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Guinevere was breathless after running the flight of stairs from the top floor of the Palace all the way to her chambers.

Only when she had slammed the doors behind her and she leaned her back against it did she realize what she just did.

She left Gusion all confused upstairs with not much of a helpless no for an answer.

She took a series of deep breathes as she paced the room, trying to make sense of what she was feeling.

She was overwhelmed.

So many times had she imagined herself being married to that particular Paxley, so many times had she dreamed of it, but now that it was happening, she couldn't find the courage to say yes.

Especially when it was the cube he offered.

Not any useless ring in the world but the Cube!

Before she could make any sense of her decision, wild banging came on the door, startling her in her feet.

"GUINEVERE, LET ME IN! Let's talk about this."

"I need time to think!"

"You're killing me with time!" He snapped, followed by silence. The next words came out calmer. "Please. I just want to see your face as we talk."

She could feel warmth welled up in her chest, followed by the watering of her eyes.

"Please, Guin."

She finally opened the door, and all she could do was turn her back on him as soon as she saw his eyes, the bewildered expression in his face.

"Did I rush things?"


"Then are you scared?"

"I'm not!" She said, pacing back and forth in front of him as she tried to find the right words to say.

"Am I not good enough then?!"

"You know exactly that is not the reason!"

"Then why! Could you just tell me the reason of your refusal?!"

"I. WILL. NOT!" She started, advancing to his face with the newly found anger inside her. "BE THE REASON YOU HAVE TO GIVE UP EVERYTHING!"

He stared at her with a mixture of irritation and confusion. "What are you talking about? I DO NOT CERTAINLY SEE IT LIKE THAT!"

"But---! The cube--! It represents your life's mission. Your one goal. How could I take it so recklessly and not think that I am not taking away your ambitions along with it...your freedom that cost you too much to acquire."

"I thought we've talked about this?!"

"I'm sorry! But as soon as you offered me the cube, I realized I could not take any more of you. I don't want to hide away the part of you that made me fall inlove with you!"

"Guin..." He sighed. His eyes looked helpless, sad... as if he did not know what to do of the situation. "Then what do you want to happen next?"

She stared at him as an extremely ridiculous idea came to her mind.

They were both going to hate it. But it seemed like the only right thing to do for the two of them not to end up in regret.

She stared at his eyes.

Was she certain about this decision? Probably not. She had been finding herself making rash decisions lately.

Wouldn't she lose him if they do this? Possibly. But not with her doing everything she could to keep him, even if it meant losing her reputation in the entire kingdom.

Violet Detours (BOOK 2) : Badly, Madly, DeeplyWhere stories live. Discover now