Chapter 55

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Hajime's POV:

"Keep your blind fold on!" Nagito said and I heard the car door shut.
Then Nagito opened my door. He helped me get out of the car.
"N-Nagito you're scaring me..." I said nervously.
Earlier today he woke me up and made a good breakfast. Then he put me in the car and blind folded me.
"It's good I promise!" I could tell by his voice that he was excited.
I got out of the car and he walked me into grass and turned me.
"Okay... You ready for your surprise?.." he asked.
He pulled the blind fold off and I began to process what was in front of me. It was a beautiful large house. I looked around and it was a neighborhood. The sign next me has a huge red sticker over it and in bold white letter said SOLD. I was so over joyed.
"Nagito!" I jumped onto him and tackled him to the ground in pure joy.
"Do you like it?!" He laughed.
"I love it! I love it! I love it!" I cried.
"I'm so glad.." he helped me up off the ground.
"Shall we go inside?" He smiled.
"Please!" I said excited.
He took out the keys from his pocket and opened the door. The house was huge. There is an upstairs. I can see the kitchen... is that leading to a basement?! It's huge.
"I may have hired some interior designers... I wanted to make sure you didn't have to stress about decoration! And our landlord said they'd buy our apartments furniture off us! Our lease ends this week!" Nagito explained.
"Nagito... I-It... it looks like a home..." I smiled.
He showed me around every part of the basement that was a cool hang out place. The main floor held a dinning room, living room, an office for two, a kitchen and a bathroom.
Then he brought my upstairs and showed me the master bedroom. And a guest bedroom, and then he opened the door to the last bedroom.
It was fully decked out as a child's room.
With a small bed, diaper station, cute plushies and more. The room was a pretty light yellow. It was beautiful. I covered my mouth as I began to cry from joy.
"N-Nagito..." I finally was being taken serious by him.
Finally after all this time. I get to have children. We get to start a family. This is all I've ever wanted. This was my dream. I hugged him tightly and cried into him. He softly laughed and smiled at me as he comforted me.
Time skip~

"Hajime you need to relax! It's gonna be okay!" Nagito tried to calm me.
"I-I cant!" I said as I nervously placed the room.
There was a knock at the door. We both straightened up. Nervous and excited. And I'm walked the agent holding the hand of a young girl who was only almost 2 her birthday was in a month.
"Hi there Yuki..." I tried not to cry as I looked down at the sweet girl.
"Yuki these are your new parents!" The agent bent down to the girl.
Yuki looked at Nagito and I and carefully began to walk towards me. She looked a bit shy. I bent down and held my arms out to her. She was quick to run into them and hug me. Her arms are so short... she's so tiny... that she was just against my chest.
I felt tears fall from my eyes and I hugged the girl back. Nagito placed his arms around me and hugged us.
After a few minutes we calmed down and yuki had demanded "up". Her voice is soft and cute. I picked her up. She was so small it was easy. She was dressed in a long sleeve red dres
We went to a breakfast. Wanting to make this Yuki's best day. But she probably won't remember it. I don't remember anything from when I was 1... or 2.
I was holding her as we walked into an IHOP.
"Hi there! Table for three?" The lady asked.
That was so nice to hear and watch her pick up a kids menu.
"Yep!" I smiled and I followed her to the table.
It was a booth and Nagito sat across from Yuki and I. yuki had a booster seat.
I opened the menu for her.
"What do you like?" I asked.
She looked around obviously not knowing how to read to well but the pictures were a nice help.
"Pancake!" She smiled.
Oh so she knows what a pancake is!
"Do you want a plain one? Or Chocolate? Or strawberry?!" I asked her excited as well.
She was thinking hard before she was barely able to say "C-Choca Chocola.. Choco... Brown!" She smiled.
I couldn't help but laugh.
"So precious...." I kissed the top of her head.
Her hair is a brown and is a little pass her shoulders.
"Wanna ask Papa what he wants?" I asked as I looked over to Nagito.
Yuki pointed to him. "Papa!" Was all she said.
Nagito placed a hand over his mouth trying not to cry.
"Maybe we should guess?" I said to yuki.
"Okay!" She smiled.
"Pancake!" She said again.
"Y-yep!" Nagito smiled.
"Good job yuki!" I petted her.
Yuki reach for the small crayon pack. Oh that's right... we have next to no toys at home for her. After this we should go buy some.
"Wanna color?" I asked as I helped her unwrap the packaging.
She took the green from my hand and began to color on the menu. I let her be not wanting to overwhelm her.
I looked up at Nagito and smiled. This was the best day of my life... I wonder how Hope will react to Yuki? Hopes already 6. She's never been bad tempered..
the waitress came and we ordered and Yuki had decided now was a good time for a nap while we waited for food.
"Can you believe this?..." I asked Nagito as I smiled.
"N-not really... It feels a bit like a dream..." he said as he took a sip of his coffee.
"It does.."
Yuki was mostly able to eat herself, but I also helped a lot. It was so cute. We then went to the store where we let Yuki pick out coloring sets, a few plushies, and I got clothing and outfits for her.
Knowing she'd need more then we had at home and letting her choose was nice. She bought a few frim the boys section. I cant blame her. What 2 year old wants to look like a unicorn all the time when you can wear a comfortable shirt with a fishy on it.
So she got a large variety of things.
Nagito seemed tired from the whole thing. Poor thing... I was to excited to be tired.
We got home and yuki was a bit too tired to be excited at her new place. So I carried her up for a nap. I tucked her in the sunflower themed blankets and closed the curtains so it wasn't so bright.
"When you wake up just call for me okay?" I smiled.
"Okay dada..." she said as she snuggled in.
I handed her a cute puppy plush to hold while she fell asleep. And then closed the door behind me.
I went downstairs to where Nagito did his best to keep hope from Yuki. Just for now since she was so tired.
I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight. I was tired a bit too now. But I was so happy.
"Happy now?~" he teased.
"Very~" I kissed his lips.
"Can we have a nap time too?" He asked as he held onto me.
"Mhm..." he moved his hands down to my hips and then to my butt before picking me up.
Hope followed us to our bedroom. We left the door open. Incase Yuki needed us. Nagito sat me on the bed.
"You have a small waist..." he said as he was still moving his hand tiredly on my body.
"I-I do not..." I blushed.
"Mhm... Big chest~ Small waist~ Thick thighs..." he said as he kissed my neck
"Nagitooooo~ It's nap time~ Not sex time..." I whined.
"Let me just enjoy my lovely wife a little?~" he said.
"I'm your husband..." I puffed my cheeks.
He only refers to me as a women when it comes to sex. It's probably just because I take on the "female" role of sex. It doesn't bother me. But I definitely know what he wants when he starts calling me his wife.
Nagito snickered and we both scooted up in the bed. I laid down and Nagito got on top of me. Just kissing and feeling up my body. It was actually pretty relaxing. After a few minutes of exchanging loving words Nagito pulled me into him for napping.
Hope curled up next to me and made a sighing noise as she fell asleep.

Next chapter Yuki meets Hope-
Also whoa we finally made it to the actual children part of their life- I had to look up so much for this chapter- I know nothing about kids- I was like... What does a 2 year old even look like? Can they talk?? The internet says they can talk by 2-
I used the internet so I apologize if Yuki appears to be younger or older then her age- I'm trying my best
Also fucking hate being single... I only get hit on by weird straight boys at the mall...
So who wants to date me- I'll give you early access to chapters-

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