Chapter 47

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"So has she said anything yet?"

Blaine shakes his head at his best friend Angelo.

"Not a thing. She was surprised at everything your guys got her."

"Wait 'til she sees what we got her tomorrow."

Angelo rubs his hands together just thinking of the things they all had planned.

"Any reason why she hasn't said it was her birthday?"

Blaine shrugs at Miguel.

"I don't know, but either way she loved her gifts."

The guys were all sitting around with Maddy when Andy finally emerged from the room and Blaine was the first to notice her. His heart going straight for his throat. Whistles rang out from the guys making Andy blush.

"Stop, I look way over the top."

Blaine smiles at her and goes up to her.

"You look hot, damn girl."

"Oh god stop."

Vladimir laughs and gets up, going up to her and giving her a hug.

"You wearing it?"




Blaine yanks him away, making everyone laugh, but like always Andy is clueless as to how infatuated Blaine was with her.

Andy just laughs and says hi to everyone then looks down at her daughter who has a new outfit of her own.

"Well look at you!"

Mady laughs as she walks over to her.

"Wait until Daddy sees you!"

"We thought she needed something too."

She smiles up at all of them.

"Thanks guys, you have no idea how much this means to me. No one has ever been this nice, especially to me."

Andy felt the lump in her throat, but pushes it back down.

"Thanks guys."

"We wouldn't do it for anyone else."

Just then the elevator rang with one of Blaine's men coming to announce that the car was ready.

"How about you all go with me?"

"Come on go, you'll be fine I promise."

"But you don't understand its Austin and Victor."

"Again, this is so he takes Mady so come on."

Andy picks up Mady, but Angelo takes her and hands her over to the guard who is happy to take her.

"We'll be waiting."


She picks up her purse and kisses each of them, leaving Blaine for last.

"Wish me luck because I already know where this is headed."

"Don't worry, now go."

With a slap to her ass and a kiss to the cheek Blaine sends her off.

Austin couldn't stop looking at his watch as the minutes got closer and closer to seeing Andy again. Unfortunately for him Shiloh made it to New York with her father and so now they were all going to dinner, something Shiloh insisted she go to as well. There was no way she would allow her husband to see his ex, especially when she's been seeing her all over the media because of her return.

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