Chapter 23

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They are now graduating third year.

"I can't believe this..." I said.
"Highschool is over..." Chiaki said.
Chiaki, Izuru, Nagito, and I were gathered together. We had our caps and gowns on. We were finally graduating.
"You guys are my best friends! Just because we are going different ways doesn't mean we stop being best friends! You guys still have to talk to me!" Chiaki huffed.
"Well Izuru and you are dating. And I won't lose contact with my brother or boyfriends!"
I laughed.
"We all promise to not lose contact!" Nagito smiled.
Izuru nodded his head agreeing.
"We did it!" Ibuki shouted throwing her cap up in the air.
We had all graduated. I doubt any of us will lose contact. We all talk to each other so much. Sure we have best friends but all of us are friends.
"Guys I wanna take a photo of all of us!" Mahiru smiled.
She set up her camera and we all smiled. Nagito and I held hands smiling.
"I'm going to miss you all.." I smiled and tears fell from my face. We all hugged promising to never lose contact and cried that we had to part ways with everyone.
Nagito and I made it into the same college. But for two different things. Even though we are at the same college we will be in different buildings.
Nagito is able to paid while doing schooling due to the program he got into. I however picked up more shifts at the flower arrangement store and decided to pick up another job as a baby sitter on the side.
Nagito and I needed the money. My father was officially kicking me out of his household. And said as soon as I graduate highschool he will stop paying for my apartment.
Mom tries to secretly contact me but sending letters sent from other addresses and through mail so father can't track it. And she sends money every now and then. Just small
Amounts of cash. She seems to have turned around I guess. Now that she knows we are leaving for good.
Father offered to pay for Izuru's college and apartment. At first Izuru wanted to say no. But I talked him into saying yes. To use up his money instead of his own. So Izuru agreed. Chiaki is going to an advanced high up tech college. And Izuru is going to a very well known elite college. Izuru and Chiaki decided to continue to date but wanted to keep on the lay low so they can focus on school.
Nagito and I decided to get an apartment together. Since Nagito's parents are rich a kind. They decided to pay for Nagito's college and the apartment. They are really rich. So it wasn't an issue for them. So my money goes towards my college and I put myself in charge of groceries.
Today was the first day in our apartment together. We had finally moved everything in. It was a nice apartment. Better then the one I was in. It was a 1 bedroom and 1 bath. His parents know we are dating so when we picked out this one they didn't question it.
I finally sat down on the couch we had in the main room.
"I'm tired..." I sighed.
"I can't believe we finished it all in a day.."
Nagito sat down as well tired.
"Should we just order in?" I asked looking at how late it was.
"Yeah.." Nagito said.
It was too late for us to start cooking we were too tired. After 30 minutes pizza arrived and we finally ate.
"So tomorrow we just have to finish putting together the kitchen, and decorate our room right?" Nagito asked.
"Yeah! We need a few things from the store. But other then that tomorrow will be easier!"
I smiled.
We finished up dinner and cleaned up. Nagito used the bathroom first getting ready for bed as I put some of the kitchen together. When he got out I went in. Getting ready for bed.
I walked to our room and laid down next to Nagito.
"We did it... We are together Nagito..." I smiled.
"We sure did. Finally we are living together.." Nagito smiled as he flipped to his side to face me.
"These next four years are gonna be tough. But we will make it through!" He kissed my forehead.
"I won't be able to see you in class everyday.."
I said upset.
"But we live together now! Which means every night we will be right here laying next to each other!" He cheered me up.
"I love you!" I said as I cuddled up into him.
"I love you too..." He replied as he held me in his arms and we drifted off to sleep. Both tried from moving all day.
I woke up to the sounds of the city. I heard birds, people talking, and cars. Nothing like in my old apartment.
Hopespeck was in a relatively small town. But now we are in the city. I looked at the alarm clock and it read 7:16 am. Too early for me to get up. And Nagito was  still fast asleep. His arms wrapped around me.
I held moved slightly to not wake him up but so I could nuzzle myself into his chest. I could hear his heart beating. The scent of slight mint and a strong musky smell filled my nose. It's a smell Nagito always smells like. I'm not sure why since he doesn't use mint shampoo or anything.
But I love the way he smells. It's become so comforting. His warm body against mine. I don't want this moment to end. I drifted back to sleep and then the alarm clock went off.
I opened my eyes hit the off button. It was now 8 in the morning.
Nagito woke up and looked over at me.
"Good morning~" He smiled as he pulled me into a hug.
"Morning!" I giggled as he kissed my check.
Nagito began to sniff and play with my hair as he started to wake up more.
"D-don't smell me! I probably smell bad from yesterday... I'm going to take a shower.." I said as I began to get up.
"Want me to join you~" he whispered into my ear.
I felt a shiver go up my back and my face flushed red.
"S-sure.. But no funny business! We have to finish moving in today!" I said as I got up walking to the closet to grab new clothes. Nagito followed me out to the main area. I went to the bathroom to heat up the water but Nagito wasn't with me. I began to undress myself when I heard the bathroom door open making me jump.
"It's just me~" Nagito laughed.
I covered my body with towel.
"I put on some coffee for afterwards.." Nagito said as he began to undress as well.
"T-thank you.." I replied nervously.
Yeah Nagito and I have bathed together but only after sex.. Not like this.. this is a shower.. how am I supposed to clean myself while he watches me?
"You know it's just me?" Nagito said as he pulled off my towel.
"N-Nagito!" I said in surprise.
"Are you embarrassed??" Nagito teased.
"N-No.. It's just we haven't showered like this before..." I said.
"Hmm? But I see your body ever time we fuck?" Nagito said.
My face started to burn up.
"T-that's different.." I stuttered out.
"Is it? What's different? Is it that your thighs aren't soaking wet after sex?" Nagito teased me as he traced his hands up my hips.
"N-Nagito I said not funny business I need a shower..." I said as I wiggled away and stepped into the shower. The shower was pretty big. But I faced towards the wall away from Nagito. I let the water hit my body and wet my hair. It felt a so nice, the warm water did.
I heard Nagito get in behind me. I heard a shampoo bottle open. Thank goodness he is going to listen to me. I bent over to grab my shampoo bottle when I felt Nagito poor his shampoo onto my back.
"N-Nagito!" I shouted in surprise of the feeling of the cold soap.
"I'm just washing your back for you~" Nagito continued his teasing.
I stood up letting him wash my back but I felt nervous. He started to feel me up and down. I could feel myself getting turned on.
"Is this turning you on baby?~" Nagito asked as he moved his hand up to my front.
"N-Nagito..." I moaned his name slightly.
"Oh but I thought you said no funny business?"
Nagito said as he let go of my length.
"N-no.." I said upset at the lose of touch.
"Well I'm done washing your back~" Nagito teased as he totally let go of me.
"N-Nagito..." I whined.
"What is it dear?" He asked.
"K-keep touching me.." I stuttered out.
"Beg for it slut~" He whispered teasingly into my ear.
"P-please touch me Nagito~" I moaned as I rubbed my against his length.
"Your begging has gotten so much better~ Your such a slut!" Nagito laughed at me.
Each time he called me a slut my body shivered with excitement.
Nagito lined himself up at my entrance. I braced myself for him to enter me all at once. Except he didn't. He just entered his tip. I started to move my hips back into him.
He suddenly slapped my ass. Making let out a sudden gasp.
"Bad boy~ you don't deserve all of me yet~" he said as he harshly grabbed into my butt.
"Nagito~ Put it all in please~" I begged.
Nagito started to slowly thrust into me only using his tip. It felt like torture. I just wanted to be filled to the brim with him..
"Nagito~ Please fuck me~" I said as I turned myself around.
He lifted my leg and started to push himself deep into me.
"Ahh~ Yeah~ Harder~" I moaned.
"You like that~ You slut~" Nagito said as he bite harshly into my neck.
"Ahh~ Yeah~ I love it~" I moaned.
He continued to fuck me. As he grabbed harshly onto my skin. The same water hit my skin as well making it feel numb in places. My legs were getting tired as well.
"I can't last much longer~" I moaned.
"Me either..." Nagito grunted.
I can against my chest but the water almost immediately started to wash it away. After a few more thrust Nagito came inside me.
"N-Nagito~" I moaned as I came down from high.
"W-wait! I'm trying to get clean why did yoh come inside me!" I yelled.
"You were basically begging for it~" Nagito snickered as he began to wash himself with shampoo.
I reached down with my fingers and begs to scrap out his seed letting it plop down onto the shower floor.
"Let me help you.." Nagito smiled as he got close to me.
He reached his fingers down and tried his best to scarp his seed out of me. He would let wetter run into me and help clean me. My legs started to feel heavy.
Nagito helped to hold me up as he cleaned me.
Eventually we both finished cleaning up. He helped me get dressed and brought me to the bed. I looked at the clock. It was now 9:45. That was a long shower.. I was so exhausted.
"Get some sleep~ Ill wake you up in a little." Nagito smiled as he pulled the blanket over me.
"B-but I have to finish putting the kitchen away I said but my eyes were having trouble staying open.
"I can do it. So just relax. I was hard on you today... I love you Hajime.." Nagito smiled as he kissed me.
"I love you too Nagito" I said as I closed my eyes and smiled.

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