Chapter 46

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Hiya! Um I saw some comments saying they were 10- um.. this isn't for 10 year olds... you 10 year olds should NOT be reading this- you're literally not even a teenager! Not even 12! Please- this is smut- if I saw you saying your age and it's 10 or younger I will block you...
This book is labeled mature for a reason.
Hajime's POV:

Nagito has been trying to help me gain weight. I've always been insecure about my body. I didn't like the idea of gaining all the weight I hated back. But Nagito kept telling me he loved it and it was all healthy. I took a break from my night job and Nagito has been with me as much as he could.
I felt guilty and shitty for having him help me so much. Nagito kept reassuring me though that anxiety was serious and was more then happy to help.
So over the last few months I've been able to gain some weight back and get back to regular life. Nagito convinced me to quit my night job, saying it was too much for me and he would promise to spend time with me. Kou and I are still friends though.
It was currently Saturday. Fall had long set in. It was getting even cold. Winter was just around the corner.
I woke up Nagito but climbing into his lap and shaking him slightly.
"Hmm?..." he started to wake up.
"Morning!" I smiled.
"You're energetic today..." he laughed as he slowly sat up, me still being in his lap.
"Lets do something today!" I said excited.
"Mhmm... How about we wake up first and then we can plan, okay?" He laughed.
"Hmm.. but I'm already awake!" I kissed his cheek.
"Come on let's get a shower, and then why don't we go out for breakfast?" He smiled.
I nodded my head excitedly.
He picked me up out of bed which surprised me and then carried me to the bathroom.
"A-are we going to shower together?" I asked.
"If that's okay with you.. we don't have to though..." he said.
"No no no! I definitely want too!" I smiled.
"You're still pretty light.. We need to get a bit more weight onto you.." He said as he brought me into the bathroom.
"W-well what about you? Y-you need more weight on yourself!" I argued.
"I've actually gained more weight then I use to have. I told you I started to work out more~" he poked my nose before turning on the shower water to warm up.
I haven't seen Nagito naked it quite a while. When we change for bed we both do it at different times so I don't see him with our s shirt off often either. Since I haven't been feeling good my libido has gone down a lot.
I don't think Nagito had though. A while ago I asked to do it but he wanted to wait until I was better..
Maybe we can tonight?..
I got distracted and Nagito knocked me back into reality by kissing my cheek.
"Hmm? Sorry I got lost in thought..." I said before standing up and started to undress myself.
Nagito did as well. I watched as he pulled his shirt off to reveal slight abs that were appearing. You can definitely notice them but they aren't huge. But damn are they hot..
he definitely has gone some weight.. that makes me happy. His body looks so healthy.
I fully undressed myself and felt a little self conscious. He hasn't seen my body in so long.
"Hajime?" He looked over at me.
I looked up at him and he gotten very close to me.
"Are you worried?" He asked.
"N-not worried.. just a bit self conscious..." I answered.
"Hajime your beautiful.. And always will be! Come on let get cleaned up!" He smiled at me.
He pulled me into the warm shower.
The water felt so nice. Our shower is kinda small for the both of us but I do enjoy when we do this together.
We helped each other wash our backs and occasionally played around a little with the water.
When we finished up Nagito turned the water off and we got out to dry ourselves.
"Your hair has gotten long enough to pull back into a ponytail..." I said as I reached for his hair that was laying down flat due to the water.
"Oh really?" He looked in the mirror at his hair.
"I like it!" I smiled at him.

Nagito's POV:

Is now really a good time? Hajime seems like he's healed and is feeling better. We've gotten close again.
But.. what if it happens again? How many fights have we had? There was the time I left him.. the healing of me coming back.
Then we had another big fight when that waiter flirted with him and we ignored even other. There was the time he broke his back and we fought that one day. We fought again at the resort and that was probably the longest fight we had, since I left for a few weeks..
He's finally healed from that one. I even caused him panic attacks and sickness. He couldn't eat because of his anxiety and began to get sick.
Most of those were my fault. All of them were.. Maybe I'm not emotionally. The problem is Hajime is strong headed so he fights back. Will we really be okay?
This ring... it seals it all. I do want to marry Hajime. But at the cost of his suffering? I placed the ring box back deep into my pocket.
"Nagito look! This place looks good!" He pointed at a small cafe.
"Mmhmm! Want to go there?" I asked.
"Yeah!" He gave me a soft smile.
We crossed the street and he held my hand. The small gesture did make me happy, he use fo be too embarrassed to hold hands in public.
Back in highschool he was easily embarrassed but at the same time very intimate with me.
When did that change? When I came back third year? He became more clingy. Like he couldn't breath if I wasn't there. Is that bad?
We walked into the cafe. It was pretty, very CottageCore. It seems like a new place.. I've never seen it around town. We walked up to the register, looking at the many drinks, pastries and breakfast meals they had.
"Hiya what can I get for ya?" I heard a female voice.
"No way! Kaede!" Hajime said in shock.
I looked up to see it was indeed Kaede.
"Oh! Well hello you two! I didn't think I'd see you guys here if all places!" She smiled.
"Our apartment is too far from here!" Hajime smiled.
"Does your mom know about this place?" I asked.
"N-no.. I opened this up thanks to be Fiancé.. that she also doesn't know about..." she said.
"Your fiancé?!" Hajime seemed excited.
"Mmhmm.. Remember how I told you about that Miu girl?" She said.
"Aww! I'm so happy for you!! Congratulations!" He smiled.
"Thank you! Our wedding is next week! I wanted to invite you two but I don't have your contact info. Also.. if I asked my mom for Nagito's then she'd ask why and follow me to see Nagito. Only to realize I'm having a wedding.." She sighed.
"Aww I'm sorry Kaede... You sure she wouldn't except Miu?" Hajime asked.
"Yeah... I already tried to talk about it once with her.. it didn't go well.." she sighed.
"Well enough about that! Welcome to my Cafe! What can I get ya guys?" She smiled.
"Oh! I'll talk a Passion tea! And... hmm.. what do you suggest?" Hajime asked her.
"Oh, I think our baker Kaito makes the best pastries in the world! My favorite are our muffins! Our chef maki makes a really good breakfast stir fry!" She smiled.
"Okay! I'll take a blueberry muffin!" Hajime smiled.
Just a muffin? Again...
"I'll take a black coffee and the breakfast store fry!" I smiled at her.
Hajime and I sat down and I forced him to eat some of the stir fry explaining to him a muffin wasn't breakfast. He ate what I gave him and he seemed to be enjoying himself out.
Kaede came by handing us invitations to her wedding. Wow another wedding. Everyone is getting married.. maybe it's a sign...
"It's really pretty in here.." Hajime said.
"Mmhm.. A lot of flower.." I chuckled.
"We should do something after this! Something fun!" Hajime smiled.
"Why don't we go the arcade?" I asked.
"Like old times!" He giggled.
We finished our meal and said goodbye to Kaede. We then made our way to the arcade which wasn't too far from the cafe.
"It's nothing like the one back at home.." he laughed referring to the one we went to in highschool.
"Have you ever beaten Chiaki at a game?" I asked.
"Never.." he laughed.
"Well then... let's see who wins this time!" I said.
"Okay! Let's go!" He pulled me to a game that was similar to the one we use to play with Chiaki.
We played back and fourth. Hajime continuing to try to beat my score. It was fun to see him so determined. But he kept switching the games and kept beating him at all of them.
We laughed and joked the entire time. It's the first time in a while we have both been able to fully be ourselves. I completely lost track of time. It was now 4 in the afternoon.
"Would you like to go anywhere else?" I asked.
"Hmm.. let's go to the park!" He grabbed my hand.
The park was a bit of a walk but we made it and it was now 4:30. Only about another 2 hours or less of sunlight. Then it will be dark already.
We walked into the park and it started to snow.
"It's snowing already?" Hajime asked holding out his hand to catch some snow.
"Well I guess it's getting to be winter time already..." I said.
"Are you cold?" He asked.
"No I'm fine! How about you? You aren't wearing much.." I said looking at him.
He was wearing black jeans a black turtle neck. With a small khaki colored jacket over top. But it looked thin.
"I'm fine! I burn hot!" He laughed.
We walked around he park. I don't know why he wanted to come here. There wasn't much to see. Everything was dead, the trees had no leaves, and the pond was dark.
"Hey Nagito?.." Hajime looked over to me.
I looked down at him.
"I love you.." he whispered, I could barley even hear him.
"Hmm? What's that?" I teased.
"H-hey! You heard me!" He blushed.
"I'm not sure I did~" I teased.
"Oh well then too bad for you!" He huffed.
"No no! Please repeat what you said, just louder!" I laughed.
"You're an ass!" He laughed.
He pulled me down close to him.
"I love you." He said before kissing my cheek.
I felt my face flush at his public display of affection.
"I love you too Hajime~"
It was getting to be dark so we began to walk home until Hajime suggested we eat dinner too. We went to a sushi place, his favorite, and he seemed to be really enjoying himself.
I was happy to see him eat what he use to. We were there for quite some time. Hajime just kept talking to me, he seemed so happy.
He talked to me from everything to daily life, to what he enjoyed about sushi, to pets, and etc.
We finally left and by this time it was dark out. We followed the street lights home. Crossing the bridge over a road, then only a few more minutes to our place.
Maybe here? It's snowing... there aren't many cars.. it's not a super romantic place but the fairy lights strung on the bridge are pretty..
maybe it's not right of me. Maybe I shouldn't.
"Nagito?" He looked back at me, I didn't realize I had stopped.
What should I say? Should I do it? Those beautiful amber eyes... they are looking so deep into me. He really is the most beautiful person I've ever seen.
I turned him to face me.
"Hajime.." I started.
"We have been together for quite some time. Through hell and back. I know I've hurt you. I know I'm not the best. I've left you many times, by yourself..." I took a deep breath.
"A-are you breaking up with me?.." he asked
"No no no!" I reassured him.
"I..." I suddenly got nervous.
Come on Nagito... You can do this...

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