First day

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"I actually don't know anything about Hogwarts." Yuri admitted embarrassed, "And only general information about the wizarding world." He added.

"Oh really? I kind of thought so. Are your parents muggles?" Otabek questioned interested.

"Well, one of my dads is a muggle but my other dad is a wizard. He just doesn't talk about anything magic related at home." the blond boy explained.

"You have two dads?" the brown haired boy asked surprised, unwillingly raising an eyebrow. His face showed a hint of confusion.

"Yeah, is something wrong with that?" Yuri asked in a rather protective way. Homophobia was something he rarely had to face, though there had been situations where he witnessed his parents being discriminated. He was too young to understand why yet. For him there was nothing wrong with his parents relationship.

"No, of course not. It's just uncommon to have two dads." Otabek said, trying to calm the younger boy down a little. He had no intend to offend Yuri, instantly regretting having implied that his parents weren't normal. Otabek had heard that same sex couples existed but never met any.

His choice of words didn't improve his situation though. Fortunately for him, Yuri ignored it even though he disliked anyone calling his parents 'uncommon', knowing that Otabek didn't mean anything negative by saying that.

"Should I just tell you general stuff about Hogwarts?" the older boy asked, changing the topic.

"Yeah." Yuri replied, looking down at his cat. Potya was sleeping in his lap, softly purring.

"There are four houses. Think about them as a dorm. In the first year the sorting hat decides your house. You don't get to choose it, though the hat sometimes considers people's preferences. Also, you can't change your house once you join it. One of the houses is Hufflepuff, known for loyalty and fairness. Then there is Ravenclaw, for the smart ones. Gryffindor is known for bravely. And lastly there is Slytherin, for the ambitious ones. Many Slytherins have the potential to become strong leaders. The four houses are competing against each other. You can obtain points for special achievements or good behaviour. If I were you I would stay away from Slytherins. They don't like people with mixed or muggle blood. Most of the worst wizards in history were Slytherin. For example, he who must not be named has been one." Otabek explained, a slightly disgusted expression forming on his face.

"You seem to hate Slytherins a lot." Yuri stated, giggling softly. He ignored the last part with he who must not be named. Yuri had never heard of a person named that but he could tell that this person wasn't somone people wanted to talk about. Instead, he made himself a mental note to do some research later on in Hogwarts.

"That's not it. I don't particularly like them, but I wouldn't say I hate them. It's just that a lot of them look down on others because of stupid reasons like blood. I don't like any kind of discrimination. Blood makes no difference. Also, my house's strongest opponent is Slytherin." the brown haired said.

"What house are you in?" Yuri asked interested.

"Gryffindor." Otabek replied proudly.

The train stopped, letting all of the students out. A huge, bearded man collected the first years. He led them to a lake where little boats were waiting for them. From there they swam to the beautifully castle at the other side of the shore. It was a stunning sight. After the ride they had to walk a few minutes to reach the castle. They entered Hogwarts through its gigantic doors, admiring the castle's architecture.

The castle had stairs everywhere, making it seem like a labyrinth. A teacher greeted them, leading them up the stairs. A few long corridors followed before the woman at the front stopped. She opened another huge door, revealing a giant hall, where all of the older students and teachers were waiting for them. Four tables were lined up for the students and at the head of them was another table for the teachers. In front of the teachers' table was an ancient looking, wooden chair. An even older looking hat sat on top of that chair.

There was not much time to take in their new overwhelming surroundings. One of the teachers started calling out the first years' names. One after another came to the front where the hat sorted them into their house. After each student stood up from the chair the crowd cheered loudly, welcoming their new house members. "Yuri Plisetsky-Nikiforov?" the teacher called, making Yuri stepped out of the crowd.

When he reached the front he sat down on the chair, waiting for the teacher to place the hat on his head. Once it was on his head he closed his eyes, hoping not to get into Slytherin.

It was a fast decision. Only seconds later the hat called, "Slytherin!" The blond boy stood up, going to his house's table. After what Otabek had told him on the Hogwarts Express this was the worst. Why Slytherin? Any other house would have been better.

About ten minutes later the hat finished sorting students into their houses. When it quieted down the headmistress rose to hold her speech. Then they ate. It was a real feast with hundreds of different foods to choose from. After the meal the first years followed the older students to their dorms. The elders gave them a short tour on their way, as well as the password to enter the Slytherin sleeping quarters.

Yuri was drained out of energy after today. He went straight to bed as soon as he was done unpacked his luggage. Potya joined him in bed, falling asleep on top of him. Although he was tired, it was difficult for him to fall asleep that night. There was so much to think about, knowing that his life in Hogwarts had just begun.

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