Chapter 34

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Hajime's POV:

It's Christmas Eve... I'm so nervous. Tomorrow I'll be with Nagito's family all day. Nagito seems to be excited to go back home.
Despite having a hard time sleeping during the week of exams, he did great on all of them. I did well on mine too. But Nagito never ceases to amaze me.
Nagito has been a bit touchy with me though. We didn't do anything all week because I told him he needed to focus. So he has become more clingy. It's really cute.
"Okay I got both our bags, keys, phones... you.. I think I got it all!" He smiled as he wrapped his arm around my waist.
I giggled.
"I can bring myself thank you~" I moved his hand off my hip.
"Now let's get going!" I smiled.
And so we left. I was so nervous. I have to meet his parents again. They are nice. I've met them quite a few times during highschool. But briefly and maybe for a dinner or two..
After 2 hours of traveling, we finally arrived back at Nagito's home. His house is huge... It always surprises me.
"Do you remember when you snuck out and came here.. and then we did it in the hot tub?" He pointed at the back where the hot tub was.
I laughed remember.
"How could I forget! Izuru was so pissed! He walked in on us..." I laughed.
We finally approached the front door. We rang the door bell and waited for them to answer.
The door opened quickly.
"Daiki!! They are home!!" Nagito's mom, Kokoa, smiled as she opened the door. She quickly hugged Nagito and I.
"I'm so glad you boys are back!" She smiled.
"Mom your squeezing us..." Nagito laughed.
"Oh I'm sorry! I haven't seen you boys in 5 months!" She said.
"It's nice to see you as well, Ma'am!" I smiled.
"Oh please, call me Kokoa or mom! You're our family, Hajime!" She smiled at me.
My face blushed a little. Those words.. family? My mother has never said something like this to me. Sure she started to send me things recently. But she ignored me as a child.
"Thank you, Kokoa!" I smiled.
"You boys go get settled in! We left your room exactly how you left it!" She let us inside.
Nagito smiled. We walked up to his room. It really was just like when he left for college. It's only been five months.. feels like longer. It smelled like Nagito... I giggled.
"What is it?"
He asked.
"Oh nothing... It just.. it smells like you in here! I like it!" I smiled.
"Don't you get bored of it.. You're always playing with hair and wearing my jackets... Do you really like my scent that much.?." he asked kinda confused.
"It's comforting! I missed this room! We were always at my place. It felt special being over here. We did come here once a week or two though! You'd always beat me in every video game we played. Yet you still played them with me..." I smiled.
Nagito pulled me into a kiss, making me drop my bag on the ground. I leaned into it. Letting him deepen the kiss.
He moved his hands down my hips. I placed my finger on his lips.
"Not right now~ We should go help your parents!" I said.
"Hajimeee..." He whined.
"You know it's hard for me to be quiet... it's the middle of the day right now!" I giggled at him pouting.
"Let me just touch you a little~" he said as he brought his hand up under my shirt.
"Nope! You better go to the bathroom and take care of that~ I'll meet you downstairs. I'll be with Kokoa!" I smiled as I left.
He is totally going to pound me later for leaving him life that. But for once I want to be the one to tease him. Plus I'm not in the mood. Nagito seems to be the one always horny lately.. maybe it's because he is stressed?
I walked down to the kitchen where I assumed his mom might be.
"Oh hello Hajime! Where is Nagito?" She asked.
"Oh he went to use the restroom!" I answered.
"Alright! Well I'm glad you boys are here early to help us! There is so much to do! Would you like to help me bake?" She smiled at me.
"S-sure!" I smiled.
I've never experienced anything like this. Sure she isn't my mom. But.. this is special isn't it? Helping your mom bake? It seems like something I always wanted to do with my mom. If I said "let's make cookies!" to my mum, she would just order someone to bake cookies and have them sent to my room. And that was if I could even talk to her.
The day has ended. Nagito and I helped his parents all day around the house. It felt so magical. On Christmas Eve they had a tradition of putting the star on the tree. Which they let me do. I felt like I was imposing on their family time. But they reassured me that I was apart of the family.
It was a lot of work though. They do have a few maids, but his parents like to work themselves. So they did a lot of work.
We finally called it a night after dinner. Nagito and I headed up to his room for bed.
"Your parents are really kind.." I said softy as I undressed myself getting ready to get in the shower. Which was lucky connected to his room.
"You seemed like you were having fun!" Nagito smiled as he got close to me.
"I did.. I've never experienced Christmas like this!" I felt so overwhelmed by.. joy?
Nagito wrapped his arms around me. I was still changing. I only had my pants and boxers on.
"Please let me do you tonight..." he asked.
"Hmm.. You've been good, so I'll let you~ but no leaving marks on my neck! Your whole family will be over tomorrow! And you have to be gentle! I don't want your parents hearing us.." I said.
"Okay okay.. Then why don't we do it in the shower? It's big and the water will help drown out your noises~" he kissed my ear, making my body shiver a little. I nodded my head yes and Nagito unbuckled my belt making my pants drop to the floor. I went into the bathroom to heat up the water.

Komahina (discontinued)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant