Chapter 40

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Hajime's POV:

"Nagito I promise the plane won't crash! You have us here with you too! It's safe!" I tried to convince scared Nagito.
"Hajime is right!" Chiaki held his other hand.
He was shaking. I've never seen Nagito so scared.

A few days ago...

"Nagito! I booked our plane tickets! We get to sit by Izuru and Chiaki!!" I said as I came into the bedroom.
"P-plane?!" He looked at me with wide eyes.
"Yeah? It's cheaper for us to fly there then take drive or take buses!" I said as I drew closer to him.
"No no no no no! I'm not going on a plane!" He scooted back to the wall.
"Are you afraid of flying?" I asked.
"Y-yes!" He said panicked.
"It will be okay! You're more likely to get in a car crash then a plane crash! It will be fine Nagito!" I smiled.
"N-no.. I've been in a plane crash.. not again..." he sank to the floor.
"YOU'VE BEEN IN A PLANE CRASH?!" I yelled shocked.
"When I was 6 my parents and I went on vacation. We had to get on a plane to get to Hawaii... but the plane had issues mid way but we were above the ocean... and we had landed in the ocean..." he curled into himself.
I ran to him and hugged him.
"I'm sorry I brought it up... But you don't have to worry... we aren't going to cross the ocean... it's going to be an hour flight that's all! I'll be with you the entire time..." I hugged him tightly and he returned the hug.
It must really have scarred him because he has never told me about this...
"Y-you promise it will be okay?..." he asked.
"I promise Nagito..." I kissed his cheek.
He was like a small kid. He was so vulnerable. Clinging to my arms. He always puts up a front of being okay and being strong. But here he is, taking comfort in my arms.
"How about we cuddle?" I suggested.
We got up and I pulled him to the bed. I got under the covers and he immediately snuggled into my chest. I petted his hair and held him tightly.
I could feel his soft breathing on my chest. His body warmth was against mine and his cold hands on my back. We laid there for a while and when I looked down to check on him he was fast asleep.. I kissed his head.
"I guess spending our Saturday like this isn't so bad..." I whispered and snuggled into take a nap as well.

Now back to the present~

"No no no no no no no no no no no no-" he continued.
"Nagito it's fine! We aren't flying over any oceans..." I tried to drag him to the gate.
"You guys go! I'll meet you guys there!" He said trying to escape.
"Want me to just pick him up?" Izuru asked.
"Yes." Chiaki and I both said worn out from dragging him into the airport, past security, and finally to the gate.
"Izuru- don't you-" Before Nagito could finish his sentence Izuru picked him up throwing him over his shoulder.
"It's so nice having a brother stronger then your bf!" I smiled.
"I will never forgive any of you for this..." he said as he gave up.
I walked up right behind him and poked his check. He turned his head upset with me. I giggled slightly.
"Anyone who hasn't boarded yet!" The flight attendant called.
We rushed to the gate and showed our tickets. She gave us a weird look at Nagito who was struggling to get away.
We finally got on the plane and Izuru tightly seat belted Nagito into his seat. Izuru sat by the window, Chiaki next to him, me next to Chiaki, and finally Nagito by the isle way because we decided he might feel safer there.
He held onto my hand, but he was very quiet. While everyone else finished boarding we waited for the plane to start moving.
Nagitos hand began to shake. I looked over to him and he looked like he was trying to contain something...
I softly rubbed circles into his hand and whispered sweet nothings to him to help him calm down. When I thought he was calming down the plane began to move, which caused him to panic more.
"Nagito it's only for an hour.. It's going to be okay.." I tried my best to comfort him.
He didn't even answer.
I turned myself as best as I could and pulled him close to me so I could hold him into a tight embrace. The plane began to get faster and louder as take off approached.
Soon enough we were off in the my and Nagito was uncontrollably shaking in my arms. His hands which were normally freezing cold were now sweaty. I kiss his cheek trying to distract him. After about 15 minutes of that he laid his head down against my shoulder and fell asleep.
"Aww! He finally calmed down..." Chiaki smiled.
"Izuru is asleep already too isn't he?" I asked as I looked over carefully so not to wake up Nagito.
"Yeah... He said "Plane rides are boring." She imitated him.
"I always have something to do on planes.. But Izuru doesn't like small stuff.." I sighed.
"I know... He occasionally does random huge puzzles or makes something random.. I don't know where he gets the free time..." She chuckled.
"So how have Izuru and you been?" I asked.
"We've been better. We aren't fighting or anything. It's just with school and stuff it's so hard to pay attention to each other. Only when we are sleeping together at night..." She said.
"Nagito and I have had a few days of free time or a few hours. But it's the same with us, only at night time.." I said.
"I wish we were back in highschool..." She laughed.
"Me too. Highschool was supposed to prepare us for college but I wasn't ready for all of this..." I saidX
"Mmhm... But it's going to be fun to see everyone again! It's been a year! The only people I've seen this past year is of course you two and Sonia!" She said.
"Really you've seen Sonia?" I asked.
"Yeah! She comes over every now and then and we do a "girls night"" she smiled.
"I have texted soda a few times. But I haven't had time to keep up with everyone. Nagito takes up most my time!" I laughed.
Chiaki and I talked about our boyfriends and random things for the rest of the flight. I decided to try to keep Nagito asleep for the landing of the plane as well. He slept through it and we finally landed and could now get off the plane.
"Nagito~" I lovingly called his name as I shook him a little.
He slowly began to wake up.
"We made it!" I smiled at him.
He took a deep breath and exhaled.
"Why don't we get off this plane now?" I asked him.
"Yes please..." He sighed.
We all gathered our things and got off the airplane.
"Finally!..." he ran to the ground.
I chuckled.
"I told you I'd be okay!" I smiled.
"You did it Nagito!" She poked him on the ground.
"Come on!" I helped him off the ground.
"See that wasn't so bad!" I kissed him.
"Yeah I guess..." He said.
"The bud leaves in 30 minutes." Izuru said looking at his watch.
"Then let's look at a souvenir shop since we have time!" Chiaki smiled.
I grabbed nagitos hand and hugged his arm. I was so genuinely really proud of him. He made it an entire flight..
"Excuse me!" We heard someone. I looked up in front of us.
We all looked to this older women, looked around maybe 40? She had two small children with her.
"What you're doing is inappropriate." She said.
"What?" I said confused.
We looked around at each other.
"You homosexuals practicing infront of small children! Do your sins behind close doors!" She started to yell slightly.
"Excuse you. I will hug my boyfriend whenever I want. A hug or a kiss is not inappropriate." I said glaring.
"You homosexuals have to show everyone! Ruin children and make everyone watch!!" Has began yelling.
"They did no such thing! You didn't have to look!" Chiaki stood infront of us.
"Well it's against my religion! I'm not comfortable with seeing that! Now I suggest you two stop it. Go find girlfriends!" She argued.
"He moans the same as a girl~" Nagito smirked at the lady, is he trying to piss her off more?!
Izuru covered his mouth trying to not laugh, my face was red with embarrassment.
"See they are basically shoving it in our face! Let go of him or I'll call security!" She yelled at this point other were looking.
"It's not illegal. Move on with your life before I force you too." Izuru stood looking down on the women.
"I-Izuru stop!" Chiaki pulled his arm slightly.
She knew he wasn't afraid to fight or punch the lady.
"Help security!!! The gays are threatening my life!" She suddenly dropped to the floor and started to scream and cry. By this time the two small children back away from the mother and were looking around confused.
"Ma'am please just leave us alone..." I said as we backed up.
Security came running over.
"What's the problem here?" He asked.
"These homosexuals are harassing me!" She yelled.
"You came up to us?!" Chiaki argued.
"Sir I have a video of the whole thing!" We turned around to see a girl, no older then maybe 17?
"Please show me."
After a bit of waiting and he watched the video he turned around and picked the lady off the ground.
"Ma'am your going to come with me." He said.
"What?! Arrest them!" She pointed and Nagito and I.
"You guys are free to go. I'm sorry for the inconvenience." He bowed apologizing.
"But the gays!" She yelled.
The man only sighed. And began to walk away with her the two small children following her. I felt bad for the children.
"Thank you so much!" Chiaki thanked the girl.
"O-Of course! H-Have a nice day!" The girl bowed and then ran away.
"She ran away?" Chiaki said.
"She seems kinda shy.." I said.
"Well that was fun.." Nagito laughed.
I punched his arm.
"Ow what was that for?!" He asked.
"We're you trying to piss her off more? You don't say those type of things out loud!" I scolded him for his early comment.
Izuru snickered again. Chiaki giggled slightly.
"She told me to get a girlfriend? I was just saying I basically already have one~" he teased.
"You piss me off..." I sighed.
"L-let's just go.." I said embarrassed as I grabbed my suit case and Nagito's hand and began to walk towards the exit of the airport.
"Aww look Izuru!" Chiaki showed a small plush keychain that had a flower to show that its tropical.
He poked it.
"Let's get matching ones!" She said.
Izuru softly smiled at her and nodded his head.
Aww they are so cute. Nagito was just holding my hand as I dragged him around the small store.
"See anything you like?" He asked.
"Hmm not really..." I said.
"I'm sure there will be a souvenir shop at the resort!" He smiled.
"Yeah I'll wait till there.." I sighed.
Chiaki and Izuru bought the cute matching keychains and we left to the resort.
"Alrighty your room is 361!" The lady handed us two key cards.
"Thank you!" Nagito smiled.
"I feel bad for making you pay..." I said.
"Don't! You do so much for us! I could never keep up with the house! You're working hard at school, you buy us groceries and keep our apartment clean!" He smiled.
My face flushed a little. I grabbed his hand and we meet up with Chiaki and Izuru again.
"What room are you two in?" Chiaki asked.
"361!" I smiled.
"We are in 362!" So we are gonna be close to each other!!" She smiled.
We grabbed our stuff and walked to the room. Odd number on the right and even numbers on the left.
"It's been a long day... Let's all meet up for dinner with everyone later!" Chiaki suggested.
"Sounds good too me..." I sighed tired.
"See you guys!" She smiled.
Their room was right across from ours. We entered into our room.
"Wow!" I looked around the room.
It was fairly big. Right when you walk in to my left was the door to the bathroom, it had a huge shower.. next to it a big bath tub with jets and everything! The sink looked all fancy and the toilet matched everything as well. The bathroom had shells and beach themed stuff everywhere.
The bedroom was big enough for two. The bed was up against the left wall and looked over to a tv on the wall. Underneath was a coffee maker, microwave, mini fridge. Even the bed was beach themed, the comforter had sea shells lining the edges and it was a pretty blue color. If you walked past the bed it looked out to the beach, we were on the third floor so it looked more out on the ocean.
There was a balcony were you could sit and just look out onto the beach. The room was stunning, everything was either a light blue, dark blue, or teal color.
I set my suit case down by the bed.
"This is really nice!" I said.
"I'm glad you like it!" He smiled at me.
"I'm so tired already... I can't get over that lady at the airport!" I said as I plopped down onto the bed.
"Yeah... We'll it's not the first time we have experienced homophobia..." He sighed as he sat down next to me on the bed.
"I know and it certainly won't be the last..." I said.
"But who cares! You're my lovely boyfriend regardless!" I got into his lap and wrapped my legs around his back.
His face had a soft blush. My comment made him happy. I leaned in and kissed him.
"What time do we have to meet up with everyone?" He asked.
"7! The restaurant is connected to the resort..." I said as I curled myself into his neck, I could feel myself getting sleepy.
"It's only 2..." he said looking at his watch.
"Oh good.." I said.
"Wanna sleep for a little?" He asked.
"Please..." I laughed a little into his shoulder.
We got up and I took off my pants and shoes so I could be a little more comfortable when I sleep. Nagito did the same and got under the comforter with me. I face myself towards the window. He curled himself around me and pulled me in tight so he was big spooning me.
"I'm happy we're here together..." I kissed his hand.
"Me too... What would I do without you..." He kissed my neck softly.
"Probably be dead..." I chuckled.
"You're probably right!" He laughed.
"Can you believe it? Freshmen year, I ran into you... pure chance we would be seated right next to each other in the same class. Now here we are. At a resort together? I feel like time has gone by so fast... We're adults..." I said thinking back.
"I would do anything to spend the entirety of high school with you..." He said.
"I know... but best to think of the future then the past. We still graduated together!" I smiled.
"Yeah that's true.." he sighed he clearly was still hung up about high school.
"We are living together and attending the same college!" I continued.
"We sleep together every night!" I said.
"You're right. I'm happy... You really mess me up, Hajime Hinata... But I love you more then you could imagine..." I felt his grip on my tighten a little, I squeezed his hand slightly as a response to tell him I love him.
"Let's just sleep til 5.." I said looking at the time.
"Alright.." he set his phone alarm.
We got comfortable in the spooning position and I fell asleep almost immediately.

Y'all want a Valentine's Day special? Anything special y'all want? I have 0 ideas XD

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