🗡I'm His Father🗡

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I like this au, and this idea :p


The sun slowly set over Philza's home as he cooked dinner for his sons. Technoblade and Wilbur were sitting at the kitchen table, waiting for dinner and doing homework. Where was Tommy you ask, reaching for the cookie jar that was sitting on the kitchen counter. Somehow Dadza hadn't noticed the small boy jumping for the glass jar, until...


Phil quickly turned his head to see little Tommy standing by a bunch of broken glass and cookies.


"I-i didn't mean to break it, I just wanted a cookie.." The young boy backed up a little from the broken glass, giving a small whimper.

"Didn't I say you could have a cookie after dinner, Tommy?" The blonde boy went to speak but was immediately cut off. "I don't want to hear it. Go to your room. I don't want to see you for the rest of the night."

"B-but dad-"

"I said I don't want to hear it. Go." Tommy quickly ran off to his small bedroom, hiding in his closet. Though the closet was dark, the boy just wanted to hide from his problems.

A little while later...

It's been an hour since Tommy had been forced to hide in the closet (just like me), he was hungry but knew if he came out he'd be screamed at again. So he hid with his hunger and fear in the silent closet while the rest of his family ate.

Tommy's bedroom door made a small squeak as it opened, causing the scared little boy to hide farther into his closet. "Tommy?" Of course it was his oldest brother coming to check on him, Wilbur.

"In here.." He quietly called out, the young boy heard his brother set a plate on his bed before opening the closet door.

"You hungry? I brought you some dinner" Tommy just shrugged as Wilbur sat next to him. "Are you okay..?"

"I think I stepped in glass..."

"Wh-what? Why didn't you say something earlier?"

"Because dad said he didn't want to see me till morning.."

"Tommy.. Which foot? I'll take the glass out.." The smaller boy looked at the wall next to him, not wanting to look at his older brother.

"The right...I'm sorry.."

"Don't be, you made a mistake, that's all"

"Will.." Wilbur looked up from taking the glass out of Tommy's foot.


"You're a better dad than brother... a better dad than Phil.."

The Present..

Tears rolled down Tommy's cheeks as he sat on the bench, watching the sunset go down alone. He tried to wipe away his sadness, but couldn't, how could he when his best friend was mad at him? The two had gotten into a big fight and neither were happy, Tubbo was angry while Tommy was sad.

The blonde boy had been sitting on the bench for around 10 minutes now, just letting his tears fall to the grass. There was no point in hiding his tears or keeping them in, nobody was around to see him just let his emotions out.

"Tommy?" A voice called out from behind him, but he didn't want to turn around and face who it was. He knew just by the way they said his name who it was. Why did it have to be them? 

Tommy turned around, seeing his 'father', Philza Minecraft standing there. The older man had a sorrowful look on his face as he stared at his crying son, though his eyes seemed to light up when he turned.

"Dad!" The young boy stood up, he extended his arms as he ran towards his dad. Phil extended his arms as well, waiting to feel his son in his arms, but he felt nothing? Phil watched as Tommy ran past him, going to hug Awesamdude instead.

"What's happened, Tommy? Are you okay?" Sam asked, hugging his son back. Phil stared at the scene with a broken heart..did he just really lose his youngest son..?

"Come on, let's go talk inside, okay?" The older boy let go of his son, just keep an arm around him to help comfort him. 

"I love you, dad.." Tommy said quietly out of no where to Sam.

"I love you too, Tommy.."

Word Count: 710

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