Christmas Holidays

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The friends could finally reunite and talk for a while. They haven't met as a group in half a year and all of them were kind of excited to finally be able to catch up again. They were all sitting in the Hogwarts Express and from what they already told each other it looked like everyone would have fun holidays.

JJ would spent his holidays at Isabella's. Leo and Guang Hong were both flying to America to visit some of Leo's relatives and Seung Gil was flying to South Korea.

"Guys I know that we are all busy but I missed this. Can we please try to meet up more next year?" Leo asked.

"That would be great. Oh by the way Yuri what is that project about?" JJ questioned.

"Which one?" Yuri knew exactly which one JJ meant.

"The beast project" the Canadian replied.

"Oh that one. Sorry I am not allowed to talk about it" Yuri said and smiled to get the others attention. He knew that they would get curious and enjoyed not telling them about the project. The next few minutes JJ tried to convince Yuri to talk about the project but Yuri kept silent. After a while Seung Gil interrupted them "Otabek, Yuri what happened to you crushes?".

"I don't know what you're talking about and I wouldn't answer if I knew" the blond said and ended the conversation there.

"I don't want to talk about that either" Otabek said.

"Can we at least try to guess who it is?" Guang Hong  asked with a genuine smile.

"No" both boys said at the same time. The group changed their topic again and was now talking about school related things. They talked about their favourite and least favourite teachers. Which was fun because they almost thought the same things about the teachers.

They also talked about a bunch of other things. After a few hours they finally arrived at the station where Otabek's parents would pick them up. The boys stepped out of the train and searched for Otabek's parents in the big crowd. It took them some minutes until they found his dad.

"Where are mom and Ela?" Otabek asked as soon as they reached him.

"Ela felt sick so your mom decided to stay home with her" the man answered. They walked out to the car and got in. After that they had to drive for a few hours to get to Otabek's house.

They finally reached it and got out of the car. Otabek insisted on taking Yuri's luggage too so he was carrying two suitcases to the door. Then they got in and firstly unpacked. Yuri stayed in the room he had been staying in the last time he visited.

Ela was sick for a week so they weren't interrupted by her. They mostly played videogames and Otabek had a separate room for gaming which Yuri really likes. The tv in that room was gigantic so they could also do other things like watching series or movies. Also it had a cool design. The walls were black and white and there were some blue lights on the ceiling. The coach was black and made out of leather. There were also some posters and limited merch from several videogames.

One morning Yuri woke up because he heard someone knocking on his door. He slowly stood up and opened it because he thought that Otabek was standing on the other side of that door. To his surprise someone jumped onto him and squeaked as soon as he opened the door. He was still tired and it took him some seconds to understand that it was Ela.

"Yuriiii can we play something. I was ill so you had enough time to play with Ota. It's my turn" she exclaimed happily sticking to Yuri.

As usual Yuri wanted to yell at her because he hated when people touched  him. But he counted down to ten in his head and then answered "Can you please let go of me. I'll play with you later but I have to change first".

"No that's not fair. I want to play with Yuri" she cried.

Yuri started panicking because he didn't know what to do. Elana started crying and hitting his legs. It didn't hurt all too much because she wasn't too strong. Otabek ran to them within seconds after she started and picked her up.

"Ela please calm down. What happened?" he asked both of them while patting her head.

"Yuri i-is cruel. H-He doesn't w-want to play w-with me" she sobbed.

"I am sorry. I didn't want-" Otabek interrupted Yuri "You don't have to apologise. She is wrong not you. Ela we'll go down to mom and we'll talk about your nasty behaviour". With that they left and Yuri went back to his room. He was still scared of the outcome of this situation and about what Otabek's parents might think of him after making their daughter cry.

Some minutes later he heard someone knocking on his door again. Before he could respond Otabek came in and sat down next to him.

"I'm sorry for her behaviour. I hope she didn't trouble you all too much" the taller apologized.

"It's okay but I think it's my fault for saying no to her" the blond replied.

"Of course not she has to learn that she can't have everything she wants. Ela is too spoiled" Otabek explained.

"What if your parents get angry with me because I made her cry?" Yuri asked.

"Don't worry they won't. They already scolded her for that" the Kazakh boy ressured him.

Ela came back to them after a few hours and apologised. Yuri then decided to play with her since he wanted to do it anyways and he still felt bad for making her cry. As promised he let her braid his hair and do his makeup. Otabek blushed the first time he saw him after Ela was done with his hair and makeup. "You look pretty" Otabek said amazed.

"I think you kind of look like a fairy" Ela added.

"Uh thanks I guess" the blond boy replied.

"Oh wait" Ela ran to somewhere and came back with something hidden behind her back "you need a mirror". She handed Yuri the morrow and he could kind of understand Ela's and Otabek's reaction.

"I kind of like it too. Maybe I should start with putting on makeup" Yuri said while still looking in the mirror.

"You would look more feminine but I like that idea" the taller boy replied.

To his surprise his parents gave him makeup and money on Christmas. They also wrote him a nice Christmas card.

Ela got a new room for her toys and Otabek a new broom. His old one was already one of the best ones available but his parents still bought him the newest and best broom. They did that almost every year and because of that almost every Quidditch player in school was jealous of Otabek.

They continued to play videogames and sometimes they spend some time with Ela until the holidays were over.

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