Chapter 48

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Hajime's POV:

"Fuck Nagito~" I moaned.
He roughly pulled at the collar around my neck.
"That's not my name~" he said.
"M-master~" I corrected
I laid down tiredly on the bed.
"You didn't have to be so rough... you last so long..." I panted.
"You're the one who said it was for my pleasure~"
He smirked.
"Fine fine... God I just hope I can walk tomorrow..." I sighed.
"You should let me put a vibrator in you tomorrow~" he kissed my ear.
I grabbed a pillow and threw it at his face.
"God you're horny.. I can't even think about sex after all that..." I said.
"Well it just doesn't take as much of toll on my body as you.. But I love your body..." he said as he pulled me up and into his lap.
"We are both sweaty and gross..." I sighed.
"I don't care..." He snickered as he rested his head on my shoulder.
"Hey Nagito?" I called for him.
"Mmhm?" He answered still snuggled into me.
"Are you really wanting to get married?" I asked.
"Of course I do..." He said.
"Do you doubt I do?" He asked.
"W-well it's just you said you didn't tell your parents because you didn't think it was important.." I said.
"Oh I didn't mean it like that... you see I knew if told them if we weren't here, my mom would immediately fly and visit us.. and she'd make you plan with her even if you had school..." he chuckled.
"Wait really?" I laughed.
"She wanted me to propose to you at the end of third year.." he said.
My eyes widened, I didn't realize she was pushing for us to get married so fast.
"I'm glad we did it now though... I do want to make you mine forever Hajime..." he smiled.
"I've always been yours forever." I giggled.
He moved his hands to my waist.
"I want to make this physical body all mine too~"
He kissed my neck.
I let out a soft chuckled as he began biting and kissing my neck again. My breath hitched when his hands moved to my chest.
My body was already so sensitive and tired. His hard on poked against my entrance. I moved my hips up slightly and reached back using my fingers to spread my entrance. I lined myself up and began to sit down on it.
"You're so horny~" I teased as I fully sat down.
"You're so intoxicating~" he said as he finally pulled away from my chest.
I began to move my hips up and down on his length.
"Shit~" I held onto his shoulders for support.
"My hips feel so week Nagito~" I moaned trying my best to keep a steady pace.
"Your inside are so sticky..." he said as he placed his hands on my ass to help me move it up and down.
"It's because you came so much earlier~" he buried my into shoulder panting and moaning.
"Your insides are great~" he groaned.
His length was already pulsing. I could tell he was close. Finally... I'm so tired..
"Come on~ Cum inside please~" I began to whine as I moved my hips harder down onto him.
I didn't even notice my own heat building up, as I came into Nagito's stomach. My insides were so sore and sensitive. Tears built up as I turned into a whining crying moaning mess.
"Nagito~ hurry~" I cried.
He slammed my hips down and I felt him release into me.
"Shit~" I threw my head back
He pulled out of me immediately and held onto me.
"You did great~ good boy~" he kissed me.
"Now I definitely won't be able to walk tomorrow..." I sniffled.
He picked me up and helped bring me to the bathroom.

"God my hips are killing me..." I said as I got up out of bed.
"I'd think you'd eventually get use to it..." Nagito chuckled as he got up.
"Unfortunately your dick hasn't gotten any smaller... it still hurts.." I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Unfortunately? You know how many times you've begged for it to be inside you?~" Nagito teased.
"Well I didn't say it didn't feel good during..." I blushed.
He came up behind me wrapping his arms around me and placing a kiss on my shoulder.
"We should really get changed for the party.." I smiled.
"I just want to hold you like this..." he said as he laid his head on my shoulder.
We stood there for a small but I pulled him closer to the window to look outside.
"It's snowing pretty hard..." I said.
"Yeah... if it keeps snowing like this I doubt anyone will be able to leave their house..." Nagito said.
The snow was really piling it up. It must have snowed hard all night. The bottom of tree trunks were covered with snow. That has to be 3 feet of snow...
"It's gonna dark in here.. let's turn on the light!" I said as I reached over.
I pulled the lamp string but it didn't turn on. I tried again but to no avail. Now that I think about it... it's cold in here. I'm wearing soft long sleeve pajamas but it's still a bit cold.
"Nagito.. the light won't turn on.." I said.
"Really? Is it unplugged?" He let go of me and went to the main light switch but it didn't turn on either.
"Did the power go out?" I asked.
"I'm not sure... let's go check my parents..." he said as he picked up his phone.
He stopped randomly though. I looked at him.
"My parents never made it home last night..." he said.
I looked at him confused and worried.
"They are stuck at the airport..." he said.
Nagito's parents left yesterday for a quick business trip but told us they be back late at night. Nagito and I were fucking all day so we were tired at night so we just assumed they got home.
"Oh no... is there anyway we can get them?" I asked.
"I assume all the roads are closed... it must be a really bad out there..." he said.
I pulled Nagito into an embrace. It's Christmas and his parents are stuck at the airport. I could tell he was upset. Of course he would be...
"I'm sorry..." I hugged him.
"I'm okay... I have you..." he smiled as he kissed me.
"Why don't we go downstairs to the fire place? We can stay warm there until the power turns on..." he said.
"Mhm.." I nodded.
I grabbed the blanket from the bed and wrapped jr around me. I know it's going to be cold. May as well get as warm as I can.
I grabbed my phone even and followed nagito downstairs to a smaller room that had a wood fire place, a couch and a chair. It was decorated like we were in a wood cabin. But in reality his mom just wanted a comfortable room for the winter. And thank goodness she did or Nagito and I would be cold. The room was on the first floor of the house more towards back of the house.
Nagito sat me down on the couch and then left the room to get something. I waited for him to come back. After a few minutes he returned with more soft fluffy blankets and pillows. He placed them on the couch around me and then went to start the fire.
"I have no idea how to do this..." he laughed.
"Really?" I giggled as I joined his side.
I grabbed the matches from his hand. I crinkled up some news paper he brought and laid smaller twigs and sticks they had around the fire place in a wooden basket onto that. I then light the newspaper and blew on the red ambers until the twigs started to catch fire.
Nagito got up and left again and I did my best to keep the fire alive as I added larger logs. After a few minutes the fire was finally burning normally. It's so warm!
Nagito came back and handed me a mug.
"Here..." he handed me hot tea.
"Oh thank you!" I grabbed the tea from him.
He sat down on the couch next to me and we both cuddled together for warmth.
"It's kinda lonely..." he laughed.
"Not that your company isn't enough!" He quickly said.
"No no- I understand! Even at our apartment it's so quiet and lonely..." I said.
"We should have kids~" I winked at him.
"You know if we have kids no sex will actually be involved~" he kissed my nose.
"Yeah..." I sighed.
"Plus we both aren't ready for that..." he laughed.
"Agreed.." I chucked.
"OH MY GOD!" he quickly jumped up.
"w-whats wrong?!" I asked startled.
"I forgot!" He quickly dashed out of the room.
I got up following him. He sprinted to the door and already had his jacket on and was putting on his boots.
"You're going outside?! What's wrong?!" I asked.
"Stay here I'll be right back!" He said before grabbing my jacket and running outside.
I peeked outside, the door wouldn't open all the way due to the snow. Where is he going?! It's not safe outside! I waited for him nervous watching him run to the shed.
I closed the door not wanting to let any more cold outside. I went to the room we were in before worried that Nagito may have knocked blankets in the floor when he suddenly stood up.
Good nothing is on fire... but I shouldn't leave this unattended. I wanna watch for Nagito though... after a few more minutes the front door opened and slammed closed.
I heard running foot steps to the room.
"Nagito?" I called.
He ignored me and ran into the ruin quickly huddling by the fire.
"W-what's wrong? What do you have in your hands?" I asked.
I heard small whimpers and looked down to see a small puppy. It couldn't have been more then 2-3 months old. Big enough that you'd need two hands to hold.
"I-is that a puppy?" I asked.
"Yeah... This was supposed to be your Christmas present.. I left him in the shed to hide from you, since it's heated I thought it would be fine... but who knows when the power went off in there... she is freezing..." he said.
For me?
The dog began to warm up and Nagito placed the small dog in my lap. He seemed to be a lab breed? Not exactly... is it a pit bull?! She had pitch black hair. She was so cute.
"I'm sorry... I was so worried about my parents I forgot about her..." Nagito clearly felt quilty.
"It's not your fault. No one expected this to happen today... she seems to be alright.." I smiled.
She was now fast asleep in my lap. I petted her lightly. Tears filled my eyes. I've always wanted a dog. Anytime we pass the pet store, there are always dogs in the window for sale. I always look at them so I guess Nagito took the hint that I've wanted a dog.
"T-thank you Nagito..." I cried.
He pulled me into an embrace being careful not to upset or awake the small puppy.
"I guess this is our first kid?" Nagito laughed.
"We have to name her!" I wiped my tears away.
"Hmm.. I have no idea..." he thought.
I looked at the cute green ribbon tied loosely around her neck. It's such a pretty green, it reminds me a lot of Nagito. When I think of Nagito I think of this green and four leaf clovers...
Luck? He's always had funny luck. But his normal responses to bad luck is "it's okay good luck will happen next". It's a good way of looking at it... he's hopeful.
"Hope." I said.
"Hope?" He looked at me.
"Yes... That's what I want to name her..." I brought her up and placed a kiss on small head.
"That's a perfect name..." he smiled as he brought me in close to him.
"Thank you Nagito... I couldn't have asked for anything better." I snuggled hope close to me.
"I'm glad she is okay... I'm glad we are okay... I love you..." he kissed me.
Hope began to wake up and moved around. She fell down into my lap and began to wiggle around slowly and unsteady.
I watched her carefully wondering what she was doing. She crawled out of my lap and to the floor were she began to walk around slowly and looked around. She began to playfully jump around when she noticed Nagito.
I giggled watched her jump right into his lap. She let out small high pitched barks of excitement. Her small tail wiggling back and fourth. Nagito petted her and played with her ears.
"Awww!" I couldn't help but adore the cute scene happening in front of me.
I picked up my phone and took photos of the two. Nagito laughed and smiled as he played around with hope. Hope seemed very excited and more then happy to play.
Eventually though we were both tired from everything. Trying to stay warm, the stress of the safety of everyone, hope, and now we were both just burnt out.
"Who knew we'd spend Christmas like this?" Nagito chuckled our tiredly.
He laid down on the couch and then I was laying on top of him snuggled in. Hope snuggled onto my back. Blankets covering us to keep us warm. The fire was still fine.
"I know... its still light outside... I guess it's just because we are cold but I'm tired.." I said.
"Hopefully everything will be fine soon.." Nagito laughed.
Almost immediately after he said that all the lights in the house turned on. We both jumped up frightened causing hope to bark and fall over as well.
"It's okay girl!" I picked her up.
The lights are on... everything seems to be running... I looked around the house.
"Everything turned back on?" Nagito said.
"Yeah I guess they fixed whatever the snow took out.." I said.
"Well that's good... now that I think about we all should eat!" Nagito said.
"I'm not hungry..." I said.
"Hajime." He said sending a glare at me.
"Nagito..." I whined.
"Come on you two!" He surprised me by picking me up bridal style, hope in my arms.
"Noo Nagito!" I laughed.
"I'm going to feed you so well!" He began walking to the kitchen.
I giggled. Nagito makes me so happy... this day started rough but it keeps getting better. I love him. His soft light blue Greyish eyes are piercing and i feel like they are looking into my heart. I feel so safe in his arms. I feel so loved. He loves me and I love him so much.
He set me down on the counter. He went to the pantry and took out pancake mix.
"Pancakes?" I tilted my head.
"Family tradition~" he said as he came close placing a kiss on my lips.
I blushed. It does feel like we are a small family. Hope was playing around in my lap. I do wish we could have a family. With a dog and children. We are still young... I feel older though. Next month I'll already be 20.. Nagito is just a few years younger then me. We are only a few months apart. But it still matters..
I watched as Nagito began to cook. He was smiling and humming a song. He's so beautiful. That Snow White hair frames his face so well. His pale skin is great to bite into..
"Nagito... come here..." I said.
He hummed and came over to me. I pulled him in so I could kiss him.
"Did you want attention?" He asked.
"No.. I just love you Nagito!" I smiled.
His face flushed red and he smiled looking away. I embarrassed him. Hope tried to jump onto him. But I kept her in my arms. Petting her.
"I love you too..." he smiled.

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