Taking you home

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⚠️ Disclaimer:⚠️ This story has been written by me and has not been copied plagiarized or stolen from any other story or author. Any similarities are purely coincidental and all ideas seen are original originating from my mind.

Once we left the infirmary, called my driver to pick us up at the entrance. He arrived in three minutes and we got into my black Tesla.
"I thought you said from the packhouse to the infirmary wss a 20 minute drive, how'd your driver get here so fast?" Artemis asked as she sat in the backseat with me, nervously twiddling her thumbs.

"I had mindlinked him to come to the infirmary when I brought you here," I said.
"Ah okay," her voice was soft.
As we drove along she was silent, nervous even. I wondered where this dude if her had come from. I figured she was a little on guard, untrusting, judgemental even. Who could blame her?

"Uh I could. She shouldn't be scared of us, she's our mate," Roman said slightly offended.
"Roman I told you we're taking it slow, she's traumatized," I reminded him.
"Yes but why? She should love us, not be scared of us," Roman argued.
"Look we'll wait for her to come to us, we won't go to her, otherwise she'll think we're rushing her," I told him as I tried to make him see things from my point of view.

After that we didn't say anything to each other. Artemis looked out the window, staring into space several times, Roman fell asleep and the driver just drove. I sat there looking at the angel in front of me, she was so frail and tiny. I needed to take good care of her. I couldn't let my heartless mentality get in the way of our relationship, I had to be nice in front of her or I could only succeed in pushing her away.
It wasn't going to be easy.

I could practically feel his eyes on me, staring at me, scrutinizing me, judging me. I stared out of the window, watching into the darkness. The trees were indistinguishable, the sky was cloudy and the road in front was dark, the headlights if the car being the only source of light.
"Say something to him," Caroline said in my head.

"Like what?" I answered.
"I don't know, anything. Ask him about his pack, his family, his way of life," Caroline offered.
"I don't need to hear those things from him, I already know those things! The name of his pack is Crimson Blood and he tortures wolves and is heartless, cold and devoid of any emotion!" I said.

"That's not true! I don't believe it! If he were really 'heartless' 'cold' and 'devoid of any emotion' then would he have saved us from the rouges?" Caroline growled.
"He probably has an ulterior motive for-"
"Do you think he would've taken care of us and brought us to his pack where we could be safe and happy?!"

I didn't say anything. How could I when I knew she was right.
"Exactly! He's our second chance mate Artemis, he's been placed in our path for a reason, he's had a difficult past I'm sure, I saw the pain in his eyes. The emptiness, the hurt. He's broken just like us Artemis," Caroline said in a less harsh tone of voice.
"I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. We'll see if we can trust him," I said simply.

We eventually reached what I assumed to be the packhouse. It was a mansion that was really big and expansive. The outside was painted black and there looked to be about seven floors. There were large windows upstairs and downstairs and the lawn was immaculate. The driver parked the car and we got out. There was a brisk breeze blowing and I shivered slightly.

Dimitri led me up the path leading to the front door and opened it, the dining hall was the first room we passed, it was nice with its  white walls, and marble floors. There was a long table on the middle and the kitchen was visible through a window like hole in the wall. I saw several pack members walking around, the place was noisy and everyone seemed to be minding their own business.

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