Chapter 15

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Hajime's POV:

Valentine's Day is coming up in a few days.. I gotta figure out something special for Nagito. I wanna make it special. We have been dating 4 months and well due to his illness... I hate to think of but it might be our only valentines together..
NO! Don't think like that! He isn't going to die! I won't let him!!! Come on think.. what should I do for him?
He is a very sexual guy... but I want to make this romantic! It's cold outside still so maybe something indoors? I could make him dinner and ask Izuru to hang out with Chiaki for the day..
Yeah! I'll cook something for him and have a nice dinner! Cost effective and very romantic.
I texted Nagito.
H- Hey would you like to come over for dinner on Valentine's Day?
N-I'd love to!
H- Great!
Okay so now I know Nagito is in.. What should I make? I looked online searching for a recipe. Nagito told me when he was younger he went to Italy and lived the food there.. so I'll look for something like that!
Time skip to the next day at school~
Nagito and I ate lunch together on the benches outside despite the cold weather.
"Hajime.. I don't think I can come over on Valentine's Day anymore.." Nagito said he seemed to be holding something back.
"Oh um.. Why?" I asked.
"My parents made plans and I have to go with them!" He said but it was so clearly a lie.

Okay so this is where the books ending is up to you..
There is a bad and good ending. Think carefully before choosing how to reply. It's deeper then you think.

Should you as Hajime:
Press Nagito for the real reason, and try to pry and get the truth out of him.
Believe he is lying for a good reason and let him be, and ask to celebrate later.

This chapter is short because I need the answers before the next chapter. Even if one person chooses one option I'll still write the two endings. So comment what you choose! 💖

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