go on vacation together.." He thought.
"Let's go somewhere!" I said excitedly as I hopped onto the counter watching Nagito attempt to bake bread.
"Well where do you want to go? An island get away? A cruise? Somewhere cold?" He asked.
"I don't really care! As long as I'm with you!" I smiled.
He placed a kiss on my cheek and smiled.
"Well how about we go to Okinawa? There is many beautiful resorts!" He said.
"Okay then let's go there! I love the beach!" I said.
Nagito and my phone went off at the same time. I took mine out my pocket.
"I swear we have the weirdest luck..."  I said.
"What makes you say that?" He asked.
"Anytime we talk about something it's either ruined or what we talk about literally happen." I said.
"Explain?" He asked confused.
"Remember a while ago when we had that huge fight because that waiter flirted with me and gave me his number? Right before we were all talking about flirting!" I explained.
"Yeah that's true..." he said.
"Okay well.. Our whole class wants to meet up in Okinawa.. next weekend..." I said.
"Alright so we do have weird luck..." He laughed.
"Wanna go?" I asked.
"If you're going, then I want to go.." He smiled.
"Well then let's go! It's only the weekend everyone will be there! Why don't we stay an extra day.. Just for the two of us?" I suggested.
"I like that idea..." he kissed me.
I blushed at his small gesture. I hopped off the counter and got behind him to see what exactly he was doing. Making bread right?
"Are you making bread?" I asked.
"Close.. I decided to make buns.. So yes I guess your right just different shape." He answered.
I suddenly smacked his ass,
"H-Hajime?!" He said out of surprise.
"I think you have enough buns~" I stuck out my tongue to tease him.
He rolled his eyes at me slightly embarrassed.
Maybe I could try being the top? It's not fair that he always gets to experience being the top!
I moved my hands up his hips and landed on his waist. I pressed myself up against him.
"Hajime I'm trying to bake.. I'll fuck you later..." He sighed.
"If your baking.. why don't I fuck you?~" I said as I bite his neck, making him let out a surprised moan. I like those noises~
I began to softly bite and nibble his neck. I rubbed my crotch against his ass. He let our soft quiet moans. This feels good.. I roughly grabbed his ass. Trying to bend him over the counter. He quick grabbed me and shoved me against the counter so I was bent over.
"H-hey!" I yelled.
"You really thought you could top me? And who gave you permission to touch me? You should be punished." He said as he held me down.
I couldn't see his face but I knew he was looking down on me with that lustful face.
"T-this isn't fair! I want to experience being a top!" I argued.
"Oh? But you're a cock slut. Night after night you shamelessly spread your legs for me to fuck you. You can't cum unless I feel your right ass~" he teased.
"N-No.. That isn't true! Get off me! Let me fuck you!" I said as I tried to squirm.
Nagito pulled down my pants and boxers in a quick motion that I only noticed he had done when I heard them hit the floor, that I could barely touch with my with the tips of my toes due to the position.
He smacked my ass hard. The sound of the slap filled the room followed by whine from me.
"You've been such a bad boy.. You smacked my ass and thought you could get away with it?" He scoffed.
He brought his hand down again, making my ass tingle. I covered my mouth to keep me from giving him the satisfaction of me moaning.
"Uncover your mouth Hajime~" he slapped me again.
I shook my head no. For once defying him.
"Hmm... So you're not going to behave today?" He asked.
I tried to scoot my body down off the counter so I could touch the ground.
He just grabbed my hips pushing me up back on the counter.
I tried to grab the flour to throw at him. Maybe it will surprise him and I can pin him down. It was just out of my reach I knocked it over. And it went on my face.
I coughed.
"Oh look.. See you were being bad and now look at your face and shirt..." He said.
He roughly pulled my shirt off and I fought him.
"Now I'll have to do laundry today..." he sighed.
"Now... Why don't you be a good boy and apologize~" he whispered into my ear.
"Nagito..." I whined as I felt him strip my button half as well.
"Do you feel humiliated? Your fully naked as I press you against the counter..." He teased me as he slapped my ass again.
"I-it's not fair! Why won't you let me top!" I whined.
"Not all of us are naughty boys like you Hajime~ Who love having a big dick up them~" He said and I heard him unzip his pants.
"I don't love it..." I lied.
"Oh? Let's see who's right then~" he pressed his length against my entrance.
I covered my mouth. No way am I letting him win this. He started to push in and I bite my arm to quiet myself.
"Look at you~ shaking and biting to keep yourself calm~" He laughed as he finally got his whole length into me.
I kept quiet as he began to slowly move in an out of me. Tears filled my eyes from the pain of biting myself and the feeling of him suddenly filling me all the way up.
He continued thrusting as I whimpered. Drool ran down my mouth and my arm. I could barely contain myself.
My eyes rolled as I began to feel pleasures. I let out a suddenly scream when Nagito slapped my ass again.
"Oh? What was that~" he laughed as he continued his thrusts.
I covered my mouth again. It was just enough to push the tears out...
"Ahhh~" I whimpered more as he spanked me again.
I squeezed my mouth shut but it was so hard to breath. His hand slapped down on me again. Every other thrusts he spanked me.
"Ahhh~ Ahh~ Nagito! Please! Stop!" I cried, it was a little too much for me. He's hitting too hard.
He spanked me again satisfied with the noises I was making..
"I'm sorry! Forgive me Nagito~" my mouth fell open as I moaned and cried uncontrollably.
"That's a good boy~ But you're still being punished for being bad! Apologize more!" He laughed sadisticly.
"I'm sorry! Please~" I moaned.
"Good boy~" he spanked me again.
Each time he spanked me I let out whimpers. My moans mixed with my crying.. It hurt but it felt good when he filled me up with his length and hit my prostate.
"Ahhh~ Nagito..." I cried and I was getting close.
"I'm going to fill your slutty ass~" he spanked.
"Ahh~" I could only answer with crying and moans.
"I'm close..." He grunted out.
Moments later I get him cum inside me. It pushed me over the edge and I came right after.
I whimpered in pain and trying to catch my breath. I cried from the pain. It hurt so bad that this time the pleasure really didn't over ride the pain. He flipped me over and pulled me up so I was sitting on the edge of the counter.
I tried to catch my breath as Nagito embraced me.
"Is that water warm enough?" He asked as he placed me in the warm bath.
I nodded my head.
"Mmhm.. You get cleaned.. Don't fall asleep okay?" He kissed my head and left the bathroom.
I sunk into the bath tub a little. I guess Nagito just isn't into being a bottom.. He's fine after sex and I'm here suffering.. My ass hurts.. He didn't have to slap me so much...
Not that I mind... I think sometimes he confuses sexual pain with his sadistic side that comes out every blue moon.
I relaxed and after Nagito didn't come back for ten minutes I decided to just clean myself. Scraping his cum out of me and washing myself throughly.
To be fair the time I asked to top him he showed extreme dominance... And this time I actually made a move on him so he doubled that dominance.
Thirty minutes had passed. What the hell is he doing? Isn't he going to come help me? I can barely even walk! He went into me raw with no preparation! He was pounding me against a hard counter top! My hips and ass are killing me! And he spanked me the entire time!
Another 10 minutes had passed. That's it. I'll just get out myself. I used what little strength I had left and lifted myself out of the bathtub. I grabbed onto the sink counter to hold myself up and help me get to the toilet were I could sit and dry myself off.
I dried myself well and wrapped myself in the towel since I had no clothes to change into I'm the bathroom. I opened the bathroom door and used the wall to help me make my way to the bedroom. However my legs buckled under me and I feel to the ground.
"Oww!" I yelled as I hit the floor.
"Hajime?! " I heard Nagito's voice.
Tears built in my eyes. That fucking hurt... I had landed right on my bruised ass. He quickly approached me.
"What happened??" He asked as he got closer.
"You left me in there for like an hour!" I tried to hold back tears from the pain.
"Well I was trying to finish the buns I started earlier that someone got in the way off. And had to clean up the flour you decided to knock over~" he was still in a sadistic mood.
"That couldn't have waited til after you cleaned me up and got me into bed!" I argued back upset.
"That would ruin the point of the punishment dear..." he smirked as he reached his hand towards my face.
"You went to far this time Nagito! You're being an asshole!" I slapped his hand away.
I got up as fast as I could and continued to try to get myself to the bedroom. I slammed the door shut.
I know I normally beg him to be rough with me. But Nagito has always been good with after care so it didn't hurt that much and I was too focused on the love I was getting from Nagito to be too concerned with the pain.
But... To go as far as leaving me in the tub for an hour? He is never like this. What got into him? Asking to be the top... did that really piss him off that much.
The first time I asked was back in senior year. He did the same thing. Said that I was bottom, overly dominated me, and then forced me to say "Fill me to the brim" or this time "I'm sorry."
He has spanked me a few times. But never that hard. I know he never meant to actually hurt me. I'm sure his adrenaline was running high and he just didn't notice how hard he was slapping. Normally I do ask for pain... But
But I can't get over the fact he let me to sit in the bathtub, in pain and tired. I put on a t-shirt and boxers. I waddled over to the bed and gently got in trying to not hurt myself too much.
I cried into the pillow as intense pain radiated though my hips and ass. But my tears made me sleepy and I feel asleep.
I heard the door open and I slowly owned my eyes. It was now dark outside. I looked over to see Nagito who got into the bed. He brought me in close to him but I was still facing away from him.
"I'm sorry Hajime..." He apologized.
I ignored him still upset. He nuzzled himself into my shoulder. His breath was against my neck.
"Where does it hurt?" He asked.
"You know full well where it hurts..." I said in a grumpy tone.
He carefully placed his hands on my hips.
"I am sorry.. I have no idea what it's like to be the bottom. I watch you under me completely lose yourself. But afterwards it always has a toll on your body. Despite that you still want to do it with me..." he apologized more as he flipped me over onto my back and he was hovering over me.
"You hit me too hard..." I finally told him what was wrong.
His face looked shocked.
"D-did I really?" He asked.
"Yeah. It's normal for my hips or ass or hurt afterwards. But then you left me in the tub. It took everything I had to not fall asleep. Sex is tiring for me... It hurts afterwards. You always take good care of me afterwards and it make the pain minimal. Then I had to get myself here." I explained.
He quickly hugged me, "I am so sorry Hajime..."
"I-If you promise to not do this again... Then it's okay..." I looked away.
"I promise... I don't want to hurt you that much..." He said.
"That much? So you want to hurt me a little?" I laughed a little.
"Well I do think it's fun to mess you up a little..." he said.
My face flushed red.
"W-whatever... Let's go to bed I'm tired..." I quickly changed the subject.
Got off me and pulled me on to him. So my head was resting on his chest, and my body was on top of him, so that my back was facing the ceiling.
"I love you Nagito..." I curled in.
"I love you more then you could imagine..." he kissed my forehead.
I smiled and drifted off to sleep.

YALL! Scene au Komahina book is officially out! Only one chapter but chapter two should be out later today or tomorrow! Please go check it out! ❤️❤️❤️

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