👑Who's the Clingy One Now?👑

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In this AU Wilbur was never killed, instead he gets therapy :D

This also takes place after L'manbirg first went BOOM so OwO

Warning this story mentions






"He has to live! He has to!" Tommy yelled, tears streaming down his cheeks as he hugged a plush bee to his chest. Eret put his hands on the boys shoulders.

"Tommy.. He's in so much pain.. We might not be able to save him.."

"No!" The blonde pushed him away, quickly running out the door. He could hear the bi king yelling out his name as he ran. His vision was clouded by the tears in his eyes that he just couldn't blink away. He continued to run and run as fast as his long legs go, running as far as he could into the forest.

He fell to his knees, putting his hands in front of his face as he let his emotions out. He felt the hot tears land on his hands or glide past them.

"Tommy.." A voice said, causing the boy to look up, seeing his best friend standing there. There was something off about him but Tommy could care less.

"Tubbo! I knew you'd be okay! I told them! I told them you were going to be okay!" The younger boy said as he stood up. Immediately the brunette put his hands up slightly, his gaze worrisome.

"Tommy.. I'm-i'm not.. I'm not okay.. I came to say goodbye.."

"Wh-what?" The blonde looked more carefully at his friend, noticing his ghostly paleness, he had no wounds either, past or present.. He was saying goodbye... "You..you didn't survive.."

"No.. I didn't.." Tubbo put his hands in his pockets. "I wanted to see you before I had to go though.."

"You-you can't go Tubbo... You can't leave me.."

"I have to.. I don't want to either but I don't have a choice.. I don't have long either.. Goodbye Tommy"

"Tub-Tubbo no! Please!" The older boys worry became a sad smile as he began to disappear. Giving a small wave before he disappeared. "Tubbo! Tubbo please come back! Don't leave me! Please.. don't leave me.." He fell back to his knees, crying into his hands once more as he sat there, letting it out once more.

"Tommy? Tommy!" He heard calls out for his name but he didn't bother look at them, knowing it was Eret calling for him. Tommy felt arms go around him, causing him to finally look back with tears in his eyes.

"He-he's gone Eret.. he's gone.."

"I know buddy..." They rubbed the boys back as he turned to cry into Eret's shoulder. "It's going to be okay... I know it hurts..but everythings going to be okay.."

"I-I want him back.."

"I know... but he's in a more peaceful place now.." The older king continued to rub his back, letting the blonde cry into his shoulder until he became quiet. "Tommy..?" He was fast asleep in Eret's arms. "Poor kid.." She picked him up bridal style, holding the boy tight as he began to walk back.

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