No one hurts my angel and lives

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⚠️ Disclaimer: ⚠️ This story has been written by me and has not been copied plagiarized or stolen from any other story or author. Any similarities are purely coincidental and all ideas seen are original originating from my mind.

So this is how it would end. Artemis Terry, the daughter of Alpha Lucius and the rejected mate of Alpha Marcus raped by rouges and left to die on the edge of a cliff after she ran away from Marcus because he was about to forcefully take her virginity.
People would talk about it for weeks.

"So sweetie, how do you like it? Rough? Or soft? Or gentle?" the leader of the rouges asked as he licked behind Caroline's ear.
"Go to hell!" Caroline said plainly.
The other wolves started to growl and bark at Caroline die insulting their leader.
"She's a brave one isn't she? Even when she's surrounded by so many males, she's still so arrogant? Teach her a lesson Vasili," the second in command said harshly.

I was getting weaker by the minute, all the noise around me was making my head ache. And the heavy rouge on top of my back wasn't making it any easier. It was just a matter of time before I blacked out. The months I spent with Marcus not only had an emotional effect on me, but also a psychiatric effect. I was prone to anxiety attacks, the most frequent being PTSD.

He'd not only abuse me physically and emotionally but also verbally. He'd hurt me in the worst possible way and when he thought I was rebelling, consequences would be severe.
He hurt me badly and even when I didn't say or do anything, he'd still do it. Why? Just for the sick pleasure if it.

Suddenly we heard a whine behind us and it didn't come from the rouges. A brisk breeze blew and the smell of rain and pine trees engulfed my senses.
Caroline turned around while the rouge was still on top of her and we saw a large black wolf standing on top of the hill. He was watching down and pacing, a sad look on his face. I felt an immediate connection to him.

"Are you still denying our leader his needs little one?" a male wolf sneered as he jabbed at my ribs with his paw.
"Caroline I don't feel so good," I said weakly.
Caroline whined and tried to push the rouge off of us but he only chuckled and instead of moving, he pressed down on us even harder.

Caroline yelped and staggered. The weight was just too much. My vision clouded, my brain ached and my heart raced. I felt so weak I could barely move, I hadn't eaten in hours and  my brain felt so numb. Red dots danced in front of my eyes, I felt sick and the cuts on my body weren't making it any better. With one last whine, I closed my eyes, I fell on my side and let myself be consumed in darkness.

"I'll kill him! I'll kill them all! Our mate, she collapsed, she must be so weak," Roman shouted, enraged by the sight of our mate falling on the ground, helpless to the bastards that were laughing and poking her like she was some sort of commodity. I felt rage boil up in the centre of my being. Roman let out a loud angry howl, fed up of the rouges touching what was his.

The rouges stiffened and turned around to look at me. Once they caught sight of Roman, they yelped and started to run around in a frenzy, bumping into each other as they tried to make a hasty exit. Not even in their dreams. We raced down the hill, growling and barking at the rouges in the most threatening manner while they were shouting frantically at each other.

"Scatter! Everyone scatter!"
"Leave the she wolf and let's go!"
"The devil himself has come to visit! Run for your lives!"
"Every wolf for himself!"
"Here comes the Alpha of Crimson Blood! Run for it!"
I was immensely amused by their pathetic attempts of escape. I mindlinked Todd, Vincent and Alessandro and told them to come with twelve of our pack warriors, no-one was leaving here alive.

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