Chapter 26

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Hajime's POV:

"You ready to go?" I asked walking into the bathroom.
"Yeah just have to grab my phone and wallet!" He smiled.
Nagito did so and then we went to the train station to go meet up with Chiaki and Izuru. I held Nagito's hand the entire time. I want everyone to know he is mine.
The problem is he is really attractive. So girls look him up and down constantly. He is kinda naive when it comes to flirting. I be he gets flirted with every day..
Nagito looked happy though. He wants to start a family with me.. I shouldn't be worried. That's right! Nagito has shown me so much he loves me.. He left and came back a year later and still loved me..

Nagito's POV: (wow this doesn't happen often)

Hajime squeezed my hand so I looked over but he was just smiling. I wonder what he is thinking about..
We arrived at the restaurant we had decided to meet at. Hajime pulled me over to where he saw Chiaki and Izuru.
"Hey guys!" She smiled at us.
Hajime let go of my hand and Chiaki and Hajime hugged each other.
"It's been so long!" Hajime hugged Izuru as well.
Chiaki and Hajime started to talk as they walked into the restaurant. Hajime and I sat next to each other and Izuru was across from me and Chiaki siting next to him.
Hajime and Chiaki were talking like crazy. They were talking about absolutely everything. It was cute to watch Hajime talk and be excited. I looked over at Izuru for a second to see he was happily watching Chiaki.
"No way! She did that?!" Chiaki said upset.
"Yeah! And when she walked away she said "If you guys don't work out call me"" Hajime said.
"I hate girls like that! Always trying to break up couple!" She said angrily.
"Nagito gets so many girls flirting and checking him out it's exhausting just to watch.."
he sighed.
"I don't think so?" I said trying to think back to when girls have flirted to me that wasn't that other girl.
"That's because you don't notice it.." Hajime laughed.
"Chiaki is the same. Guys flirt with her all the time." Izuru said.
"Yeah it's hard to deal with.. So I started to just stay around Izuru at parties or whenever I can.. I even started to wear a ring on my right hand so it looks like I'm married.." She sighed.
"Hello! I'll be your waiter today! Can I get you guys started with something to drink?" The waiter asked.
We went around saying our drinks.
"Alright that will be out in just a few moments!" He winked at Hajime.
Oh? Did he just? Hajime laughed. I looked around the table to see if anyone else noticed. But they continued on like nothing did.
Isn't this kinda odd? We just finished talking about flirting and now the waiter is flirting with Hajime? No.. Calm down. It was just a wink. Waiters are always overly friendly.
The waiter came back with our drinks.
"Are you guys ready to order?" He asked.
"Yep!" Chiaki smiled.
"Alright why don't we start with you~" He smiled and winked again at Hajime.
But Hajime just ordered like nothing happened.
After we finished ordering we all continued to talk waiting for our food. And eventually it did come.
"Wow this is amazing!" Chiaki smiled eating.
"Yeah! I can't believe we didn't know about this place!" Hajime said.
Hajime and Chiaki sure do talk a lot.. I guess they always have. Chiaki has known Hajime the same amount of time as me.
Moments later the waiter came back placing a slice of cake on our table.
"Oh we didn't order this!" Chiaki said.
"Oh really? I'm sorry! Just keep it! It's on the house!" He smiled.
But especially at Hajime. It looked like a strawberry cake. But it had cute hearts all of it and in strawberry syrup it had love written.
Okay that's it. He is definitely flirting with Hajime.
"Chiaki you can have it! Your the only one who likes strawberry cake!" Hajime smiled pushing it towards Chiaki.
"Yay!" She smiled.
Thank god he isn't eating it. I could feel my blood boiling.
We finished up talking and eating and the waiter came back. I sent and icy glare at him.
"Is this all on one check?" He asked.
"Yep! I'm paying!" Hajime smiled.
"No! I got it!" Izuru said.
"No let me!" Hajime said.
We all agreed but didn't really want him too. Hajime handed the waiter his credit card. After a few minutes he came back with Hajime's receipt and credit card.
"You have a good night!~" The guy said winking at Hajime for the third time.
I wanted to punch him in the face.
"Oh." We heard Hajime say.
We looked over at him but he quickly grabbed the other receipt signing it.
Chiaki and Izuru didn't think much of it but I knew he was hiding something. Under the table I squeezed Hajime thigh slightly making Hajime let out a small squeal and putting his hand over his mouth. I quickly grabbed the receipt looking at it. At the bottom of the first one it had a phone number with a "call me ❤️".
Chiaki and Izuru looked over at us.
"Nagito!" Hajime looked at me upset.
"We're you gonna show me this?" I asked.
Chiaki grabbed it out of my hand looking at it.
"Oh." She also said showing it to Izuru.
"I didn't want you getting upset.. I was just going to throw it away.." Hajime said.
"It was obvious the waiter was flirting with Hajime the entire time.." Izuru said.
"So I wasn't the only one who noticed?" Chiaki asked.
"Yeah no I noticed too." I said.
"I didn't.." Hajime said.
"Come on let's get out of here..." Chiaki said.
We all got up leaving. The waiter was at the front by the door. He looked over at Hajime and they made eye contact he smiled and waved but Hajime looked away. I sent a death glare towards him and grabbed Hajime's hand.
"Well Chiaki and I need to head back. It's getting late." Izuru said.
"Us too! We gotta get to the train station or we will have to wait longer to get home.." Hajime said.
"See you guys!" Chiaki waved.
We all said goodbye to each other. I continued to hold his hand but we walked in silenced.
We got into the train and Hajime looked a bit nervous. I didn't say anything though.
We made it to our apartment complex. We got into the elevator.
"N-Nagito I wasn't trying to hide it from you.. I just didn't want you to get mad.." He said.
Hajime's POV:
"N-Nagito I wasn't trying to hide it from you.. I just didn't want you to get mad.." I said.
Nagito stayed quiet as if he was thinking what to say.
"I wasn't going to call him or anything.. You already know I love you more then anything!" I said.
"I know.. I just got worried. I didn't know if you'd keep it for a rebound. Or use it if I ever left for a while." He said.
I felt shocking to hear him say that. And to be honest it hurt.
"What? Is that what you think of me? I've told you already even when you left me first and second year I never found anyone else and only thought of you!" I said upset.
"No you didn't! You hooked up with Rei!" He yelled back.
Just then we heard the elevator doors open. Someone walked it and we just stayed silent until the next floor. The door opened and we walked into our apartment. I closed the door getting ready to yell back at him.
"I told you Rei touched me! I told you how much I regretted it! You even asked "How many times"! I told you I'm not a slut!" I yelled back.
"Oh really? You seem pretty weak to pleasure. If that guy was as big as me or bigger you'd obediently spread your legs for him." Nagito said not even looking at me.
I marched up to him making him look at me.
"I would not. Take that back." I glared at him.
"Your telling me I'm wrong?? You told me that I had left for 2 months and you were so desperate you let Rei touch you. Doesn't matter if you regretted it you still did it." Nagito glared back.
I took a step back shocked he was still holding onto the Rei thing. But mostly hurt that he said that too me. I felt tears fill my eyes.
"Your stupid! I hate you!" I yelled as I walked away locking myself in the bathroom.
I heard Nagito close the bedroom door. I turned on the bath water. I cried hoping the water would cover my noises. As soon as the water was warm I got in. Trying to comfort myself as I cried. The warm water helped me calm down and by the time I was done I had completely stopped crying.
I got out drying myself off. I knew I had to go into our bedroom to get my clothes at least. I wrapped the towel around my body and went to the bedroom door. I knocked quietly and then walked in. I didn't even look at him. I just walked over grabbing some clothes.
"You can have the bed." He said as he left closing the door behind him.
He isn't gonna sleep in here?
I could feel my eyes fill with tears again. I put on Nagito's hoodie. The one he gave me back in first year. I make him wear it sometimes just so it smells like him.
I put on my boxers and got into bed. Sniffling and softly crying into the sheets and blankets that smell like him.

Oh so spicy! Drama! What will happen next?! :O

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