The Wrong Half

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Lesley sat up when she heard the door close, and as she glanced at the couch Gusion was occupying, she saw that he was no longer there.

She hadn't been able to sleep at all. Too manythings were running in her mind.

Including the guy who was fast asleep at the foot of her bed.

Reminded of her irritation, she got on her knees and grabbed a pillow. Then holding it all the way back for momentum, she hit Granger on the face as hard as she could that he flinched and instantly opened his eyes.

"What the hell, lady?!" He exclaimed.

She hit him once again, but he was able to block them with his hands this time.

And in a swift moment, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her down.

"Aren't you tired?" He snapped, looking up at her, not at all bothered by the fact that she was right over him, her both hands propped at either sides of his head.

"I am tired of trying to figure you out! One moment you're all friendly, the next you're being stingy and distant! You're getting harder and harder to understand!"

"You think you're the only one who's tired?!" He asked irritably, making her anger worse.

Why was he angry at her now?!

She let out a sigh and sat back. "Oh, nevermind!"

She was about to lie back down when Granger grabbed her and slid closer in front of her.

He didn't say anything, but he rested his forehead over her shoulder and let out a sigh.

She could've pushed him away, but she couldn't. She was too confused and too surprised at his action.

"W-what are you doing?" She asked a moment later, when the silence between them started to weigh down on her.

"That's the problem. I can't do anything." He answered.

He wasn't the usual Granger that would've laughed at her for getting flustered at such kind of siuation.

He wasn't the one who seemed to be always keeping his distance from her.

He was there, too close that her heart was fluttering, showing his vulnerable state.

She'd never seen him so serious before that it started to make her heart beat fast.

She grabbed him by the shoulders and was about to make him face her, but he didn't budge and took her hand into his warm ones instead.

"Stay still." He said, his tjumb rubning the bavk of her hand gently.

Something melted inside Lesley's chest, and before she could stop herself, her arms came around Granger, pulling him closer.

"I'm sorry." She muttered, hoping her sincerity would reach him.

She heard him scoff bitterly.

"Is that all you can say?" He asked, in a gentle tone.

"Stop...confusing me."

Her heart was hammering so hard she felt like she had been running away from a monster when she was just sitting still.

"Aint I suppose to be the one saying that?" He said.

Then he lifted his head up, maintaining their distance but coming to face her that his breath brushed against her neck, sending a funny chill down her spine.

His gaze held hers, and she could've sworn they looked different, expressive than ever before.

She lost her thinking when his face came zooming in that all she could do was shut her eyes tight.

Violet Detours (BOOK 2) : Badly, Madly, DeeplyWhere stories live. Discover now