Chapter 32

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Hajime's POV:

Christmas is coming up soon. Nagito is slammed with finals. We all are, but mine aren't nearly as hard. I need to go shopping for him.
I'm close to broke; food gets expensive. But I want to show how important Nagito is to me. He has done so much for me.. I sighed as I daydreamed at work.
Ring ring
"Hello?" I answered my phone.
"I-it's Chiaki.. I have a problem.." I could tell she was crying.
"What's wrong?" I asked worried.
"C-can I come to your place?" She asked.
"I'm at work.. you can head on over though. I'm only here for another hour!" I said.
"O-okay.. Thanks.." She sniffled and then hang up.
I felt anxiety fill my stomach. What's wrong? Why was she crying? Did something happen with Izuru?
"What's wrong Hajime?" Makoto asked me.
"I-I'm not sure? My best friend just called me crying??" I said.
"Oh! You better go check on them!" Makoto said.
"A-are you sure? I still have an hour!" I said.
"No, that's okay! Byakuya will come help me!" He smiled at me.
"Alright.. Thank you!" I said.
I sprinted as fast as I could home. Thoughts were racing through my head. Chiaki has only cried once infront of me, and that was when Nagito told her about his illness first year..
What's wrong? What could have made her cry?

I finally got home. I paced around, waiting for her to arrive. Eventually the door bell rang. I quickly opened the door.
Chiaki looked up to me with tears falling down her face. I quickly pulled her into an embrace.
The door closed behind us.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I... I'm pregnant..." she barley got out.
I stood there shocked, barely able to believe what she said.
"I-Izuru and I..." she was trying to speak but she kept crying.
"It's Izuru's?.." I asked but I already knew the answer. She nodded her head.
I set down hot tea in front of her. She finally had stopped crying. But she was still a little quiet.
"I don't know how this happened.. I'm on the pill and Izuru always uses protection.." She explained.
"Well those things don't work 100%..." I said.
"What am I supposed to do? What will Izuru think? We both don't have time or money for this.." She said, tearing up again.
"Don't worry about that. Nagito and I are here to help you as well. You don't have to keep it, it's your choice, but know that Izuru especially.. We will all be here for you and help you through this. It's not impossible." I tried to reassure her.
"I-I'm not sure if I want to keep it.. I'm not ready for this. I-I'm... I'm scared Hajime.." She started to cry again, tears falling down onto the table.
"That's okay.. Do you want to tell Izuru?" I asked.
"N-not yet. Finals are this week. I don't want to stress him out." She said.
"I understand.. However, you don't have to face this alone.." I said.
The front door opened and we both looked over.
"Chiaki?" Nagito looked over at the both of us.
"C-can you tell him?" Chiaki asked.
I nodded my head.
"Chiaki is pregnant," I told him.
Nagito looked shocked as well, like he couldn't figure out what to say.
"How many tests did you take?" He asked.
"One..." she answered.
"You should always take two," Nagito said. "Sometimes they read wrong."
"That's right...I'm sure Nagito can give you advice! He is in med school, after all." I gave Chiaki a reassuring smile before turning to Nagito. "Nagito, you talk to Chiaki. I'll get more tests."
Nagito and I waited nervously outside the bathroom for Chiaki. I felt terrible. Women have to go through all this.
We heard the door open and the both of us looked over. She held the tests in her shaky hands before handing them to Nagito. We put them on the table, waiting for the results. Chiaki turned away, too nervous to look.
"Ah! Chiaki look!" Nagito said.
"They're both negative!" He grinned, showing them to her.
"R-really?!" She smiled.
"Yeah! But that doesn't explain why you haven't had your period..." he said.
I turned my attention away from them, I felt like I shouldn't be hearing this conversation.
Suddenly my phone rang.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hey. Chiaki won't answer her phone and she isn't home. Have you heard from her?" Izuru asked.
"It's Izuru..." I whispered.
Chiaki nodded at me, telling me that it was okay to tell him.
"You should come to my place.. It's important, I promise." I said.
Izuru hung up.
We waited 30 minutes until he finally arrived.
"Chiaki, what's wrong?" He asked, a worried expression crossing his face.
Chiaki looked at Nagito.
"She had a pregnancy scare..." Nagito said.
"W-what..?" Izuru had the same reaction as Nagito and I.
"She called me earlier crying so she came over here," I explained. "We both didn't know what to do and Nagito came home. So we had to try two more tests that came out negative."
"Chiaki, you should have come to me about this..." Izuru said, pulling her into an embrace.
"I was scared, I'm sorry.." she replied, hugging him tightly.
"It's nothing to apologize for. But I'm here for you, Chiaki.." He lovingly said to her.
The way Izuru and Chiaki interacted, the way they held each other and showed each other love, was endearing. It was cute seeing them together.
"I'm sorry for taking up your time.."
Chiaki apologized to Nagito and I.
"Not at all! We're just glad you're okay!" I reassured her.
"I would go to the doctor though," Nagito recommended. "I've noticed you've lost a lot of weight. That can lead to a late period or losing your period for a long time. It's not safe.."
"I'll make an appointment tomorrow!" She exclaimed. "Thank you."
"Thank you guys." Izuru smiled at both of us.
I grinned. "Of course!"
We all said our goodbyes and they both left together.
"Thanks for your help, Nagito..." I sighed, relief spreading over me. I finally felt like I could breath.
"I never thought of it, though. We can have sex whenever we want with no worries, really. But Chiaki and Izuru have to worry when they do stuff.." Nagito said.
I nodded. "That's true. I am jealous, though."
"I know..." Nagito said, knowing how much I wanted to have a family with him.
He hoisted me into his arms, placing a kiss on my lips.
"You're good at being a doctor~" I complimented.
"Well I hope I am..." he said. "That's what I'm studying for." Then, he winked at me. "But I'd love to study your body~"
I giggled at his cheesy pick up line. He picked me up and brought me to our room, closing the door behind us.

I feel like I don't write enough Chiaki and Izuru so I wanted to give them some cool story line! I'll write the smut to this chapter and then the Christmas special on the 24th
Thanks for editing @Cloudy_x and pearl_of_faith

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