Seventh Year part 2

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Yuri had to take a taxi to the station since Otabek was working. He had mixed feeling about going back. One part of him wanted to go back in hopes that everything would be better now; that he could finish his final year and hang out with his friends. He hoped for no more bloody messages and no more scary prophecies.

Another part of him didn't want to go back at all. This part of him wanted to stay away from the trouble in Hogwarts. Rather than being there this part wanted to stay with Otabek. But he didn't have much of a choice. Yuri didn't choose to go to school, he had to.

"Yuri!" Ella called when she spotted him in the crowd. She was standing next to her mom who was giving Yuri a warm smile.

Even though he didn't really want to talk to them they were the only ones he knew at the moment. Standing alone was too awkward so he decided to join them. Yuuko had stayed behind in Hogwarts and Minami wasn't there yet. Even if he was, Yuri doubted that he would want to be with him.

"Is Otabek not with you?" his boyfriend's mother asked confused.

"No, he had to work today" Yuri replied with a smile, wishing that Otabek were there.

"Hey Yuri, since when are you wearing rings?" Ela asked, pointing at the silver object around his left ring finger.

Yuri didn't even get the chance to answer. Otabek's mother grabbed his hand to inspect it, "Aww did you two get engaged? It's kind of plain for an engagement ring though."

"N-no, that's not what this is" Yuri stuttered, blushing crimson red. Why was he stupid enough to wear his ring around this woman? Of course she would assume something wrong. Especially after their conversation at her house before Christmas.

"So it's just a ring?" she questioned doubtful. Yuri's reaction indicated it was more than just a ring and her curiosity wouldn't let her leave him alone until she knew more about it.

"They are matching rings but for another purpose. They can show you your partner's feelings" the blond explained. Ela and her mother continued questioning him until he and Ela had to enter the train. By now Otabek's mom was already planning the wedding in her head.

"Hey Yuri, do you wanna share a cabin?" Ela asked, seeming somehow passive, almost embarrassed, about it. Maybe it was because she was asking him that after treating him bad for almost a year.

"Yeah sure" Yuri replied surprised, not having expected her to want to talk to him more than she had to. It was different from the time when they talked in the car. Back then she had to because Otabek was there and she had no other choice but to be friendly. At the station her mother was with her. But here, nothing forced her to be nice.

They sat down opposite from one another. Both of the stayed quite, not knowing what to talk about. Then Ela broke the silence, "I'm sorry."

''What?'' Yuri asked confused. He thought of every possible thing she could be sorry for but nothing come to his mind, except how their relationship in their past year was. But that was his fault, not hers.

"I understand why you lied. It wasn't really your fault and I treated you so bad. I was angry, confused and just out of myself. Otabek is my favourite person on earth. I just needed someone to blame to feel better" she continued, looking down as if she was ashamed of herself.

''No, Ela, don't. If our situations were switched, I would have reacted the same, if not worse. Don't apologize. If anyone needs to apologize it would be me'' the blond said. The train finally started moving.

"You have apologized more than enough" she shook her head in denial, "It's my time to apologize, so, I'm sorry."

"Why don't you just accept my apology and we go back to being friends. We'll have to see each other for the rest of our lives anyway. Which is why it would be better if we get along" Yuri compromised.

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