The Cube and its Bearer

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"Where's Claude?" Gusion said irritantly as he ran along the corridors alongside Guinevere.

"I think he got locked outside." She answered. She was trying to figure out which way to go.

"That damn rascal." He cursed.

"Let's just keep going." Guinevere urged as she led the way to another corridor on the right.

It was confusing enough for Gusion.

There was too much corridors that went around each other, and it didn't help that almost all of them looked exactly the same.

A few turns later, Guinevere stopped running and looked around.

"You think the others could hold them long enough to find whatever we're looking for?" She asked, though Gusion couldn't figure out if she was serious or not.

"I don't know." He answered. "But I don't want to find out."

He grabbed her wrist and they kept striding along the corridors, filled with purpose and urgency with the lack of direction.

"If only Claude didn't stray..." He said irritantly.

"What did he mean by he could feel her though? Is it the same way I could feel your presence whenever you co—"

Gusion looked at her over his shoulder just before she caught herself from what she was saying.

He suppressed a smile, his heart skipping a beat.

It was amusing to know he wasn't the only feeling too aware of the other's presence.

"Glad to know the feeling's mutual." He jested.

Guinevere suddenly spun to a direction. "What's that?" She blurted out, her eyes round as she stared far ahead at an empty corridor.

But Gusion knew what she was talking about.

The eerie feeling he was having in his gut, as if his entire system was alarming him of the danger ahead but his mind was being pulled by an inevitable force at the certain direction.

Both of them paced cautiously along the corridor, Guinevere's hand gripping his tightly as if what was ahead was taking too much of her attention to be aware of what she was doing.

He gripped it tightly though, glad to have someone with him and ready to pull her at the first sight of danger.

He could feel the power getting stronger as they got closer to whatever was calling them.

They came at the end of the corridor and entered a room that was eerie and weird.

Giant tubes were everywhere, filled with green liquid that were boiling at some and stagnant at others.

Guinevere let go of him and headed straight to the aisle, walking along it towards the back rows.

"Guinevere, we shouldn't be barging recklessly around——!" He stopped talking the moment he came right behind Guinevere who had stopped and he saw what she was staring at.

A girl.

A girl was inside one of the tubes, and she was floating halfway through the water in a curled position, like a cat that had gone into some sort of hibernation.

Staring at her, he knew that the weird aura he was getting was coming from her. And it made him grab Guinevere's arm as she started walking towards her.

"That must be Claude's friend."

"It's her, alright." He answered certainly. "And I think I quite get the idea why he keeps saying that she was the rightful bearer of the cube."

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