Chapter 15 ~ Take Care

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Dan's p.o.v


A beautiful word.

Yet such an empty meaning... Usually it means you're alone.

But not like this, I haven't felt silence like this.

Phil is just beside me, though neither of us have spoken a word since his parents left. 9 minutes ago. I shut my mouth and locked it tight.

With hidden words and broken thoughts.

My silence screams, loudly, shouting hell into the room. Filling it with a dense air, enough to lose all consciousness, in a state of thought I have time to think back to my dad.
Oh Dan, why so sad?
Did you make the mistake to make Dad mad?
Silly Dan, don't you see?
You've got no chance of being free.

"Dan?" Phil's voice piped up.

"Phil" I replied.

"How's your cheek? Does it still hurt?" He asked cautiously peering forwards.


Yes but I couldn't ever let you worry about me, beautiful.

There was another brief silence.

He took a sharp breath and opened his mouth but the words won't come out. His jaw snapped shut again, clenching tightly.

This had happened endless times before, I had been to sleep deprived to notice.

My eyes grew heavier and heavier, closing slowly every now and then, my body urging me sleep.

I tucked my legs up onto the couch and cuddled into the sofa crease, making myself comfortable.

I'd take a power nap, clear my head.

I was hot, and sweaty in my clothes, though it wouldn't be convient to take them off, here.

I sat up slightly. The gender normatives of the world press upon us that its okay for males to be shirtless, at that, it's natural.

So using my 'manly' instincts, I pulled my shirt off. Not feeling too self conscious, I wasn't toned in any way, but I wasn't over weight either, which is surprising considering I'm literally a human potato on the internet all day.

Something to do with my metabolism I suppose.

So I had faint outlines of where muscle on some guys, would be visible, Phil's body is the same, just much paler.

Phil's P.O.V
Oh my god.
What the hell was he doing.

I understood he was tired... But the utter torture of him lying there, body sweaty and heated, his breathing heavy and hitched.
Shirtless for that matter.

This was practically an invite for me to lean over and start sucking on his neck, right? I mean come on.

Kiss me already.

He curled back into the sofa, closing his eyes.

I felt guilt as I saw the purple bruise across his cheek again, I should've offered to meet him at the station, then this might not of happened to him.

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