Aren't We all? | L.Hs

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Alice in Wonderland AU

I let out a small huff as I was introduced to yet another of the young men, which my mom had dragged away from whoever he was talking to. Despite this not even being my engagement party, it began to feel a lot like it.

"Or how about that one over there?" mom giggled as she pointed to another boy. Fairly tall, big eyes, quite a pretty nose, slim... nah, not him.

"Are you soon done?" I questioned with a small sigh making her turn to me.

"Straighten your back dear, you don't look proper," mom corrected and patted my back a few times, making me straighten it immediately, "we need to find you a husband, you can't die as a lone woman."

"Doesn't sound too bad," I muttered and accepted the cup of tea a waiter had gotten for me, "I'd rather die alone than get married."

"That's what you say now," mom nodded as I sipped on my tea, "give it another few years and you'll realize you won't be able to get by without a wealthy man by your side."

"At least let me pick one," I pointed out and she looked at me with a skeptical look.

"Alright, which of the young men here would you pick out?" mom questioned and gestured her hands around herself.

"That one," I commented and pointed over towards the bushes. Mom immediately frowned and squinted her eyes.

"I don't see one..." she commented.

"Exactly. I'd rather marry a bush than some wealthy man that just needs arm candy," I hummed at her.

"If I may?" an elder man stepped up beside mom and extended his hand towards her.

"Dear?" mom turned to me.

"Oh, do enjoy yourself," I assured her.

She immediately nodded and bwoed her head to the man before he guided her out to the small patio, where other pairs were dancing around to the waltz the orchestra was playing.

"What a drag," I muttered to myself and placed my teacup on the nearest table, already having emptied it.

I didn't even like tea, it was just expected of me that I would agree to drink one cup. As I caught mom eyeing me as she talked with the man, she was dancing with, I quickly folded my hands in front of me and straightened my back. Looking proper.

When she looked away once more I breathed out and rolled my eyes, before slumping my shoulders again. I glanced towards the bushes I had picked out as my future husband, earlier. For just a short second, maybe even a milisecond, I swear I saw some white rabbit... in a suit?

"Was that rabbit wearing a suit...?" I muttered to myself before glancing around and quickly rushing down towards the bushes.

I held onto my skirt as I quickly ran down to the bushes, preventing myself from falling and tripping over the skirt of my own dress. 

I pushed myself through the bushes, and soon found myself looking into a forrest. A quick glimpse of the white rabbit tail made me immediately run after it, stumbling over tree roots and other sticks on my way.

"Miss!" a voice called out before I felt someone grab onto my elbow and immediately turn me around.

I had almost bumped into his chest as I came to an abrupt stop and looked up at his face. The exact same man my mom had pointed out earlier.

"Oh... hello sir, may I help you?" I questioned with a small smile on my face. Be polite.

"I saw you disappearing in here," he excused and looked back over my shoulder, "a young lady shouldn't go into the dark forrest alone."

"I can assure you sir, I'm just fine," I hummed at him, "I'm used to the forrest."

"Lee Heeseung," he stated.

"Pardon?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"We'r approximately the same age, you shouldn't call me sir," he shook his head at me.

"Well... Lee Heeseung, I'm just fine. You can go back and enjoy the little chitty chatty tea party, and I'll see myself about," I corrected myself.

As the man began speaking once more I saw a white fluffy glimpse over his tall shoulder, making me completely ignore whatever he was saying.

"I'm gonna have to stop you right there sir," I stated and quickly rushed past him towards where I watched the rabbit disappear.

"Miss! Please, watch your step!" the man yelled from behind me.

All at once I felt my foot slip and I fell towards the ground. I closed my eyes tightly, waiting for the impact the ground would have on me. Mom was gonna kill me if I got this dress dirty. That was for sure.


But the impact never came. I never hit the ground. Instead I felt a whiff air blew through my hair and a funny feeling tingled in my stomach. I hesitantly opened my eyes and immediately wished I hadn't.

I was falling, and around me other things was falling. Pans, chairs, lamps, tables, even canned food. I must've fallen down a very deep hole... a VERY deep hole.

I continued to fall and fall and fall. It never ended. Until it suddenly did. I felt a small bump hit my butt as I stopped falling and my untied hair immediately dropped down around my shoulders. Under my arms two armrests had appeared. 

Looking down I had landed perfectly sitting in the red velvet armchair that had been falling beside me. I let out a small laugh at how curious it all seemed. It was in fact so curious that I found it a bit too amusing.

"Miss!" a yell came from above, making me look up as a green velvet arm chair fell down and soon was filled out by the so called Lee Heeseung, who had followed me into the forrest.

As he landed in the chair he just sat and stared at me with a shocked face, eyes all wide and mouth slightly agape. I just couldn't help but let out a small laugh at the sight.

"Where did you lead me?" he immediately stood up and I simply shrugged before standing up as well.

I looked around the round room. It was filled will art sorts of weird things, there was a table with a bunch of forks piled up on it, meanwhile a book balanced perfectly on a vertical fork at the top of the pile. Another place a bunch of wildly coloured balls laid and either floated or bounced up by themselves.

"I don't know," I replied as I smiled at the sights, "but it's quite exciting isn't it? So curious... much better than that drag of an engagement party."

"How do you suppose we get back?" Lee Heeseung looked up to where we fell from and I slowly glanced upwards.

"Who cares? Lets explore this," I happily replied and looked at the balancing book intently, "how do you suppose they did that?"

"Who even lives this far under the ground?" Lee Heeseung continued before looking around in shock.

"Look," I sighed at him, "I don't know where we are, you don't know either. But I know one thing, and that is that we're not getting out the same way we got in," I calmly stated, "so now you can either drop that serious behaviour and agree to go on a small adventure, wherever we are, have some fun you know. Or you can stand there, sulk in all your seriousness whilst I go and have fun with the rabbit in the suit."

"Rabbit in the suit?" he frowned over at me, "I think you might be a bit bonkers miss."

"Aren't we all Lee Heeseung? Aren't we all? Just look around."

Words: 1300

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