Chapter 42

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I'm going to continue to update like usual. If anything ever gets deleted I'm Ziana6 on ao3 and on insta I'm komahina6
You don't need to have an actual account to read ao3. Not everything has been reposted to ao3 yet

Hajime's POV:

"Do I look okay?" Nagito asked.
Mahiru wanted everyone to wear matching outfits, the boys had to wear flower shirts and the girls flower dress. We were wearing flower shirts, short sleeves that buttoned in the front. Nagito of course refused but I forced him anyway, he wore a white t-shirt with the bright blue ocean and pink flower short. Very tropical. He wore long shorts that were a light khaki color.
I wore exactly what he did except my flower shirt was a light green with red flowers. I buttoned mine all the way up but left the top button undone.
"You looks great Nagito!" I said as I fashioned a Hawaiian flower clip into his hair, so the side of his left hair was pulled back and out of his face.
"Why do I have to wear it..." he sighed.
"Mahiru asked for each person from the couples to wear a flower that matched the others shirt..." I explained.
"You'd look much better with a flower in your hair..." he pulled me in by my waist.
"I think it looks great on you~" I kissed him.
"Now we should get going!" I pulled his hands of my waist.
I grabbed his hand and made sure I had my wallet, hotel key card, and phone.
"Do you know where we are going?" Nagito asked.
"I think so?" I said l looking around at hotel signs to find the restaurant.
After 10 minutes of walking we found it.
"Hey you two!" Mahiru smiled at us with her camera, hiyoko holding her hand.
"Long time no see!" I smiled at her.
Did they finally get together?
"I thought the bottoms were supposed to wear the flower." Hiyoko blurted out.
"N-no hiyoko! It's just so we can tell who's a couple!" Mahiru said embarrassed since she was the one wearing an orange flower in her hair to match Hiyokos orange flower dress.
"Told you, you were supposed to be the one to wear it." Nagito teased.
"S-shut up the flower is the color of my shirt your supposed to wear it." I looked away embarrassed.
"I'm going to wait here for the rest to arrive! The table is on the back! You'll see ibuki!" Mahiru smiled at me.
"Thanks!" I said as I pulled Nagito.
"Behave yourself..." I nudged him.
He only snickered in response.
"Hajime!!" Ibuki ran and hugged me.
"Hey ibuki!!" I laughed.
I looked around to see, Mikan, togami, soda, gundham, Sonia, Chiaki, and Izuru. All seated in that order. It looks like the venue just pushed together a who bunch of tables to make one big long table. Ibuki sat me by Izuru and Nagito by me.
"Hey guys!" Chiaki smiled.
"I hate this." Izuru said upset.
"Aww! Come one! Red looks great on you!" I smiled at Izuru.
He was wearing a grey Hawaiian shirt with dark red flowers. Chiaki's dress was a light pink with dark red flowers, her flower in her hair closely match Izuru's flowers.
"You two look great!" Chiaki smiled at me.
"Thanks! It took a while to get Nagito to agree to the shirt and flower.." I laughed.
We all talked and soda came over and we both caught up, he was my best friend in highschool, but we haven't talked in so long time. But after smother 10 minutes everyone was finally seated. Everyone was excited to catch up and talk to each other.
I was excited too. I missed talking to everyone! It was a nice place. There weren't any windows so you could feel the cool ocean breeze and look out onto the ocean.
I held nagitos hand under the table to show him that I knew he was there while talking to others. He does tend me possessive and gets easily jealous even though he doesn't want to admit it.
I could tell Nagito was starting to get worn out. He hasn't even eaten half of his food... I wonder if he's feeling okay. Although even back in highschool he had trouble interacting with the whole class. They all talk to him and he can talk back. I think it just wears him out.
He's too skinny now.. Maybes it's because of college but I've noticed he's losing weight and muscle. I played with the little food I had left on my plate.
"Hiyoko and I are going to call it a night! We had a long plane ride here!" Mahiru got gathering her things.
"Yeah we should all call it a night." Peko agreed.
"Aww!! But the party is just getting started!!" Ibuki sighed.
"I-Ibuki it's o-okay! W-we can h-hang out i-in the p-pool!" Mikan smiled grabbing Ibukis hand.
They are a cute couple...
"Fine!!" Ibuki laughed.
"We'lol join you guys!" Chiaki smiled.
"Really!" Ibuki said excited.
"Yeah! I haven't been in the pool for a while!" Chiaki looked excited as well.
Izuru only sighed. I patted his back laughing a little.
"You coming?" He asked.
"No! I think Nagito is tired from today!" I said.
Everyone said there good byes, Mikan, ibuki, soda, Sonia, gundham, Chiaki, Izuru, and teruteru decided to go to the pool. Everyone else want to their hotel rooms for bed.
Nagito took of his flower top and his t-shirt. I took a close look at his body. He's definitely lose some weight. Considering his health in the past.. I'm worried.
I walked up to him and hugged him.
"Hajime?" He looked at me confused.
"Are you feeling okay?" I asked.
"Yeah? Is something wrong?" He replied.
"You've lost a lot of weight.. I can tell. Are you feeling sick?" I moved my hands to his hips and moved them slowly up his sides feeling how skinny he was.
"Hajime I'm fine..." he smiled.
"I want you to start eating more! You don't need to lose any more weight! You were thin enough before!" I scolded him worried.
"H-Hajime calm down its fine I promise! It's just your imagination!" He laughed as he reached for my face.
I slapped his hand away and grabbed his wrist pulling him to the bathroom. Hotel rooms always have scales in them. I'm sure this one does as well.
I closed the door quickly behind us so he couldn't get out. I quickly found the scale and turned it on.
"Hajime will you stop it already?" He tried to pull away.
"No! Get on the scale!" I pointed.
I forced him onto the scale and he stood there, giving up on resisting me.
I looked down and was almost horrified at what the scale read.
"150?!" I said shooked.
"Nagito! You lost 10 pounds!" I said shocked.
"It's fine Hajime. I just haven't been able to a work at as much." He stepped off the scale but the look I'm his eyes showed he was clearly shocked.
"It's not fine! Nagito your health is important!" I tried to get my point across to him. I'm so worried.
"Hajime I'm functioning fine. I probably just lost body fat from not eating." Nagito turned his back to me.
I placed my head against his back, "Please Nagito... I worry about your health. You were lucky last time. I don't want to lose you for good. For me... Please will you try to gain some weight?" I cried softly into his back.
He sighed and turned around embracing me into his arms and holding me close into his chest.
"I'm sorry Hajime... I don't mean to worry you. I will try my best..." he rubbed circles into my back.
"A-also you didn't have any body fat before. You've always been as thin as a bone..." I sniffled.
"Yeah yeah..." he laughed.
Wait... he was 160... lost 10... and he thought it was body fat? I weigh the same as him now. I'm shorter then him. Shouldn't I weigh way less. Does it hurt him when I cuddle him? Am I too heavy. I haven't really looked at my body closely lately. Have I gained weight?
"If your thinking about how we weigh the same now, it doesn't matter." He spoke softly.
"S-stop reading my mind... and it does matter." I said.
"Our bodies are built different. I wouldn't change a single thing about you Hajime. I'm not weak, your easy to pick up. You're definitely not fat. Any body fat or muscle goes straight to your chest and thighs.. and I love that. Even if you were fat I wouldn't care Hajime. I feel in love with you because of who you are. You're absolutely beautiful. Nothing in this world could change that!" He caressed my face up so our eyes meet.
"You're just saying that..." I looked to side embarrassed.
"I am not~ I love your body. But I most importantly love you Hajime. As long as you are Hajime I love you and your body..." He smiled.
"A-also for your information all my body fat does not go to my thighs and chest..." I argued.
"Really?" But look... I love having your thighs wrapped my hips. Your thighs are pretty sensitive.. I love being between your plump thighs~ and your chest... god you know how much I love it~" he started to unbutton the bottoms to my Hawaiian shirt.
"N-Nagito it's late..." I said knowing full well where this was heading.
"Hajime~ let me touch you a little~" he kissed me.
"Well I guess you deserve it after the plane ride today..." I sighed.
He quickly picked me up and wrapped me around his hips. He opened the bathroom door and brought me to our large king size hotel bed.
He placed me down and I took of my flower shirt and my pants leaving me in my boxers. I was sitting on the bed waiting for him to do something. He was looking my body up and down.
"H-hurry up or I'm going to bed..." I looked away embarrassed.
He grabbed my hips only to flip me over onto my stomach. I took his hint and raised my hips, my knees on the bed holding them up, and arching my back down so that my face was barely being lifted off the bed by my elbows.
"N-Nagito I like seeing your face.." I said.
"But it's fun watching you struggle to keep yourself up~" Nagito teased and I heard his pants drop to the floor.
He pulled off my boxers and I tried my best to help him get them off. This position is so embarrassing... He's only seeing my ass right now...
He moved his hands to bare my ass softly squishing it. He softly rubbed his hands and suddenly I felt a stinging slap making me let out a surprised gasp. He pulled slightly at my hole teasing me.
"S-stop that..." I said embarrassed as I buried my face into a pillow I had decided to grab from the head of the bed to help me with the position.
"I'm just admiring you~" he kissed my back.
He rubbed my thighs and roughly pushed them further apart. I felt him press his length against me. In the middle of my ass, it was rubbing against my entrance but his tip was no where near.
I moved my hips to grind against his length. I could feel his tip at the bottom of my back.
"N-Nagito please hurry~" I whined.
"You getting antsy?" He teased.
"Stop being an ass..." I pressed my hips back against him.
"You're hole is so needy~" he said as he pressed my hips forward and put his finger inside of me.
"Nagito~ Come on~" I begged.
He roughly gripped my ass, but his length watch twitching against me. I can tell he's suffering too.
I balanced myself and reached my hand back to  his length.
"Come on~ I know you want it too~" I pressed his tip to my entrance.
"You're such a slut~" he pressed into me.
"Fuck~" I moaned as I gripped onto the sheet, letting him press fully into me.
"You're really tight today..." He breathed out.
I bite the sheets trying to muffle myself.
He began slowly moving his hips back and fourth. Tears filled my eyes from the slight pain  and the immense pleasure I was receiving.
"Nagito~ Ahhh~" I moaned loudly.
"Shhh~ our classmates are sleeping next to us~" he gripped my hips pulling me further onto his length.
I quickly slapped my hands over my mouth, I had totally forgotten... hotel walls are so thin to. Nagito began to pound harder into me. My body was being pressed deep into the bed and I so bad wanted to let my voice out.
He would occasionally roughly grope my ass or slap the side of it to get a reaction out of me. I'm sure people can hear the bed moving or Nagito's slaps...
I wanna see his face... All I can see is the blue sheets and the dark room around me. It helped me focus more on the pleasure through. I was drooling all over the sheets and myself.
Nagito hit my prostate, making me suddenly gasp. I covered my mouth again trying my best to keep quiet. My elbows were getting tired and my legs were shaky. Nagito was helping me by holding my hips up.
I couldn't last much longer, I came onto the sheets without warning. Nagito continued into me but suddenly pulled out making me suddenly whimper from confusion.
He can onto my back and I could feel the hot seed travel down towards my upper back.
"N-Nagito?!" I said kinda upset.
"What's wrong?" He looked at me.
My face flushed and I looked away upset. It feels unfinished that he didn't finish inside.. that feelings is like the ending... even after I finish it helps me calm off my high... Why didn't he finished inside.
"Is something wrong Hajime?" He asked again.
"No...." I quieted said upset and let my hips drop to the bed.
"D-did I hurt you?" He asked worried.
"No I'm fine." I nuzzled into the sheets trying to get the tingly feeling inside of wanting more to go away.
"Hajime come on we have to get cleaned up..." he said.
"Go get cleaned up first. I'll go after..." I said.
"Hajime just tell me what's wrong..." he picked me up under my stomach, forcing me to sit back on to my legs.
"You always talk about how much you love the after care... how come suddenly you want to do it alone?" He asked.
I turned my head away from him not sure really want to say. It's already pretty late and we are supposed to meet everyone at the beach tomorrow for activities all day. I guess I could also him to do me another time... But that's embarrassing and he needs his sleep since he hasn't been feeling well...
"Hajime? You're still hard?" I heard him suddenly speak.
"N-no! I'm not!" I quickly covered my lower half with my hands.
"Is that why your acting weird?" He asked.
"I-I'm fine really! I'll get cleaned up first!" I quickly tried to get off the bed only to be pulled back down by my wrist so my back was now against the bed.
"So you are still hard~" he teased.
"S-stop! I'll take care of it myself! So get ready for bed!" I tried to get up against but Nagito pinned me down.
"Hajime you know I'd be more then happy to help you~" he whispered into my ear.
"You need your sleep Nagito. And your energy." I said turning my head to the side.
"So that it's... your still worried..." he sighed.
"Of course I am... I'm always worried for you Nagito. I don't want to be the reason it gets worst or you get hurt. I want to help you feel better." I said.
"Hajime I really am I okay. Don't worry alright?" He smiled softly at me.
"I could never not worry about you Nagito.." I cupped his face with my hands and pulled his head down to his forehead was against mine.
"I'll be alright.. So let me help you..." he whispered.
"Alright..." I said not wanting to turn down the offer.
He pulled me into a kiss which quickly turned soft to heated. He pushed my legs up and around his waist. He used his right hand to move my hips up more so that he could access my entrance again.
"T-this time please finish inside..." I said embarrassed.
"Oh? So that's why you wanted it again? Your not satisfied until I fill you?~" he teased as he pushed his tip in teasingly.
"Yeah... I love it when you fill me Nagito~" I kissed him.
He pushed the rest of himself back into me.
"Nagito~ That feels amazing~" I moaned.
"Do you want our classmates to hear you that much?" He laughed.
"I-it feels so amazing... it's hard to be quiet..." I tried to speak quietly.
He began to move his hips at a quick pace knowing that I'm more then use to his length from the first time. 
I covered my mouth again doing my best to keep quiet. My body moved up and down against the sheets as he used his hands to pull my hips away and towards his length each time he thrusted into me.
"Hmm~ Nng~" quiet moans escaped through my mouth.
"Hajime~ You always look so so great underneath me..." He said as he tightened the grip on my hips.
I wouldn't be surprised if there will be bruises there tomorrow. It's like I couldn't get away if I wanted to. He's being so dominate today.. it makes me shiver with excitement.
"N-Nagito right there~ don't stop!" I moaned as I felt him hit my prostate over and over again.
He continued into me like I asked. I tried bite into nagitos shoulder trying to keep myself quiet.
"Nagito~ I-I can't... It feels so good~" I began to lose myself.
"Fuck Hajime I'm close..." he moaned into my ear.
I came once again and my body shook from over stimulation, luckily Nagito couldn't last much longer either and I felt his warm seed finally fill my insides.
"Ahh~ Nagito~ thank you for filling me~" I moaned.
"God your seductive.." he laughed a little.
OwO yay new chapter!

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